A. c. 688. A diverticulum paration was taken from a yoonu nthge whuommaann winhteos tdinieed. oTfh ifse vperer ;
iatn fdo rompse nas ciinrctou mthsec riilbiuemd baatg a pbooiuntt tahbeo suizt et horfe ea ftueertk efryo’sm e tghge, lciættcleu mfi,n gbeyr a : piat sissa fgiell esdu fwfiictihe na tlhya lradr gber ittotl ea dmmatitte trh, ea pepnadroefn tthlye tahned soinlitde srteinseid uine otfh efe cneesi ghstbaoinuerhdo owdi thw ebreil ec.l osTelhye joomineendt utmo tahttea ctukm : otrh ibsy w aodmheasni ohnasd t hceo mrepslualitn oedf afo fro rmmaenry i nyfelaamrs mbaetfoorrye deAat.h co. f6 o8c9c. asTiohne ali nvteesiyti nseavl ecraen paali nosf ian cthheil da badboomute nn.i—neJ y. eHa.rs loalrdg, e inifnltaetsetdin aensd, danride d r:e ctthuem o esaorep haagllu sp, rsetsoemrvaecdh , isnm saullc han da maratenrnieesr aarse ftiol ledde mwoitnhs rtreadt,et hthe evieri nnsa twuritahl brlealcakti vinej epcotsiiotino.n—. JT. hSe. AA.. cc.. 669901.. TThhee c æcæcucumm o fo af af oechtuilsd aabboouutt t thhee ssiixxtthh m yoenatrh.——JJ.. HH.. parAa.t ico.n 6s,9 26.9 T0,h e9 c1æ,-c9u2m, hoafv aen abdeuenlt malal nm. adTeh eisne tthhree es apmree
iwna ayl,c ovhizo l, itT whea s gthuet nh acvuitn go pbeene ann dfi rssut sfpiellnedde adn din hthaerd seanmede ifnluteidri,o pr.r eseTrhvein pgr eitpsa froartimo,n sa nedx hshiboiwt tihnge tdhifef earrernancegse mofe nfot romf iitns tfhorem o rpgraonc easts disi ffsehroewntn pteor iboed sl oonfg l iafen d: wini dteh,e t hfoee tcuæs ctuhme vsemrmalil,
cahnidl dt hthee vreallavteisv eo lfe nBgathu hoifn t hiem ppreorcfeescst lyis ldeesvseenloepde, dt h:e ciæn cuthme phraosm bineceonmt :e anmdo irne tmhea rakdeudl,t tahned sitzhee oifl itoh e cpcreoccale svs ailsv eg remaotlrye jreecdtuiocned a, ntdh eth ev aclævec uhmas i tasc qfuulilreesdt mitsa ggnrietuadtees.—t dJe. gHre.e of prostaAte.
, c.p r6e9p3a. reAd steoc tsiohno wo ft hthe el ohnugmitaund icnoalol na nind tchierc cuolanrt rfaicbtreeds unAde. rc .s u7c0h5 .c iTrchuem ssmtaanllc eisn—teJs.t inHe. of a green monkey (simia sdaibstoeinàc) t: ; ththee gvlaalnvduutefe caognngirveegnattees , ina nsdo mviell i polafc tehse amreu cvoeurys meAm. bcr.a n70e 6a. reT hscea crcæeclyu mdi socfe ran imbloen.—keJy., Sd.ried (sim. sabcea.) ; imt iifso prmro pporortcieosnsa.—telJy. lSa.rger than in man ; but is devoid of verinfAla.
t ecd. 7a0n7d. Tdhriee din. tesTthinea lw chaonlael torfa ac t mofa gthoet otru bbaer bfraormy atphee, oesophagus to the anus is prerseved and exhibited.—J. H.
andA .s mc. a7ll0 8a.n dA lparregpea irnatteiostnin sehso owfi nag m thaen doreisllo,p h(saigmuisa, smtoamimaocnh), mfiloledde owfi tdhe mploansstterra tionfg ptahreis . forTmh ias ndis dai mreeandsyio nasn do fs throikllionwg orgAa.n cs. a7d1m4.i ttTinhge osfm baeliln ign tseos ttirneea toefd a.— liJo.n eHss. (felis led) ; the lpornegp aarantdio nfi nise ,m ainndu ttehlya ti nthjeecrete dar, ea nnod vshaolvwust et hcaot ntnhiev evnitlelis aorne theA m. cu.c 7o1u5s . mAe mpbiercaen eo.—f sJm. aSl.l intestine from a panther, minnou
tevlayl vinujteec tecdo n(nfeivliesn pteasr, dubsu) t; tihs e fumrnuicsohuesd mwemithb radniset ifnocrmtlys maArk. ecd. 7g1la6n. dAu fpe oargtigorne goaf tes.m—aJll. Sin. testine from a dog, injmecetmedb,
r aanned.— prJe. pSa.red to show the long, fine villi of the mucous larAge. ca. n7d1 7n.u mTheero ucsæ ;c ua mm aorfk ead dloinge : dtihstei nmguuicshoeuss tghlea nmdusc oaures fmoermmebrr abneein ogf cthoev esrmeda lwl iftrho mvi ltlhi,a tth oef ltahtet elra rdgeev oinidte sotifn easn-y— athpe
peaAr.a ncc. e7 1o8f. suTchhe ocrægcaunimza otifo na. —doJg. ,S p. repared by drying ; the cthceec vumer misi foobrmlo npgr,o cteesrsm.—inJa.t iHng. gradually in a production like meAle.s )c . f7il1le9d. wTihteh sptolamsatecrh , oafn dp airniste ;s titnhees somf aal lb aanddg elra, rg(uer siuns
tceæstciunmes. —ruJ n. Hin.to each other without the intervention of any ricAa.n cu.s 7).2 0T. hAer pe aisrt noof tchæec iunmte,s tninoarl i sc athnearl eo mf au bceha dr i(fuferrseunsc Ae mbee-
twAee.n b t.h 7e2 s1iz. eT ohr ef oirnmte ostfi tnhael scmanaalll aonfd a lna rogtete irn, te(lsutitnrae sv.—ulgJa. rHis.) idnijseticntecdti own ibthe twpleaesnt etrh e; tihlieurme iasn ndo c oclæocnu.—mJ .o rH o. ther mark of breAe.d )b f. il7l2ed2 . wTithhe pinlatsetsetrin oafl pcaarnias l ; otfh ea csæmcaullm d oangd (vAemrmerifiocramn proAc.e sbs. 7a2re3 . mIenrteelsyt irnuadl imcaennatla ol.f— aJ d. oHm.estic cat (felis catus) ; tthheer ea pips evarearny clei totlfe t hceæ scmumal,l aanndd loanrglye ain tterisftliinnegs .—difJf.e rHen.ce in beAar. (bu. r7s2. 4A. mAè npei.e)c e: oItf ifsa tw fhriotem, tfhirem m, easnedn tveeryry oaf bau nydoaunntg. The animal died suddenly.—J. H.
virAg.i nb.). 7in2j6ekc tTedh e: stmhea lvl ililni teasreti nloe ngo fa annd aobpuonssduamnt, .—(dJi.d eSl.phis