A. a. 260. Patella,* . . tongue of, long and filamentous. . * 2 2
A. a. 270. Leech, . . teeth of (hirudo officinalis, L.) . . 2 2
A. a. 271. Crab, . . mouth ôf (càricer moenas'). 22
A, b. 285. Stomach of an adult, dried, exhibiting the natural form. . 2 2
A. b. 286. Stomach of an adult, dried, showing Home’s constriction. 2 2
A. b. 287. Stomach of an adult, showing the structure of the mucous membrane. 2 2
A. 6. 288. Stomach of a foetus, about the sixth month. 2 2
A. b. 289. Stomach of a foetus, about the seventh month. J. H.
A. b. 290. Stomach of a foetus, at birth.—Professor Kirby’s Collection.
A. b. 300. Monkey, . . stomach of (sijnia saboea.) 2 2
A. b. 301. Monkey, . . stomach and spleen of. J . S.
A. b. 302. Monkey, . . stomach of. J. S. ••
A. 6. 303. Barbary ape, . stomach of, female (macacus sylvanus).
A. b. 306. Dog, , . stomach of, injected. 23
A; hr 307. Kanguroo, . . Stomach of, dried (didelphis gigântea, L,). 23
A. b. 308. Opossum, . . stomach of (didelphis virginéana, L.) 23
A. b. 309. Bat, . . stomach and intestines of (vespert. niur.). 23
A. b. 310. Bear, . . stomach of (ursus Americanus, L.) « 23
A. b. 311. Jackall, . stomach of (cants aureus), JiH . ».
A. b. 312. Lioness, . . stomach of (felis leo,), J. S. .
A. b. 322. Rabbit, a • stomach of (cuniculus lepus, t .) 23
A. 6. 323. Rat, . . stomach of (mus rattus, L.) diseased. . 23
A. 6 . 324. Rat, . . stomach and coecum of, dried. . .
A. b. 325. Rat, . . stomach of, showing its structure in the wet
State. . . . . . * 23
A. b. 326. Marmot, . . stomach and coecum of (marmot alpinus) ;
dried. J. H. . . . ' . ».
A. b. 327. Guinea pig, . . stomach and coecumof (cama, L.) dried. J.H.
A. 6. 340. Horse, . . stomach and coecum of* dried. 24
A. b. 341. Pig, . . stomach of (sus scrofa, L.) dried. 24
A. b. 342. Wild sow, . stomach of. J. H. ».
A.b. 343. Peccari, . . stomach of (sus tajassu). 24
A. b. 350. Young goat, . first of (capra hircus, L.) 24
A. b. 351. Young goat, . second stomach of. . . . . 24
A. b. 352. Young goat, . third and fourth stomachs of. 24
A, b. 353. Goat, . . stomach of, dried and varnished (capra hire.) 24
A. b. 354. Foetal calf, . . stomach of, dried (bos taurus, L.) 24
A. b. 355. Foetal calf, . . stomach of, wet preparation. • 25
A. b. 376. Dromedary, . . cells of the paunch of, first row (cam. dromed.') 25
A. b. 377. Dromedary, . . cells of the paunch of, second row. . 25
A. b. 378. Dromedary, . . structure of the paunch of. 25
A. b. 379. Dromedary, .
A, b. 380. Dromedary, .
A. b. 381. Dromedary, .
A. b. 382. Dromedary, .
A. b. 383. Dromedary, .
A. b. 384. Dromedary, .
A. b. 385. Dromedary. .
A. b. 386. Alpaco,
A b. 387. Alpaco,
A. b. 388. Young rein-deer,
A. b. 389. Samber-deer,
A. b. 390. Virginian deer,
A. b. 391. Llama, young,
A. b. 398. Seal,
A. b. 399. Seal,
A. b. 405. Porpoise,
A. b. 406. Whale,
A. b. 417. Eagle,
A. b. 418. Sparrow-hawk,
A. b. 419. Eagle,
A. b. 426. Mackaw,
A, b. 427. Parrott
A. b. 428. Cuccoo, •
A. b. 429. Cuecoo,
A. b. 436. Pigeon,
A. b. 437. Pigeon,
A. b. 438. Young pigeon,
A. b. 439. Peacock
A. b. 440. Peacock,
A. b. 441 Domestic fowl,
A; b. 441. Domestic fowl,
A. b. 443. Ostrich,
A. b. 444. Ostrich,
cuticle from the paunch of, dried. . . 25
second, or celled-stomach of. . . 25
third, or laminated stomach of. ‘ . 25
muscular band between oesophagus and third
stomach of. ■ . . ■ • • 25
fourth, or true digestive stomach of. . 26
fourth stomach of, section of. • . 26
full-sized painting (oncanvas) of the stomach
and intestines of.. . . .. . 26
first stomach, or paunch of (camelus
paco, L.) ; wet preparation. . . 26
second, or celled stomach of. . . 26
stomach, cæcum, and large intestines of
(cervus tarandus). J. H. . . ..
stomach of (cerv, hippelaphus), dried. J. H. ..
stomach of (cervus Virgineanus'j, J. H. ..
stomach of (camelus glama, L.), dried ; all
the compartments and cells shown. J. H.
stomach and coecum of (phoca vitulina) ;
d r i e d , ...................................................26
section of the stomach of. . . . 26
stomach of, injected (delph. phoccena, L.). 26
stomach of, dried (delphinus diodon). . 2 6
stomach and (esophagus of. . . 26
stomach, oesophagus, &c. of(accipiter nisus). 27
stomach and oesophagus of (aquila chry-
' sietos). J.H .
intestinal canal of (macaceros m a c a o , \ 27
crop, gizzard, and intestines of (psittacus
cinereus, L.). . . . . 27
stomach of (cuculus canorus, L.), with hairs
on the mucous surface. . . 27
stomach of, devoid of hairs. . . 27
crop of (colomba livia, Briss.). . . 27
crop of, at the time of feeding its young. 28
crop of, filled with curd, supplied by its parent. 28
crop of (pavo cristatus, L.). . . 28
gizzard and infundibulum of (pavo cristatus). 28
crop and gizzard of (gallus domesticus, L.). 28
stomach, intestine, and panchreas of. . 28
ventriculus succenturiatusof (struthio camelus) 28
gizzard of. See A. b. 443. . . 28