ertion. Nothing can be more nothing more precise and adequasitme pinle i tst hoapne rtahtiios n.apparatus, it aTvhaei lsl oictsoe-lmf ootfiv teh ep opwoewres rso fo tfh iost hfiesrh fbisehiensg inin ocordnesri dteor apbalses, ttihornoeudg,h t ot hweh owsea tesird. es Tith ea ttsahcahreks iptsaertlifc, ualnadrl yis mthaeyre bbye trmanensfpioxretse
dit swelifth teoa steh ea nbdo tstaofmetsy .o f Tshhiep ss u• caknedr ifti swh aasl sfoo frrmeeqruleyn btley
lsiterveeadm taon db ew ainbdle. tSoe ea r“re sTth teh eW ceoeuklrys e Voifs iato vre.”s—selJ .g oHin. g with tleE-f.i sh {she. p1ia1 3l0o.l igEol)a. stiIct heoxrnteyn dlsa mthinea wfrhoomle thleen bgathc ko of ft hae c uttbhoed
yb,a cakn,d tloie sw ihni cah simt oaoptphe asrhse attoh huanvdee rl ittthlee oirn tengou madehnetssi oonf during life.—J. H.
offEic.i nalisb).. 11T3h1i. s Bdoifnfee rsf rwomid etlhye f rboamck t hoaft othfe t hceu tstelep-ifai slho li(gsoe pia sahnodw cno ninsi s1t1s3 o0f. aI ct hisa lckoym mpoatsteedr ,o wf hacicchu,r watheleyn afrirnaenlyg epdo wladmeirneade,, is" applied to useful purposes.—J. H.
lolEig.o ) pubt. u1p1 t3o3 .s hOowne t hoef mtheec htaennistamc uolfa t hoef s ua ckceurtstl eb-yfi swhh i{cshe pia theE a. nimabl. c1a1n3 f4a.s tTenh eit sneelfw t os hsuelrlr ooufn da incrga bo,b jfeocrtms.e^d-. !.i nH p. lace of tshhee llo aldn do nliem, bws hairceh soh asdo fbt eaennd repclieanbtlley acsa stot aodffm. itT ohfe bbeainckg ibnetnot ai nn oaonsey, dtoir eschtoiwon i:t s ofnleex oibfi ltihtye. —clJa.w Hs . has been twisted tacEu.s ) to bs.h o1w13 5th. eA c opnisetcrue cotifo nth ea ncdl aawrr aonf gae mcreanyt- foisfh th{cea nacrteir
as- cpuolianttiso nosf. theE aschhel lj,o isnot aiss tofo crmonesdt itbuyte tha es imopppleo sihtiinogne o ;f tawndo tehnedy oafr eth ael ll ismo bp latoc edth ea s ototh etar,k en oa stwpiora li nd irseucctcioenss iforno mb eoinnge directly opposite.—J. H.
penFi.s . Tah. e9 .p uMbeaslf, oarnmda ttihoen aobfd othmei nhaul mmauns culerisn ainry t hbela ndediegrh and
obof utrhheo obdla adrdee dr eafpecpteiavres,, a nedx haitb tihtiinsg s pthoet tohrei fmiceusc ooufs tmhee murbertaenres
(cahsa rpgoeidn teodn othuet sbuyrf abcreis tolef st)h fer oamb dwohmicehn dthueri nugr inthee wliafes -tdimise
ao fg trhoeo vined mivaidrkuianl.g thTeh el inpee nbise tiws edeinv itdheed carluornag.— itJs . dSo.rsum, by blaFd.d er aa.n d10 .p eCniass tf roomf a anm aaldfourlmt. atiTohne odfe tshceri phtiuomn aonf tuhrainta ry mpraerskeendte dF .b ay. t9h,e isla atep pPlricoafebsles otro T tohdisd ,c athsee. l atTtehre b yfo rPmroefre swsoasr
CoFll.e s.—aJ.. 1S1.. Plaster cast of a malformation of the bladder and
penFi.s , sima.i l1a2r . toH tuhme afnor mureirn.—aryJ .b Hla.dder, preserved to show the rsiegphatr aktied noepye.n inWgsh iotef bar idstoleusb lien duicraettee rt hwehmic.h— aJr.o Hse. from the It Fe.x hibiats. n73u.m Aer soeucst ipoanp oillfa teh ea nkdid nloebyu olefs a, sweaitlh { pohnoec au rveittuerli n: a). lmarogsee s vleoiznesn rgaem-sihfya peodn stphaec esus,r fwachei,c hf ocromrrinesgp obnyd thtoe itrh aen ianstteorvalFs.
of thae. l7o4b. uAle ss.—ectJio. nH o. f the kidney of a seal. The veins on twhieth s uthrfea cfere ea raen iansj teocmteods,e tso wshhoiwch t htheeiry e nfoorrmmo wusi tshi zeea, ctho goetthheerr.
SeFe .B . c.a .3 5777..— AJ. pHa.rt of the kidney of a whale {balcena ros- ltoraostae )c. ellIutl airs tdisisvuidee :d t hien troe nnaul maretreoryus i sl oinbjuelcetse, dc wonhniteec.—tedJ .b Sy. It Fis. mulati. -l7o8b. uTlahre l ikkied ntheya t ooff tah ep worhpaoleis e: t{hdee lrpehnianlu sa rptheorcya eisn a). efinllteedr twheit ha nrteedr,i otrh eex vtreeimn iwtyi tho fy tehlleo wgl ainnjde—ctitohne :u rtehtee r v(efsislleelds witFh. blacak. 9w0a. xT) heem eurrgiensa rfyro omrg iatsn sp oosft ear iboirr de.x trTemheit yk.i—dnJe.y Ss- are tswmeoeont h,t hdea rrkib c-loilkoer epdr omcaesssseess oocfc tuhpey insagc trhale vdeerpterebsrsaieo. ns Tbhee
uvirdeutearls ,l owbhuilcehs, aarries em buysc usleapr,a raanted erandteicr leths ef rocmlo actah ea ti ntdhie
sidFes. of ath. e8 1re. cTtuhme .k idTnheeyrse oisf nao buirridn,a rdye tbalcahdedde r.f—romJ. Hth.e surrcoeullnudlainr
gti spsuaret,s a. ndT thheei ra bldoobmuliensa l asruer fcaocen nise cctoevde rteodg eotvheerr w ibtyh
perFit.o neuam. .8-—3.J .T preparation shows the relative connection between the urinary, genital, and digestive organs of the
domestic fowl.—J. H.