pulmonary artery, and to the central veins. The roots of the aorta from theo naen tberyi otrh aen pdu plmosotenrairoyr apnregpleasr aotifo nth.—e cJe. nHtr.al or systemic heart are preserved in the
{seBpi.a b o. f2fi7c3in. aliTs)h.e cTehnetr aplr eopra sraytsitoenm eicx hhiebaitrst tohfe at hciuckttnlee-sfsis ho.f istusr tfuanceic—s—anthd et hbee avuatlivfeusll ya tr tehtiec uolraiftiecde sc oonf ditisti ovne ionfs _it_s Ji.n tHer.nal of Ba . sbin. g2l7e4 v. eTnthreic lhee awrti thoof uat caruarbi c(lceas,n cfeorr mrecceeniavsi)n. gI tth ceo bnlsoisotds frriaolm s ythstee bmr ainnctoh itahle v beiondsy, . anIdt pisr oap seilmlinpgle isty sthtermouicg hh etahret , aarnteallioag
oanuds binir dosf.f iceI nto itths e csayvsitteym wich iccohm ips arltamide notps enin nmumamermouas
cwoiltuhm enasc ho fo mthuers ciunl aerv efirbyr edsi rmecatiyo nb.e— sJe.e nH c.rossing and mixing a sBy.s tbe.m 2i7c5 h. eTarhte w hiethaortu ot fa au rcicraleys- fliiskhe (tchaantc einr athstea ccuras)b. (2I7t4 i)s. Tbuhte thmeuys acruel anre fviebrrtehse wlehssic dhi sctoinncstti tauntde wite lal rde epvaelleo paendd.— wJh. iHte., a Bsi.n gbl. e2 7c6a.v iTtyh,e thheea rfti borefs a orfa zwohr-icfihs h li(es oloenn sainlidq usau)r.r oIutn ids tbhloe otdu boef tohfe t hgei llrse citnutmo .t heI tsb oudsye. isT thoe pirnotpeeslt inthael taurbteer iaisli zdeed
pmlaocnesstr. aSteede Ab.y b.b 5la9c6k.— bJr.i sSt.les passed under it in several vedB .s ob . a2s7 t8o. Ade lmarognes teraartteh -twhoer mlo n([glu mdborriscauls tveersrseeslt.r isT) hpereres eris
nsyos tdeimsti.—nctJ .h eHa.rt to be.found in connection with the vascular jecBte.d c, . d3r0ie0d. Aan dse pcrteiosne rfvreodm i nth sep isruitrsf aocfe toufr pae hnutimnea n: ltihvee rp, rinepveasrasetilos.
n— sJh. oSw.s a stellated or star-like arrangement of the demB.o nc.s t3r0a2ti.n gA t phoer tsiotrnu cotfu arert earnyd f raormra na gneymlgeanut , of{ aintst ils. epviecrta.)l tunBic. sc..— 3J0.3 .S .A part of the internal jugular vein of a dromedmaernyt
{ocfa tmheel , vdarlovmese.d—.)J .s lHit .longitudinally to show the arrangeinvBe.
r tce.d3 0t4o. dAem poanrts torfa tthee t hinet evranlavle jsu.—guJl.a rH v.ein ofa dromedary, droBm. ecd. .)3 0sh5o. wAin gse icttsi olna moinf attheed aanodrt afi borfo uas dstrroumcteudraer.y— J{c. aHm.. B. c. 306. A section from the aorta of a dromedary prerpaanregde
mseon ta so ft oa lls hitosw tu nbiyc sa.n—oJth. eHr .view the structure and ardroBm.
ecd. a3r0y7. . AA dfualrlk l ecnoglothre dc atrhorteiadd a hrtaesr yb eferonm ti etdh ea rnoeucnkd otfh ea efoxrt rmemakitiyn gw ah iccho mlapya rniseoxnt othfe i ths eraermt, ottoe eanffdosr.d— aJn. Hop. portunity ThBe . icn.j e3c1t2io. nA o fc othrrios dpedre pparreaptaiorant,i oann do ift sa c ohruromsiaonn bkyid naecyid. hgareveen ,b aenedn mthoes ttu sbuecsc oesf stfhuel u: rtehtee rsa rbtlearcieks. —arJe. Sre.d, the veins theB -c icr.c 3u3la0t.i oAn idnr yth pe rhepuamraatni ofno etsuhso. wiTngh e thuem bpieliccualli avreitiine st oof
tgheet hleivr ewr iathre thpaei nvteenda ypeollrotwa , wahnidc hth ec odmumctuunsi cvaetneos suws—itha icto nin
itsin suhaotiwonn wofh tihtee :v tehnea vuemnabei lmicnaolims iinnattoe eth, eth vee ncaaev acea,v tahee h reipgahttic csas,
vbiltaiecsk oinf jethceti ohne a: rtth ea npdu tlhmeo anrateryri av peiunlsm oanrea lims aadree ftioll eadp wpeiathr bgrreaennc h; es aanred intjhecet edle rfet d c: avthiteie us mwbiiltihc al tharet eraioesr taa rea nodf thites psaumlme ocnoalroyu r a;r taenryd itnhteo dtuhcet uasr cahr teorfio tshues aeoxrtetan daipnpge farrosm a sth ea loatrhgeer tvreusnskels pination tewdh icwhh tithee : piutslm soiznea ryis ardtoeuryb lde ivtihdaets .—ofJ .t hSe. froBm, wc. h3ic3h2 .f iTveh eb raarncchh eso ft aakne aoorirgtain .f romTh ea thwuom fairns t saureb jtehcet rthigeh lte aftn dsu lbecftl acvairaont;i dasn ;d t hthee t hfiifrtdh tthhee lerifgt hvte rstuebbcrlaalv; itahne, fwohuircthh ihni ntdh et hceo noneseocptehda gsutsa tteo roefa cthhe i tpsa drtess trianna tiaocnr oisns ththee r isgphint ea rbme
pitB.—. cJ.. 3H3.3. This preparation, preserved in spirits, shows the rfrigomht thsueb acolartvai,a na nadr terruyn ntainkgin gth ietns coe ribgeinh inads tthhee tlraascth beara nancdh toiecseodp bhayg uDso tcot otrh eH rairgth, tt haaxti lilna . thisIt dsehveiwatsi oanl sfor oam f atchte f irresgt unloar
ncoeruvrese doofe sth neo at rates ruys, utahl ew riingdh rt oiunnfedr itohre l vareyssnegle. al Iot r srheocwursr tehnet anberovuet, thaes mdeisdcdrlieb eodf tbhyej rnimec,k a arinsdin rgu nfrnoimng tdhier epcntleyu minow-garadsstr tioc entBe.r ct.h e3 3l4o.w eAr pparertp aorfa ttihoen lasrhyonwxi,n (gs eteh eD s.a ma. e4 i.)r—regJu. lHar.ity in t3h3e3 ,d visitzr—ibutthioe na rotfe rthy ea rriigsihntg s furbocmla lveifatn s aidrete royf tahse t haracth a ot fB .t hce. aorta and crossing between the spine and oesophagus to gain