B. c. 404. The arteries of the {anas anser.) injected. The courseh eoafd t haen dc anreoctkid so fa loa nggo othsee obsrsaenocuhse sc hoann ntheels hine atdh ea nree cwke, laln sdh othwen f.i—naJl .d iHst.ribution of their {anB. .a cn•s e4r0.5) .i nTjehcet eadr.t eriTehs ea nadxi llvaeriyn s airnte trhye, wacincgo,m opfa nai egdo obsye irtasd ivael inans,d buelncoamr. es Tbhrea crhaidaila, l asnindk ss duebespe qiuneton ttlhye idnitveirdoesss eionutos tsrpuancke,, wruhnisl sitn thame ounlnga trh, ew phhiaclha nigs etsh aen lda rsgeenrd as nldit tlme obrrea ndcirheecst tmo atkhee apruclhpess otof wthaer dqsu tihllesi r; tbeurmt inneaittihoenr litkhee tuhlonsaer fnoormr eradd biayl theB s. amec .v e4s0s6e.l s Tinh et hcei rmcualmatmioanl iai.n— tJh. eH l.eg of a goose. There taerrei otrw oex tarretmeriiteise s s:e ntth ef rofmir stt,h et haeo ratar tetroia eapcrho fuonfd ath, e arpisoess
toyplpooids-itcea vitthye tos abcer udmis traibnudt edp atsos etsh e oandwdaurcdtso r naenadr tehxete ncsoor
mouuts calte sth oef bthaec kt hpiagrht— otfh eth see tchoingdh- ist htrhoeu tgrhu et hfee mscoiaratilc; int ogtocehs, sapnadc ea c: ciot mthpaenni egs ettsh eo nn tehrvee foorfe tphaartt noafm the et ole gth eb yp roupnlnitienagl boent wtheee nf rthoen tt iobfi ath aen dm feibtautlaar s; aaln db odneesc, enbdestw teheenn cteh ien aa rgtircouolvaer psuublldieivsi soiof nws,h tihceh itnhfeer ivoers ssuerlf aacgea ionf tshien kpsh ablaanckg,e atlo b orenaecsh— byJ .Hits. in Bth.e greca. t4 n0o7r. thAenrn i ndjievcetre {dc oplryempbauras taiornct ischuosw). inTgh eth vee nciar ccualvaat ion raibgdhotm aiunraiclilse ifso rvmasst lay ddiisltaintecdt, baagn,d lnaregaer r itths aenn tthraantc oef i tnhteo athue
trhicelye aitrsee lefv. er Tfohue ndve inna eb ihrdeps antiocts ea cacrues vtoemrye dm tuoc dhi vwinigd.e—r t Jh.Han. vesBs.e ls inc .a 4 0g8a.n nAe t d{raiendse rp breapsaarnautsi)o.n Ionf tthhee ghaenanrte t,a nwd hibclho odlnaetaartliyo
ne qouf athlse ing rseiazte vtheien sd ilveeard, itnhge rteo tish en ohte athrta, ts ion roermdianraktea bdlie
ibny t haa mt boidred .d iAffletrheonut gfrho tmh et hgaatn andeot plitveeds boyn tfhiseh ,d iitvse fro. od Lisi ktaek thene deaisgcloev, eirte dp onuenacr etsh es usdudrfeancley oofn tihtes pwraetye rf,r oamn da thheeing hcta,r rwiehs eint nuopt thoa sboimtuea tderdy lsikpoe t,t hiem pdaivleedr toon l eitnsg sthtreonnegd, ssthoaprppa gbeilsl . unIdt eisr gwiavteenr , thanadt bsitradn dbsy nnoatt uirne ,n teoe do bovfi tahteo steh ep droervainsigoenms,e nstos awmhpiclyh idtus ricnigrc uplraottirnagc teadn de frfeosrptsi roatfo sruyb moregrasinosn .m—iJg.h tH b.e exposed to,
ThBe .i njecct.i o4n2 5o.f Tthhee acritrecruialal tsioynst einm t hise rceodd,- ftihsaht {ogfa tdhues mveonroruhsu a). gvreenetnri.c leT, hise phlaecaerdt, icno tnhsei scteinngtr eo fb eat wseineng leth ea ugriilcllse, aanndd osinn tghlee vloewnoeur ss bulrofaocde forof mth teh eo ebsoodpyh,a gaunsd. thTeh vee naturircilcel ep rroepceelisv eist itnhtoe tthheis pevdesicsleel wruitnhs wfhoircwha trhdes paunldm oennadrsy bayrt esreyn idsi ncgo natnin ueoquusa l: onfu gmilblse.r Forfo bmra tnhceh oeps ptoo seiatec ho rs didoer,s aclo erxretrsepmonitdieinsg o tfo t hthe eb rnaunmchbiaeer ag eltihkeer nuafmtebre ra osf hrooortt s caoruisrsee ,: tahneds ef,o frrmom a bsointhg lsei dveess, sjeoli—n tthoe
acoourtras,e sw haliochn g wtihtheo cuetn htraev ionfg tahney vceorntenbercatli onc owluimthn t haen dh edairst,
tribBu. tes bcr. a4n2c6h.e sA tno tinhjee cotregda npsr ietp paarsastieosn b oyf. —thJe. cHir.culation in a aco cdl-efaisrher. vTiehwe omeisgohpth abgeu sg ihvaesn boeef nt htaoksee nv aewssaeyls i n( aonrdaleorg tohuast ttho et hdeo prsuallm eonndasr yo vf etihnes ogfil lms,a manmd abliya )t hwehiirc hc otaaklieti oonr ifgoinrm f rtohme
aorBta. .—c. J4-2 H7.. The gills of a cod-fish, injected and removed ftrhoem t ethrme ibnoatdiyo.n s Eovfe trhye thpiunlgm hoansa rbye eanr tdeirsys,e catendd atwhea yr oeoxtcse port ionr igoipnpso osift eth dei raeoctritoan ws,h iinc ht haer eg rsohoovwesn otno trhuen c opnarvaelxle bl,o rtdheorusg ohf tbhye thosesire oruesd ,l athmei nlaaett eorf bthye t hgeililrs .y elTlohwe cfoolromuerr.— mJa.y H b.e known ingB t. hce. 4ro2o8t.s Tohfe tghiel lsa oorft aa ciondje-fcitsehd {ygealdlouws .m orTrhheu ao)r iegxinh iabnitd
scionugrlsee torfu nakll athree cblreaanrclyh essh, oawnnd. t—heJi.r Hm.ode of coalition into a relBat.i vce. 4p2o9s. itTiohne toafi l tohfe a acoordta- fiashn,d svheonwai ncga vthae b ceotwureseen, atnhde roots of the spines on the lower surface of the caudal vertebraB..—
cJ. .4 3II0.. One of the branchiae of a cod-fish prepared by aItn sihnojwecst isoanti soffa cstiozrei,l yc othloeu erxedce reeddin, galyn dv apsrceuselarrv enda tuinr es poifr tihtse.
orgBa.n .c—. 4J3.1H. .An instructive preparation of the circulating vreesspseirlas tionr yth oe rbgraannsc hainaed oaf pao srttuiorgne oofn t{haec isppeinnsee rh astvuer iboe.e) n Trhee
marotevreyd afrreo mdi stthine gbuoidshye. d bTyh er erda,m thifei craotoiotsn so fo tfh eth aeo prutal mboyn yaerly