numerous ducts,black bristles : tw oo pwenhiinteg birnitsotl etsh ep ouirnett horuat, tharee oirnifdiciceas teodf tbhye vasa deferentia.—J. S.
ThFe . pbe. n1is6 6i.s Tehxec eepdeinnigs lya nsdh obrtl aadndde rs mofa lal, claikt e( ftehlaist coaft uths)e. pvearnetdh ewr :i thit s pcreinctkrley ,i s roectcrouvpeierdte db y paa pbiollnaee,. anTdh eth eb lgaldadnesr cois
small and muscular.—J. S.’
phiFs. vbir. g1i8n0e.a nTah).e pTrohset autree tgelrasn adn, d& vca. soa fd aenfe roepnotisas uamre (sdhiodweln- dsmetaalcl hoerda:n gteh ec onloeucrke do gf lathned ;b alanddd tehr e isr emsuarirnoduenrd oefd thwei tuhr ea
tohprea,d toin thae laprogien t poyfr aitms idaattla gclhamndeunlta ar tm thases pautb tihs,e isa peenxv eolf
Cwohwicphe ar rien ftohuer ghluamndasn asnuabljoegcot.u—s Jin. Ssi.tuation to the glands of
buFlb. , ba. n1d8 1g. laTnhse a trees tbiciflue rcoaf taend o: ptohses usmha r(pd ideexltprehm. vitiiregs. )o. fT thhee gnilsahnesd a roen t uirtns eidn nferor msi deea cwh itoht hae rs,e maninda le aocrhif iecxe t:r etmheit yo pies nfiunrg
of Fth. eb .u r1e8t3h.r aT ihs ei np ethneis aanngdl eb olafd bdifeur rocaf tiao np.o—rcJu.p Sin.e (histrix lcarrigstea, taa)n.d oTpheen vbeys icseuplæar astéem minoauletsh sa nindt oa cthcees scoarpisuet agrea llvineray- ginis.—J. S,
EaFc.h bv. e1s8ic4u. laT hseem piennailsi sa nfodr mblsa da dseinr golfe ab haagr,e e (qleupaulisn tgim iind usisz)e. tthhee furreien aerxyt rbelmaditdye.—r : Jt.h Se. penis is very long and curled up at
vulFg.a rbi.s )1.8 5.T hTeh ev apsean dise,f ebrelandtidae rru, n& acl.o onfg at hseq uoiurrteerl (ssicdieu ruosf ltohoek veeds iucpuolæn saésm ai nmaloedsi f: icbayti osno mofe pprhoysstaiotelo ggliasntsd t.—heJ l.a are tunFi.c ab .v a1g86in. aTlish ei st esptreess eorfv ead s poon ttoende coafv tyh e(c oarvgiaa npsa, cato). s. hTohwe theF .m bu. sc1u88la. r Tshtrea tmumal eb gye wnihtaicl ho rigt aisn se novfe lao preadt. —(mJu. sH r.attus). oTfh et htee stperse,p oafra ctoionns i:d ethraeb lvee ssiiczuel, æa res ésmhoinwanle sa t atrhee supprepaedr poaurtt aaclocnesgs otrhiese s oidre ps roofs taa tsem gallal nudr ianraer ya rbralandgdeedr u; nadnedr ntehaet hv e: siCcouwlæ- epxepr’os segdla tnod sv,i eawn.d— tJh.o Hse. in connection with the prepuce are aceFu.s bE. u1r8o9p. euTsh)e. mTalhee- gevneistiaclu loærg asnéms oinfa tlhees haerde goehf oegx t(rearoinr-
tdaicnhaeryd tsoiz teh, ea snidd ecs oonfs itshte opfe lfvriosm b ye iag lhoto stoe ftoelnd boufn pdelerist,o naetum
: the vesiculse accessorise are also very large, and consist
of Ffo. ubr. l1o9b5e.s .T—hJe. vSe.siculse seminales and vasa deferentia ot aa t stthaeli iobna.s e Tohf et hvee sbiclualdsde era r: e thlea rgvea,s at hdine,f erpeynrtiifao rmin crbeaagses macuqcuhir ei na stihzeic ka,s gtlhaenyd ualpaprr oapacphea trhaenicre t:e rtmheinya tthioenn, saunddd eanlslyo bcaencoaml eo fm tuhceh u croetnhtrraa cbteyd o, paenndin dgiss,c dhiasrtginec tth fermomse ltvheoss ein otof tthhee
vesFic. ubl.s e1 9se6m. iAna plieesc.—e oJf. tSh.e penis of a horse prepared to show the existence of longitudinal muscular fibres in the structurFe.
obf. t2h0e0 u. rTethher ate.—stiJs .San.d tunica vaginalis ot atcetal calf, at tuhteer uths iirnd wohr icfho uirt thex mistoendt,h .w asT hdero apnsiicmaal,l , antodg tehthee tru wniictha vthae
tgwineaelnis thgirse batalgy afinllde dt haant do t dthilea tpeder. itoTnehuem c oism ompuenni ;c athtieo nt esbteis
lies at its posterior part, bound in its place by a strong, thick
guFbe. mb. a2c0u7l.u mT.h—e pJ.e nHis. and bladder of a seal (phoca m.tuhna). Tthhee mgruesactu ldio crosaml pvreesssseolrse sa nvde nnaee rvdeosr saarlies ,s hwohwinc,h taorgee tlhoenrg w ainthd twhhicekre, tahnadt mveeseste li nr uan ste unnddoenr otvheer atrhceh doofr tshael vpeuibne sa.t— thJe. Hsp.ot secFti. obn. t2h0u8s. prAe psaercetdio, nt hoef gthreea tg lsaiznes apnedn ins uomf bae sr eoafl .t heI nv etihnes are well exhibited. They constitute the principal bulk of
thiFs .p ba.r t2 1o1f .t hOe noer goafn th.—e tJe.s Hte.s of a whale (delphinus diodon). dIny manis aattnedm vpat st od eifnejreecnts t hreec oeirvgeadn twheit hf luqiudi crkesaidlvileyr, thbeu te npoidnie
cwohuilcdh bhea sm maduec ht oo fe an tceer lltuhlea rt ucbhualria ctetesrti. s, tJh. eS .organization of is eFi.g bh.t 2fe1e2t. loTnhge, parnedp uince a o gfo ao dw shtaaltee, osft upfrfeesde ravnadti odnri.e d.P reIt
senFte. db .b 2y1 t3h.e Tlahtee pMrerp. uMce. oDf aan ipeollr.p oiJs.e S .(delphinus phoccena) preserved in spirits. The interior of the prepuce, which is
remF.a rbk.a 2b2ly4 .l o2n2g5,. 2is2 6e.v eTrtheeds.e— thJr.e He .preparations demonstrate tuhned esirnggou alatr cthhea nagpeps riona dcehv eolfo ptmhee nbt rweehdicinhg t hsee taessotne.s oIf nb itrhdes