livia. Briss.) at at this period, whae nt imthee wcahveinty u snecrovnecs eornnelyd aasb ao uret cietsp tyaocluen fgo r: sgarmaine , oirtg ains asmt tohoet ht,i mthe iwn haennd t hmee amnbimraanlo uiss , enangdag eudn liikne p trhoe
vidAin. gb .n o43u7ri.s hTmhee ntc rfoopr itosf oafnfs porlidn gp.—igeJo. nS .taken a few days sahfteelrls t: hbey yao uconmg pwarhisicohn wit ithha tthche eodt hhear,d (Nesoc. a4p3e6d. ) friot mm atyh ebier lsaeregne dth :a tt hteh es ewcraelltsio hna fvreo mbe tchoem gel athnidcsk, , wahnedn tfhires t gelxanamdsi neend,
wcuarsd ionf smucilhk ,a abnudn dias ngciev eans atso ffoiolld tthoe thcreo py o:u nitg r epsiegmeobnl ews hthilee tshtiilsl tneuntdreitri,o auns dm uantatebrle i st os hdoigwens t tsreaendssf.e rreInd pinretop atrhaet iocrno p4 38o,f theA .y obu. n4g3 8a. nTimhael .—croJp. So.f a young pigeon filled with the chuardd -bleikeen struabnsstfaenrcreed mtoix ietd f rwomit ht hae cferwop goraf iintss opfa roeantts.— wJh.i cSh. wiAth. cbu. t4ic3l9e. aTnhde stcurdopd edo fa lal opveearc othcek in(ptaervioo r cwrisittha tnuus.m) elrinoeuds solAit.a rby. m44u0c.o uTsh efo lgliiczlzeasr.—d Ja.n dH .infundibulum of a peacock. Tthhee ginizfuzanrddi biusl uhmig hisly thmicuks caunldar galnand dtuelnadri n: otuhse ; suanbdst athnec ec uo-f ticAul.a br . m4e4m1.b rTahnee isst ormugaocuhs ,o fh aar dd, oamnde sdtircy .—fowJ.l :H .(gallus do- manedst igcluasn.)d uthlaerr es tirsu ac tluarreg ea tm theme bborattnoomus o cfr tohpe— oeasno pinhfaugnudsi bshuoluwmn bgiyz zthared inlijnecetdi own ittoh bae hhiagrhdly cvuatsicculela,, rt—hea nsdu raf asctreo nogf mwuhsicchu laisr raiAse. db a. n4d4 2d.e pTrhees ssetdo mbyac ahl taenrnda itnet ersidtigneasl acnanda lf uorfr oaw ds.o—mJe.s tSic. fcorowpl, : g(igzazla.r dd,o minetsetsicti.n)%eS, etahnisd p rpepanarcarteiaosn isnh oaw ps earnfe ocet saonpdh awguesll, maArk. ebd. 4s4ta3t.e .Twh-eJ . sHto.mach and part of the oesophagus of an ovsetrryi clha.r geT, hpeyrrea mis indoal carnodp :m tuhsec uvleanrt, raicnudl ufsu rsnuischceedn tiunrtieartnuasl liys lailcolnesg, tthhee ocriofincveesx o bf owrhdiecrh w airteh paa tburlooauds ,p aantcdh p loafc emdu acto unse afrolly
eerqfuual l: daits tathnec esin ffreormio re aacnhd olethfte rs.i deT iht ei s gcioznznaredc teisd vtoe rtyh ep oawbdporempianraal
tipoanr)i:e ttehse bcyu taic uslhaor rtl insitnrogn gis tethnidcokn ,a n(ds hdoiwspno siend t hine broad patches separated by fissures : the openings of the
tvheenmtr iicsu fluusrn ainshde ddu woditehn uamny avrael vnee.a r eInac thh eo tchoenr,n aecntde dn esittahteer ooff thhine dp athrtast, otfh eth eb aggi zozfa trhde.— ventHri.culus passes considerably betheA
.s bto. m45a1c.h T ihs eo sft oam acchha roafc tae rs piontoenrmbielld: i(aptela tbaeletwa eleenuc othroadt iao)f twhhei cmhe mlivber ansooluesl yc aovni tgyr aoifn c:a rtnhievroer oisu sn boi rcdrso,p a ;n dth teh agtl aonf dbisr dosf tshidee i:n fiut nidsi bluinluedm wairteh aa rtrhaincgke dp uilnp tyw oc uctilculset ewrsh, icohn eh aosn leiattclhe esuatbinjagc ebnirtd a, dhheasdi oinn. thTihs ei nssptoanonceb,i llb ewehni cah liosn nga ttiumrael ldyo am feissthicatAed.
ba. n4d5 2a.c cTuhseto msteodm taoc hfe oedf ao nc gurraleinw.— : J(.s cSo.lopax arquata.) gItl anisd ws itahto utht ec roinpf,u nbduitb uisl ufmu,r naisnhde dw withit ha as tdroonugb lec urtoicwu laorf gizAz.a rbd. .—46J0.. ST. hfet stomach of a wild swan : (anas cycnus.) tohre crelu isst ear woefl l omesaorkpheadg geiazlz agrlda n: dtsh ém vaeknetsr icau lpurso msuicnceennt tuferaiatutures in Ath. eb .p r4e6p1a.r aTthioen s.—tomJ.a Hch. of a cormorant. (pelicanus carbo.) oIne stohpish abgiurds, winh icthhe i sf oprmur eolyf pai swciivdoer omuus stchuelraer ifsu nnon ecl,r oips : stuhre
rsotaunncdee d: tahte t hset obmoattcohm i sb yt hain d oaunbdl e lebsasn dm oufs cgullaanr duthlaarn suthbe
oveilsloopuhs.a—guJs. ; S,and the mucous membrane lining it is' soft and steAtta. tbu.s .4) 6th2e. cTeshoep hstaogmusa cish v eorfy am unsocruthlaerr,n a nddiv werid :e n(sc toolwymabrduss tghlea nsdtuolmara csht,r uncetuarr ew : hitchhe ist tiosm saucrhro uisn dtehdic bkyer a thsianng lteh eb eolets oof
phAag. ubs. , 4a6n3d. iTs hme agniizfezsatrldy lainnde dd wuoitdhe ncuumtic loef. —a Jg. : (anas astnrsuecrt.u) rtehse ; fothrme etru bexe hoibf itths ep loawtteerrf uisl msmusacllu, laanr da nitds tceonadtisn oeuxs
caenedd dinugoldye nthuimn iann tdh ep agliez z:a rtdh ea reo pweintihnigns h aolff athne i nocehs oopfh eaagcuhs othAe.r .b—. 4J.7 5H. . The stomach of a turtle : (testudo mydas.) it is lthone.g ,c afrudninaecl -eshxatrpeemd,i tya nids coufr vtheed saatm aen saiczuet, ea nandg lien othn ei tssaemlfe: lbiyne t hwei tahb trhuep to teesrompihnaagtuiosn f roofm t hwe hhiochrn iyt pisa poilnllaye doifs ttihnagtu tiushbeed : its mucous membrane is devoid of any marked villi, and dis