showing the great size, and number tions distributed along the margins aonfd tphoei nnte.r—voJu. sS r.amificastrAuc.
tau.r e1 5is7 .c oTmhpe lteoxn :g uthee o tfi pa cownisldis-tds uocfk a. s(eamn.i cibrocsuclhar.) pieIctse owfh ieclha sati cp lahtoer no fw bitohn ea rduonusb lbea crokw t horfo umgahr gtihnea ll ofwrinegr ep, afrrto mof tshuem tnoenagru teh eto b absee aisr teicleuvlaatteedd iwn itthhe. tmhei dodsl-eh yboyid ae st h: icthke c dooartibnogt
ho fo cf uhtoicrnley, aanndd asot ftth pea psiidllease .is furnished with several rows ThAe . wah. o1le7 1m. uTchoeu so esusorfpahcaeg upsr esoefn ats tua rstltera, tu(mtes toufd on ummeyrd oauss,), ilnar gthee, sdhiraercpt,i ohno ronfy thpaep siltloame, alcyhin.—g Jo. nS .their sides and pointed theA .s uar.f a1c7e2 .o fA t hpeie coee soofp chuatgiculse oref mao vtuerdt lbey a mnda cperreaptiaorne dfr obmy cdurytiicnlge. forT ah el ecnyglitnhd orifc aalb foourtm t horfe eth ien cchaensa,l aisn dre ttahine efdo rmin atnhde wpoesti tpiorenp oarfa tthioen ,p ampialrlakee da r1e 7p1r.e seTrvheed s tarse nagctchu roaft etlhye acsu tiinc utlhaer msideem oburat,n ea fitse rs od egtraecahtm aesn tto f rhoamve t haell ocwheodri oonf. —beJin. gH .turned inItsA
s.u raf.a c1e7 i7s. sTmhoeo ttho, nwguiteh oouft apnap ialllaleig, aatonrd, c(olavceerretda wailtlhig .a) fsiurrmfa coep, aaqruee rceumtiacrlkea. blyT hlea rgneer, veasn,d edxehciubsitseadte oinn ththee m leoswiaenr glianne, —opthpoeisri teb rtaon cthheoss ep aats swinhgic hto t hseu ptrpulnyk tsh ea rsei dpelsa coefd .t heT ohre
mlataer kMedr,. “S thheakt leitto ins, twheh om onostt iccleeda rt hciass ef aocft nienr v1o8u2s2 ,d ehcauss sraetioAn
.h ea . is1 a7c9q. uTahinet etdo nwgiuteh .”o'—f aJ . cSh.ameleon, (lacerta chameolefo
nse.)v erraelm inacrhkeasb lteo sfeoirz ei ttsh ep oinwseercst so ift fdeaerdtisn ogn . to Tah ed iswtahnoclee tahneim maol uitsh .p—reJs.e rSv.ed, and the tongue partially drawn from (laAce. rtaa. 1c8h0a.m eTlheoen ,o) s-thhyeo idoess-h yaonidd esto ncgounesi sotsf ao f cah abmoedlye,o na: mloonugt hs,t yalned ofno uwr hciochrn tuhae f otor ntghuee a itst afcohlmdeedn wt ohfe nm auts crleesst. in Tthhee ttohneg fuoerm ise rd, ivniesxibtl eto itnhtoe aons- heyreocitdilees , ains ds hporwehne nfrsoilme tphoer tlieonng,—th teox tewnhsiicbhle ,i tt oh abse tbreaevne rssterde twchitehd b ilno othdve epssreelpsa rfailtlieodn ,w tioth b qeu vicekry
silver, to be accompanied on each side by a long muscle, the
ahnydo -gtolo sbseu s,f ufronris dhreadw ifnrogm b aecnkd tthoe eonrdg awni tahf tear cietsn tprarol pfulelxsiiobnle, tpuobreti ofno ri sg laildsion gs hoofwf ann idn othn et hper espmaoraottiho ns ttyol eb. e aTtthaec hperedh teon stihlee cmuopv eaat btlhee eenxdt roefm thitey , foforrm heor,l dtoin bge i nfsuercntiss,h teod b we ittrha vae rgsleudti nwoiuths pthroe visdaemde, isno fta dtduibtieo nf,o rw iatdha patnin ga nnitu loanr tmheu ssctlyel ef, ora nhdo tlod inbge tihn et htue bme ofiurtmh,l yi so ne mthpalot yselidp pfoerr yth beo ncoem, mwohne np uthrpeo osregsa onf, lmyiansg
ticAat.i oan.. —19J0. .H T. he skull of a rattlesnake, (crotalis horri- sduups,e)r iosrh mowaxinilgl arthy eb oantteasc.—hmJ.e nHt . of the poison fangs to the jawA,. toa . sh1o9w1. thTahte tfhaenyg sa roef eaa crha ttrtlaevsenraskede, bdye taa cchaenda l frroumnn itnhge dfreoamd lryo opto tioso pno oinft ,t hweh igclha nsde rivnetso ftohre tfhlees hc oonf vtehyeainr cwe ooufn dthede vicAti.m as.. —1J9.2 .H T. he poison gland of a rattlesnake removed from iftrso mc otnhnee cintitoenr nawli tshu rtfhacee ,h ewahde:r eab y siltisc e cehlalsu labre enna tucuret iasw daey
bmyo nwshtriacthe dth ;e a pnodi saotnta icsh esqdu teoe zthede ionuttos idthee i sd ushcotw: nth teh eo rmiguinsc olef tah be ladcukc tb frriosmtl et;h ea nadn tferroimor tphaer to opfp othsiete galnagnlde mis ayin dbiec antoetdic bedy tehseta blilgisahmeedn.—t bJy. wHh. ich its connection with the skull is mainly on Ath. ea .s i1d9e 3o. f Tthhee phoeiasodn: tghlea npdo sotfe raio rr atctolensnneacktien gin liitgs apmlaecnet aarned cthleea rcloym sphreoswsonr; manudsc lae bsrpisrtelaed w ohviecrh ihtsa s ebxeteenrn caol nsduurcfatecde tfhroemnc teh teh raonutegrhio trh eex ctraenmali tyin o ft hteh ef agnlagn, dd easlocnrigb etsh et hdeu cct,o uarnsde owfo utnhde. —pJo.i sHon. in being insinuated to the bottom of a theA .m au. c1o9u4s. mTheem obersaonpeh aigs uvse royf tah riant tlaensdn akdiel a: ta(cbrloet,. haonrdr iedn.)
bvealnodpse do fi nm au sdceulilcaar tefi bfirberso, uast etaxcphaends iobny : otnweo esxtrtorenmg,i tfyla tttoe nthede lbiae sael oonf gth teh es ksuidlle,s —anadn dat tthhoeu gohth eprl ascperde apda roavlleerl tthoe e asctohm oathcher, ttahke el eaf ts sliigdhe tilsy sshpoirwanl cino utrhsee p: raep paroarttiioonn. —of Jt.h Hat.'belonging to A. a. 195. The tongue of a serpent: the end is bifurcated,