gator). There is no gall bladder the heart is received, divides it int:o at wdoe elpo bneost.c—h,J .i nSto. which theA n. adt.u r1a0l7 6c.o lTouhre loifv etrh eo fo ragna anl;l igiatsto wr aunnti nojfe cgtaeldl, - bshlaodwdienrg; andA .s udb. d1i0v8i0si-o nT hinet oli vtwero olfo bae sr abtytl easn laakrgee {ncorotctahl.i—s Jh.o Hrr.idus). tIht ei sv leosnsgel sa nedn tnear rirto wat, oanned s ildaerg ;e rt haet donuec tes nedm tehragne thfreo mot hite ra t: t5h0e1 s:m tahlel edxutcretsm aitrye n: uthmee rgoualsl abnladd sdmera lml, aayn bde i ns emena kaitn gA .t hbe. tdois osepcetnio—n,s owmhee ni netxoa mthien egda wll ibthla ad dmearg, nsiofymineg i ngtloa stsh, ew deurec tsse eonf tchoamt mbuagn,i caantido no twheitrhs einitthoe rth oef dthueo dfeonrmumer :w aitlhl othuet dhuacvtisn,g h oawny
ecvherer,a sb,e fao hrea rdd isroapupnedaerdi nsgu,b strtaavnecres elydi nthge c locesen turep oonf tthhee inptaens-
thiunee .—; tJh. eH .peritoneum covering the liver is of a blackish lobAe.s d: . th10e8 g1a. llT bhlea dlidveerr iso fp laac evdip eart. soImt ei sd idsitvaindceed firnotmo ttwhoe worhgearne : ththeey hareep aetnicv ealonpde cdy sinti ca dsumcatsll ugnlaitned nuelaarr tbhoed yp,y losurups
poAse.d d t.o 1b0e9 2p.a nTchher eliavse.—r oJf. aS .boa-constrictor. It is long and narAro. wd,. r1e0s9e1m. bTlihneg liinv efor romf tah era lyiv (erra ojaf t hbea trias)t.t leIstn iask pea.l—e, Js. oHft., divAid. edd. i1n0to2 2t.h rAee c laosbte so,f athned ldivevero iodf o af tgoarlpl ebdloa drdaeyr .—(raJj-a Hto.rpdeidstoin).
c t fTrhoem oeragcahn oist hlearr gaen, da nsedp dairvaitdeedd binyt oa tcwoon seidqeuraalb plea ritns,
tienrtov aal :c otmwmo olanr ggea ldl-ubcltasd, doenre.— frJo.m H e.ach lobe, unite and enter atiAlis. )d. . 1I0t9 i3s . loTnhge, lniavrerro owf, aa nladm spinregyle e leolb e(pde. troTmhey zhoena rjtl uavnid- itnhtee shteinaartl atrueb lea iadr eo psheno w; nt hine tihntee sptirneep airsa stimona ll: atnhde cshavoirtti,e as nodf takAe.s da. s1tr0a9i4g.h tA c opularssete trh croasutg ohf ththee albivdeorm oifn aal sctauvrigtye.o—n J(.a cHi-. paennds esri nsgtuurlaiorl)y. wIatv ecdo nsshiastpse o.—f tJw. oH lo. bes of nearly equal size, ThAe . hde ar1t0 9is5 . sThohwe nl ivaettra cohf ead mtoi ltlheer’ su pthpuemr pba r(tc oottfu sth geo bpiroe).
parAa.t ido.n .1—09J6. . HT.he duodenal appendages of a mullet (megil cephalus). Much variety exists in regard of the number, and
mrieatgiensi taurdee e oxfh itbhietseed cacte cpar einp. d Aiff. ebre. n5t2 f5i,s h5.2 6 Seot mseqe . of tTihhoes ea nvaarloesgeym
bbelitnwge ean p athnocsher eaasp pfeonudnadg eins asonmd ea figslha,n dhausla rle sdt rutoc tuthree placing of this preparation under the order of “ Glands connecAt.
e dd .w 1i0th9 7d. igTehseti opna.”n—chJre. aHti.c gland of a sturgeon (acip. swtuidreio )d. uctI t tois tah lea rdgueo, doevnaul,m fl a: tttehnee dm buocoduys j omineemdb brayn ea isnh othrte, ipnotsesreiosrs eosf ththee sdamucet raentidc ualallt etdh rcohuagrahc tietsr aws idthear tr awmhiifcicha tliionness tchoen ninetcetsiotinn ew. ithT ahne eexnaqmuiinrya tiionnto othf et hsistr ourcgtuanre i sa inndte rfeusntcintigo nins toufa tthioen b. liSnodm aep pfiesnhd aargee ds eovfo oidt hoefr s fuicshh aopcpceunpdyaingge st haelt osagmeteh esir.
scoremaes inhgav uep o tnol ya ocnoen, soidtherearbs leh anvuem twbeor,, tahlrl eoef, wahnidc hs ol inoend, ibny
cmoumcmouosn mmeomubthra ante tjhoei np tyhleoirru st.u beTsh teo ogregtahneirc, satrnudc toupreen o bf yth ea cpaaln cahprpeeantidca bgoesd yi nin hthave insgtu rtgheeo nb ldinifdf eresx otrnelmy iftryo mof thitess etu cboees- saunbdd ievnidveedlo, pmedo rem morien ucteolmy,p lmetoelrye ifnir molnye cceommemnotend pteorgiteotnheearl, toufn tihc.e sTtuhreg etuobnu, ltarar naspfpoernmdeadg ebsy ofa ostihmeprl efi shin aterell,i ginib tlhe em coadsie
ficAat.i odn. i1n1t1o0 a. pTerhfee clti vgelra nodf .a— cJu. {sepia officinalis). It ombalkoensg ,a ovvearly, loafr gae ,y esollfotw misahs s birno wthne acbodloorm ainnadl cdaivviidtye d: iitn tios tiwn oth liast earnailm laolb leiess. faTrh beraec ki si nn oth eg aallb dbolamdedne ra. ndT hhaes innok -cboang
necAti. odn. w11it1h1 t.h eT hliev elirv.—er Jo. fH a .poulpe {sepia octopodia), showing
the ink-bag lying between the lobes and in close connectioAn
.w di.t h1 1th12e. sTtrhuec tluivree ro of ft hae c oarlmgaanr* {.s—epJi.a Hlo.ligo). The aorta, ionekso-bpahgag ulise,s anind frreocnttu mo f atlhl er ulniv ethr rnoeuagrh thites sfuunbnsetal nthcreo: utghhe wcohninchec ttihoen winikth athned ofragecaens. arOe wdiinsgch taor gtehde, bsuoft t haansd n oo ildyi rneact
ttuor me'oafk-eth ae sliavtiesrf ainc tothrye ceexphhibailtoiopno doofu ist sm sotrlulucstucare, .i t iJs . dHif.ficult
* An observation of the close connection between the ink-bag and liver in the sepia octopodia', led Monro to adopt the erroneous opinion that the peculiar ink of
these animals was nothing else than the bile.