and the cavities of the stomach pyramidal ; it is especially muasrceu llaarr genre a; r ththe ef irosets ocapvhiatgyu sis, ianntdo tihs e lisneecdo ntdh rcooumghpoaurttm wenitth ics uvtiecrlye :s mthael l oapnedn isnugr roleuanddinedg lbayr gear othf icthke mtwuos ccuolmarp asrptmhienncttse,r a: ntdh eis sfeucronnisdh eisd manutcehri otrhlye fwroitmh aa thceinn tmraul sscillev ewryh itcehn draodni a; tepso isnte ari morolys t ibtes autetxiftuulr em iasn enxer
tcuebeed,i nlegalvye tsh iitns aanndte mrioerm pbarratn, aonuds. pasTshineg r efocrtuwmar,d as, foinpee nnsa rnroeawr tchoem opraifritcme eonft t hine itnhke- bstaogm ianctoh tohfe tihnef ucnudtitbleu-lfuismh. woTuhled saepcpoenadr tnoo npee brfuotr mth et hfien eor fafincde mofo rdeu doidgeensutemd paanrdti clsems aollf tihnet easltiimneesn t: bcaeny onreda cith thite reth irso nuog ho rgthaen fsomr cahlly loifpiecnatiinogn , otfh ee rnetcratunmce ,w haincdh apruirspeos sdei r: emctolyre oouvet r,o tfh iet cboenintegn ttso oo fs thhoer tc aavnidty swmialll lb efo ar lwsuacyhs fouAn.d bo. f5 a8 2w. hTithee, ifnluteids,t iannadl c cahnyall eo-fli ak ec ucthtlaer-aficsthe.r .—(seJp.. Hlo.ligo.) wThhea tp rlaerpgaerra,t iaonnd i ss hloikwes thmaotr eo fc Nleoa.r l5y8 t1h,e osntrloyn tgh actu itti cilse wsohmiceh
linAes. tbh. e5 f8i3rs. t Aca vbietayu otirf ugli zpzraerpda.—ratJ i.o nH o. f the intestinal tube of tthhies cpurtetplea-rfaistiho,n ( stehpe. lcoalnigaol. )w darsi efdir satn dc avraerfnuilslhye dd.i sseIcnt emd afkrionmg ietms pctoiendn eocft iiotsn cwonitthen ttsh e: itl iwvears tahnedn gseunrtrloyu inndfliantge d paanrdts d, r'iaendd : tdhaer ko epsyorpahmagiduasl, bsotodmy awciht,h aitnsd a preecxt ucmlo sea rteo athlle sehxotwrenm. ityT hoef rbeecetnu mm,u cish tmheo rien kre-bdaugc e:d ,t hine tshizée doryf itnhgi,s thpaencü tlhiaer oothregra np‘ahratss sotfr atthee i tsp rseiptuaartaitoino na;n dsu ffifgicuireen.—t, Jh.o wHe.ver, remains to demon(
seApi.a b .o c5t8o4p.u sT.)h eT ihnet esoteisnoapl hcaagnuasl • oafb oa uctu ttiltes- ficsehn-*t—ret hies pdoiulalpteed. ilnowtos ai sc rao tpr—uel igkiez ztahradt, ofof rbmiredds o: f tshtero ncgo mmpuasrctumlaern pt awriheitcehs afonld
lfiinnee di nw tiethx tua rger, iastnldy mcuatkicelse a: ltihgeh tltyh isrdpi raanl dt ulrans.t dTilhatea tfiaocnt oisf tohpein hioenp aotifc itdsu cbtesi nogp ean imngo diinftioca ttihoins ocfa viinttye smtinaey ofra vcocuecr utmhe. cTahlem arerm, aanindi nugn liinktee sitt,i nme aikse ss oam feeww hcaotn vlaorlguetiro tnhsa pnr etvhiaotu isnly t htoe reaching the anus.—J. H.
gizAz.a rbd. f5o9r3m. edT hoef tswtoom satrcohn go fra da iabtueldla m luigsnclaersi au n: iitet di sb yli ktew oa Tcohme moeosno ptehnadgouns s,b aenfodr efu ernntieshriendg inthteer nstaollmy awchit his g driinladtiendg itneteoth a. kinAd. obf. c5r9o5p. . ThPer ienptaersetidn ably c aMnar.l Rofo acnh eo.—ysJte. r H(.ostrea edulis). bTihlee dsutocmtsa: chth eis ienntecslotisneed, ianf ttehre a lisvinegr laen tdu rrnec ieni vtehse tlhievreeri,n r uthnes abnacyk cwoanrtdasc tt ow itthhe t haen uhse a: rtt,h em raekcitnugm i nis thshiso wrens ptoec pt aasns efrxecee pof
tioAn .i nb . th5e9 6c. asAe roafz oarc efpishha lo(suosl emn oslliulisqcuaa.—) Jp.r eHpa. red to show tshtaen cree cotuf mth ea ht etahret. —plJa.c eH .where it passes through the substyAle.
pb.e c5u9l7i.a rA to c tohciksl ec l(acsasr doifu man eimdualles) : toth sihso wst ythlee, ctrhyes tuasllei noef twahinicehd iisn uan skhneoawthn ,a pisp liae dt rtaon sthpea rceonmt mpieenccee mofe ncta rotfi ltahgee inctoenstcianveist
y: ntheea r pthoein pt yolof ruths.e— sJt.y lHe .is free and uncovered in the naAlis. ) b:. i6t 2i0s . aT shime pinlete ssttrinaiagl htc acnaavli tyo fw ait hl etewcoh o(hpiernuidnog so, ffaincid
tsheev etraaill ilsa taenra ol pbenliinndg naoptp elanrdgaegre tsh. anT ah ep iann-huos les^i—tuja.t eHd . near moAv.e db . fo6r2 1a. pTehrieo dp oofs tteernio mr ohnatlhfs oaff tae r lebeecinhg wsehpicahr altievde df raonmd tbhloe oadn tferorimor ap paratt ioefn tt hwe abso adcyc.i deTnhtael lya nbimroakle na fitnetro atwbsot rdaucrtiinngg tthhee pprooscteersiso ro hf aelmf bpetyiningg f otuhned s atolimvea,c ahf toerf tshoem ee ndgaoyrsg, eidn tbhloe obda :
suipn ainntdo pwrehsiecrhv eitd hcaadr ebfueellny ianc cai dgelanstsa lolyf wthartoewr n: , foitr wsoams et atkimene itthse lwacaetreart ebde cbaomdey ,t inbguetd bwyi thd etghreee sb lao opde wrfhecict h coicoazterdiz afrtioomn wapaesr taucrec obmyp wlishhicehd , eiwthiethr onuutt rliemaevnint gc oau ltdra hcaev eo fb etheen simmbailbleesdt opro wfelursi dosf mdiosctihoanr goefd th; ea nadn,i mnaelv ecortnhteinleusesd, itnh ep enrfuetcritt iaonnd afunldl oabpeoruatt itohne. cicIat triinzcerde aesxetdre mcoitnys iodfe irtasb blyo diyn, wsiizteh, garneda t magoivlietdy ionf wthaete rg lwashsi lein s twichkiicnhg biyt wthaes spurcekseerr voefd .i ts tTaihl isto lteheec hi nswidaes dgeivperniv teod monee b hya lMf orf. iRtso cbhoed ys hoof rltilfye, aafntedr wthase parcecsiedrevnetd winh michv possession during the remainder of its demi-existFence- Its