F. c. 304. Human uterus, . impregnated—4th month. . . . 1 3 8
F. c. 306. ----------uterus, . impregnated—6th month. 138
F. c. 307. - ■ ■ uterus, . impregnated—7th month. Donm*, Professor
Kirby. J. H. .
F. c. 308. ----------- uterus, . impregnated—9th month. 139
F. c. 309. ----------uterus, . impregnated—9th month. 139
F. c. 310. ---------- placenta, . double, with one umbilical chord. 139
F. c. 311. ■ -------placenta, . a twin case—double, with two umbilical
chords; dry preparation. J .S .
F. c 312. :-------placenta, . which gave attachment to three foetuses.
J. S............................................................ ..
F. c. 313. ---------< foetus, . of the 3rd week. . . . . 139
F. c. 314. ----------foetus, . with the membranes. Donor, Dr. Shékleton. ..
F. c. 315. —--------foetus, . and placenta at 3rd month. Donor, ProfessorKirby,
. . • ■ .
F. c. 316. B —— foetus, . between the 5th and 6 th week, with its
membranes. . . . . . 139
F. c. 317. ----------foetus, . membranes^ of, between the 5th and 6 th
week. . 139
F. c. 318. ----------foetus, . with its membranes, at the 6th week. 139
F. c. 319. ----------foetus, . marked F. c. 318, decidua vera of. J.H .
F. c. 320. ----------foetus, . in its membranes, unopened, at the 6 th
week. . ' . . . . . . 139
F. c. 321. ----------foetus, . with its membranes, between the 6th and
7th week. . . . . . 140
F. c. 322. ----------foetus, . with its membranes, at the end of the 7th
week. ■ . . 140
F. c. 323. ----------foetus, . with its membranes, at the 7th week. 140
F. c. 324. !--------- foetus, . with its membranes, at the 8th week. 140
F. c. 325. ----------foetus, . with its membranes, at 3rd month. Donor,
Professor Kirby. . . . .
F. c, 326. —------foetus, . in the amnion, at 10th week. Donor, Prof
essor Kirby. .
F. cs 327. --------- [ foetus, . with its membranes, between the 1 1 th and
1 2 th week. . 140
F. c. 328. [--------- foetus, . membranes of, at a few weeks. .140
F. c, 329. ----------abortion, . the membranes enclosed in a coagulum;
without a foetus. . . . , 140
F. c. 330. ----------abortion, . the membranes in the midst of a coagulum. 140
F. c, 331. ----------foetus, . without the membranes, between the 2nd
and 3rd month. J. S.
. without F. e. 332. foetus, the membranes—4th month. 140
F. c. 333. Human foetus,
F. c. 334. --------- 1 foetus,
F. c, 335. ■ - —— foetus,
F. c. 336. ----------foetus,
F. c. 337. --------- placenta,
F. c. 338. ----------uterus,
F. c. 349. -------— uterus,
F. c. 340. ■--------- uterus,
F. c. 341. ----------uterus,
F.'c. 342. --------- - uterus,
F. c. 343. ----------uterus,
F. c. 344. --------- - foetus,
F. c. 345. ----------uterus,
F. c. 366. Monkey,
F.'c. 371. Badger,
F. c. 372. Dog,
F. c. 373. Dog,
F. c. 374. Dog, .
F. c. 375. Mole, . .
F. c. 376. Coati-mundi,
F. c. 377. Jackall,
F. c. 378. Kanguroo,
F. c. 383. Babbit,
F. c. 384. Rabbit,
F. c. 385. Rat, .
F. c. 386. Hedgehog, .
F. c. 387. Hedgehog, .
F. c. 388. Guinea-pig,
F. c. 389. Guinea-pig,
between the 3rd and 4th month. . 140
suspended int he amnion, of the 4th month. 141
in its membranes,'between the 4th and 5th
month, . . . . . 141
with its membranes and placenta, between
6 th and 7th month. J. S.
at the full period, injected and unravelled.
J. H....................................... -
immediatelyfafter parturition, injected. J.S. ..
a fortnight after parturition, injected J .S . ..
immediately after parturition ; dry preparation.
. . . . . . ■ • 141
with a foetus in the left fallopian tube. . 141
with a foetus in the right fallopian tube. 141
containing a foetus, between the 6th and
7th month. J. H. . ,
with membranes and placenta, about 3rd
month. Donor, J. Peebles, Esq, J. H. 141
section of, at full period of pregnancy.
Donor, Professor Kirby. . . . ..
uterus of ; it resembles the human in form.
J. S. . . ...........................................
uterus of, with one of its horns (ursus meles).
J. H. .................................
uterus of, filled with wax, and dried. J.S. ..
uterus of, impregnated. . . . 142
uterus of, un-impregnated, . . 142
uterus and clitoris of ('talpa Europmaf
in situ. . . . . . . 142
uterus and bladder of (viverra nasua). J.H.
uterus of (canis aureusy ruptured in parturition.
. . . . . . 142
pouch of (didelphis gigantea), with a
foetus attached to the nipple. . 143
uterus of (cuniculus lepns,y . . 143
uterus of, impregnated. ‘ . . . 1 4 3
uterus of (mus rattus) impregnated. . 148
uterus of (erinaceus Europceusy. . -. ..
uterus of (erinaceus Eur<ypceu$y. J .H .
uterus of, (cnuia), un-impregnated. J. H.
uterus of, impregnated. . . . 1 4 3