Tplhaey eadu,r icalneds, tvheen tcroiculresse, aonf dt hbleo oadu-rviecsusleol-sv aernet roicpuelnaerd p aansdsa dgiess
tdheem hoenasrttr aotef dt hbey b opaie-cceosn sotrfi cwtohra l(e2b2o7n) ew. illT hape pdlye scerqiuptailolyn toof thiBs,. wb.h 2ic2h9 . hTahs eb eheena rptr eopfa rae dr atitnl etshnea ksea m(ec rmotaanlinse hr.o—rrJi.d uHs). icnlejesc atendd wveitihn sc aorleo ubrleude ,w tahxe, vdernietrdic alensd avnadr nairstheeride.s rTedh.e aTurhie
jtuhnec htieoanr to ifs tdheem riognhstt raantedd l ienf t thaoer tpsree apta raa tsiohno.r—t dJis. tHance below heaBr.t , b.a 2n3d0 .t hTeh ec hhieefa rbt looof da vseesrspeelsn t.l eadTihneg cfarovmiti eist aoref dthise
taenndd epdo switiiothn goefl tlhye a anudr ipcrleesse arvnedd v ienn tsrpiicrliets m. ayT hbee rwelealtli vuen dseizre
stoBo.d bf.r o2m31 a. nT ihnes pehcetaiortn ooff tah isf rporge-pfiasrha t(iolonp—hiJu.s pSi.scatorius). Tofh itsh pe rehpeaarratt ioinn fgiisvhe. s aTnh aecrec uirsa tae sniontgiolen aouf rtihcele coannsdt ruscintigolne vveenntoruicsl eb wlohoods ein tsoo lteh eu lsuen igs st,h atot boef preronpdeelrleindg a rttheeri acl obrpyo rtehael iinmfmlueernsceed . of Tthhee awuaritcelre iins wsihtuicahte tdh eosne thoerg daonrss aalr es indaet uorfa tlhlye vmeunctrhi clfea s;c iisc uolfa tae dsq ounar iet ss hinatpeer n; alm suusrcfuaclaer. inA stt riutsc tbuarec k; paanrdt tsheem icluonmamr ovna lvoep emnainyg bfer omse etnh e: avnedin sa ngtuearirodreldy bthye ap daossuabglee wThhiisc hp acsosnagdeu citss w itdhee, abnlodo fdu rinnitsoh etdh we itvhe ntwtroic slee miisl uenxahr ivbailtveeds. twhhisic vha lgviev e isth ed eompeonnisntgra ate dsl itv-elirkye pfloarimnl.y iTnh eth me epcrheapnairsamtio no.f iTsh vea vstelnyt rmicolere f oarbmuns daann itr rthegaunl tahra stq oufa trhe e: aiutsr icfllees:h iyt isst rsumcotuorthe ionnt etrhnea lelyx.t ernNael asrulyr fianc et,h ea ncedn ptrree soefn ittss mdoarnsye l fwleaslhl,y thceo loupmenns
itnhge mleoaudtihn go ff rtohme ptuhlem oaunraircyle a ritse rpyl aisc esdit u: attheadt awt hitisc ha nftoerrmiosr broourdnedre.d bTyh ea cthoimckm menucsecmuelanrt sotfr uthcetu preu lomfo an payryra amrtiedrayl issh aspuer,
theirbmites dn uthmee proeudsic mle u:s cthuela ri nfatescrnicaul lis aurrrfaancge eodf inth ae lopnegdiitculed ienxal
idnir0e, lcetiaodnin :g tfhrroeme cthoen tvineunotruisc lsee imntiolu tnhaer vpaeldviecsle g uoaf rdth teh jep uolpmeon-- na=r> y arteryO . —-J. trti. harBd.e nb.e d2 4b2y. dAi sbteenatuiotinfu wl pitrhe paalrcaotihoonl , oaf nthde thheenar tc ouft ao psehna rkin,
sauucrihc lae manandn evre nastr itocl esh: otwhe i tsa ucroinclsetr uicst ioennv. elTohpeerde ibsy a as inthgilne sotfr laotunm° f aosfc imcuulsic, luelaavr infigb rienste, rwsthicicehs iinn wtehrnicahll tyh ea sostuhmere t uthneic fso arrme itrnagn sopfa rtehnet v: eiinn st hme acye nbtree soefe tnh. e pTohset ervioern tmricalreg inis thfela to paennd- nveeanrtlryic ruoluarn do jp etwnion gt hiisr dss itoufa ittesd b iunl kt hies mleufts cslied e: thoef iatsu rdicoursloa-l twhael lo, paenndin gis wfuhricnhis htreadn swmitihts at hsee mblioluonda rin mtoe mthber apneoduicsl ev oalfv teh e: pouf ltmheo ncaarvyit ya,r tteor yt hies prilgahcet do fi nth teh ef ocremnetrre o opfe nthineg . anTtheeri opre dwicallel jius nschtoiortn awndit hc ythlien darritcearyl; wit hies resm ito portehs einnttes ran arlolwy, oefx ctherpete a wt eitlsl ftohrem freodg s-feimshi lu(2n4a1r )v aaslv bees.i ngT phlea cveadl vaets nthoeti cceodm inm ethnec ehmeeanrtt ooff the pedicle are here transferred to the termination of that
pecBu. liba.r 2p4a3r.t Tofh teh he evaerst soefl. —a sJt.u rHg.e on (ascipenser stun.o ). Tits aaruer icallel eaxnhdi bvietendtr.i cleI nw fiothrm th tehire rheespaertc tiisv ep yorpaemniidngals, aanndd v aalsv etos ppraorepdo rwtioitnh itnh ei tssi zce aovfi ttihese, vtehnet ricaluer.i cleT hies shvaeprye osmf athlle caoumricTlhee
isv evnetrryic lier reisg utlharr,e ea nsdid eidts acnadv itoyf igs rematu cthh icfaksnceicssu l:a ttehde. toepreionri ntgo ftrhoamt othf eth aeu priucllme oinntaor yit airst esriytu. ateTdh eo pppeodsiictlee ainsd opvoasl,
avnednt rfiuclren icsohnedsi swts itohf ftowuor sreomwisl uonfa rv vnalvlvees si, tthhea tr aowt t hnee xetx ttrhee
wmhitiyc ho tfh teh efr epee odri ccloe ncaadvjoei nbionrgd etrhse aarert edriyre, cotefd ffiovrew, aanrdds .o Jf .Hal.l shoBw. ibn.g 2 a4l4l. thTeh ec avhietiaerst, ovfa lvae sd, o&gc-.f ishT h(es qpueadluicsl ec ains icsuhlousrt),, cylindrical, and furnished with three rows of valves, with
thrBee. bv.a l2v4e5s. inT heea chhe raorwt o.—f aJ .r aHy. {raja batis). The auricle is pVreorcye sisrreesg sutlaanrd i nf osrhwaapred,s afnrodm f oitus r aanptepreinodr apgaerst l:i kteh ea cuoriactus laorf tfhuilsly c opmecptainrtamteedn.t aTreh eth ivne, natrnidc liet si sm uflsact,u laanr dc olburmoandse br eathuatin
ltohneg g e; naenrdal tbhuel kc aovfi ttyh ein o rigtsa ni n: tethrieo ro ipse snminagl lf rcoomm tphaer eadu wricitlhe iists i nc aitnsa lle fmt usicdhe . coTnhtrea cpteedd icalned i sf ulornngis haendd wciythli nfdoruirc arlo w: sa nodf valves preventing regurgitation into the ventricle. J. H.