166 A. c. 705—767.
A. c. 705. Monkey,
A. c. 706. Monkey,
A. c. 707. Magot,
A. c. 708. Mandrill,
A. c. 714. Lioness,
A. c. 715. Panther,
A. c. 716. Dog.
A. c. 717. Dog,
A. c. 718. Dog,
A. c. 719. Badger,
A. c. 720. Bear,
Ar-Cî-721. Otter,
A. c. 722. American dog,
A. c. 723. Cat,
A. c. 724. Bear,
A. c. 725. Raccoon,
A. c. 726. Opossum,
A. c. 728. Opossum,
A. c. 728. Coati-mundi,
A. c. 729. Hedge-hog, .
A. c. 740. Porcupine,
A. c. 741. Rabbit, .
A. a. 742. Marmot,
A. a. 743. Agouti,
A. c. 755. Horse,
A. c. 756. Pig,
A. c. 757. Pig, . .
A. c. 765. Foetal calf,
A. c. 766. Dromedary, .
A- c. 767. Dromedary, .
. small intestine of (simia sabeca, L.). . 38
. cæcum of (simia saboea). . . . 38
. intestinal canal of (simia sylvanus) ; inflated
and dried. . . . • • 38
. intestinal canal of (simia maimon, L. ) ; filled
with plaster. . . • • 39
. small intestine of, injected (fills leo, L.). 39
. small intestine of, injected (felis pardus, L ). 39
. small intestine of (cams familiarisé. . 39
. cæcum of : wet preparation. . . 39
. cæcum of : dried. . . . . 39
. stomach and intestines of, in plaster (ursus
meles, L.). . . . • • 39
. intestine of (ursus Americanus, L.) : no
cæcum. . . • ■ -• 39
. intestinal canal of (lutra vulgaris, L.) :
plaster. . . . . . 39
. intestinal canal of : in plaster. . . 39
. intestinal canal of (felis catus, L.) : plaster. 39
. mesentery of (ursus Americanus) : loaded
with fat. . . . . . 39
. digestive canal of (ursus lotor, L.) : plaster.
j. h . . . , T. ; .
. small intestine of (dedelpkis Virgineana, L.). 39
. cæcum of (didelphis Virgineana'). . 40
. intestinal tube of (viverra nasua, L ) :
in plaster. . . . . . 40
. intestinal canal of (erinac. Europ, L.) : in
plaster. . . . . . . 40
. small intestine of (histrix cristata, L.) :
ïnjected blue. . . . . 40
. cæcum of (cuniculus lepus, L.). . . 40
. sn ail intestine of (marmot alpinus) : arrangement
of fat. . . . . 40
. intestinal canal of (mus aguti, L.) : in plaster. 40
. cæcum of, dried. See A. b. 340. . 24
. intestinal glands of (sus scrofa, V.) glandulæ
aggregatæ. . . . . . 40
. intestinal glands of : glandulæ solitariæ. . 40
. large and small intestines of (bos tanrus, h .). 40
. glandulæ aggregatæ on the large intestine of. ,41
. fat of the hump on the back of. , . 41
A. c. 768. Llama, young, ccecum and large intestines of (camelus
glama.). J. H. . . . .
A. c. 775. Seal,
. small intestine of (phoca vitulina, L.) : injected. 41
A. c. 776. Seal, . ccecum of, dried. . , 41
A. c. 777. Seal, . intestinal canal of, filled with plaster of Paris. 41
A. c. 785. Whale, . small intestine of (delphinus diodon). 41
A. c. 786. Whale, . large intestine of (delphinus diodon). 41
A. c. 787. Whale, . small intestine of, filled with plaster. J. S.
A. c. 788. Whale, . small intestine of; dried section. J. S .
A. c. 789. Porpoise, . small intestine of (delphinus phoctena). . 42
A. c. 790. Porpoise, . large intestine of (delph. phoctena). J. S.
A. c. 791. Porpoise, . anus of (delph. phoctena) 42
A. c. 800. Eagle, . small intestine of ( iquila chrystetos, Sav.) 42
A. c. 801. Eagle, . rectum and cseCal appendages of. 42
A. c. 802. Screech-owl, . . crecal appendages of (strix flammea). 42
A. c. 805. Raven, . intestinal canal of (conus corax, L.).
A. c. 810. Mackaw, . intestinal canal of (macacerosmacao, Viell.).
-See A. b. 426. . . ' . . 27
A. c. 811. Parrot, . . intestines of (psittacus cinereus, L.). J. H.
A. c. 814. Barn-door fowl, . intestinal canal and pancreas of (gallus
domesticus). . 42
A. c. 815. Ostrich, . duodenum of (struthio camelu’s, L.). 42
A. c. 816. Ostrich, . one of the cosca of, everted; showing spiral
valve. . • . . 43
A. c. 816. a. Ostrich, . one of the coeca of, inflated and dried. J. H.
A c. 817. Ostrich, . large intestine of; valves not spiral. J. H. 43
A. c. 817. a. Ostrich, . rectum and cloaca of. See F. b. 228. J.H. 136
A. c. 818. Ostrich, . small intestine o f; valves peculiar. 43
A. c. 820. Curlew, , small intestine of (scolopax arquata, L.) . 43
A. c. 821. Curlew, . diverticulum on the small intestine of. 43
A . c. 822. Curlew, . large intestine of (scol. arcuata). . . 43
A. c. 823. Spoonbill, . small intestine of (platalea leucorodia, L.) 43
A. c. 424. Heron, . intestinal canal of (ardea major) ; in plaster. 43
A. c. 825. Heron, . intestinal canal of (American) : inflated
and dried. J.H .
A. c. 830. Cormorant, . . small intestine of (pelicanus carbo, L.). J. S.
A. c. 831. Wild swan, . small intestine of (anas cygnus, Gm.) 43
A. c. 832. Wild swan, . intestinal canal of ; in plaster. , 43
A. c. 833. Tame swan, . intestinal canal of (anas cygnus, Gm.) 44
A. c. 834. Diver, . small intestine of (calymbus immersus. Gm.). 44
A. c. 835. Diver, . large intestine of (colymbus immers. Gm.) . 44