horny and finely pointed: the closed in a sheath of mucous rmoeomt ibsr asnoeft, aonudt folef shwyh, iacnhd i te nis
unAro.l lae.d 2 i0n5 t. hTeh ae citn toefs dtianratli ncga nfarlo mof tah fer omgo. u(rtha.n—a tJe.m Sp.era ria.) Tliahrei tieusp poefr thjaew t onhgasu eb ;e etnh isc uotr gaawn agyr otwos sbhyo wit s tthiep tpoe cthue
psyomsteprhiiosri,s borfo tahde, cfhliant,, aanndd ibsi fuidn aettxatcrhemedi tya.n d Fmroovgesa bblye astu icths fmlieecs hoarn oistmhe rh ainvsee cat sp o: wthere osfn otharrionwgi nsogu onudt utthteer eodrg bany ttoh esmei zies tahlsino falsacprpibinegd mtoa rthgien a. ctiTohne o fs ttohme aacihr daunrdin ign teexstpinireast,i otnh eo nli vthere, tohveairri ap, roopveird usicttusa, tiohneas.r—t Ja.n Hd .lungs are all demonstrated in atiAli.s .a) . 2I1t5 b. eTahrse tmheo ufothrm o f oaf laam fupnrenye-le-sehl.a p(epde trsoumckyezro,n ifnlu tvhie- isntrteurcitoior no fr ewshemichb lesse vtheraatl orfo wthse o sfu tcekeetrh oafr ea plelaecched, :a nitds bcyo nit
trhaies efdi sohu tc oanf thaett wacahte ri twseiltfh sao s tcolonese 1ly0, oars 1t2o p oaudnmdist ionf w beeiignhgt psteintudteenst thfreo mja witss omr ociurtchu m: fae rceinrcceu loafr thpeie caep eortfu rcea.r—tilJa.g He .conflaAt
.a nad. 2lo1z6e. ngTehde- shteaeptehd ,o fa nad raaryra n: g(erda jian rboawtiss ,)l ikthee yp avaree
tmheen ct e:n trteh e; yt haer es mcoanllfeirn eind tthoe tdhiere cjatiwons —oft hteh el aarrgteicru blaetiinogn si n: twhheiyt eg eronwam ferol.m— tJh. eH g.ums, and are encrusted with a beautiful fishA,. (as.q 2u1a7l.. cAan tirca.)n ssvheorswei nsge cttihoen ocfo nthdeit iooens oopfh atghues mofu as cduolgar
aanpdp emarusc tohuisc ktu annicds edvuernin gon t hthe es taotuet eorf seumrfpatcyen e; stsh—e thlaet tfeorr mexer
hcoibmitps leinte tlhye t hsee cctiaovnit, ya.— wJa.v iHn.g zig-zag arrangement, filling up squAa.t ian.a 2,)1 8s.h oAw ipnogr titohne gorfo twhteh goufm t hoef taene than gfreol ms htahriks, t(esxq.
ttruiraen gwuiltahro, uflta httaevniendg, aanndy sderereapteedr ,c aonndn escot ipolna.c edT ohne thteeeirt hs idaeres as to be all pointed in a direction more or less backwaArd.
sa.—. 2J.2 4H. .The jaw-bone of a frog-fish, (lophius pisca- taorrei ufsl)a t shaenwd inlga ntcheet -sfohrampe da,n da nsdtr uscttaunrde oufp trhigeh tte ewthit h; tthheeiyr tphoei njtasw in bcyli ntehdin s, oemlaeswtihca tp lbaatceks woaf rdbso n: et, hethye a rfeu lcl obnrneeacdtethd toof
tthhee irte beathse i, n wthheic hp eprfoosrsmesasnincge osuf fftihceieirn tp rfoirpmenr efsusn ctoti onsus,p gpiovret fthraecmtu rleik uenwdiseer tthhee psohwoecrk so tfo s pwrihnigchin gin asnod pyoinedlderinogu sw ainthdo suot vorAa.c iao.u 2s 2a5 .c rTeahteu rea ntghleiyn gm uasptp baer anteucse sosaf rialy ferxopgo-fsiesdh.,— (Jlo. pHh.. psiasncda, t.)t o bdye cwohyi coht htehre fiasnhi mtoawl aisr dssa iidts, wenhoernm oseucsr emteodu tihn atnhde fmilaektse atnhde mit sa tnw eoa sayn gplrienyg. *f ilaTmhee nptsre, ptharea tairotnic ushlaotwiosn sth bee tpwoerteen- jwohinicehd, scoo nlosoisste loyf taws oto p aelrlfoewct roifn ggsr ehaoto klaetdit uind ee aacnhd ovtahreire,t ya nodf mmootuionntesd. bTy hae meexmtrbermanitoyu so ff ritnhgee wanhtiecrhio gr ivfeisla imt ethnet aisp pesuarrafinsche—,
(wsehee n2 2m6o,2v2e7d .)a—boJu. t Hu.nder water, of the tail of a small linAg .a ap.p 2a2ra6t.u sT hoins tphree ptaorpa toiof nth seh eswkus ltlh, et opgoestihtieorn w oift ht hthe ea nngummoervoeums
enatns d ocf otmhep lipcoarteted- filmetuss calneds fiblyam ewnhtsi char et heeff evctaerdio. us TwAe.n aty. -2tw27o. mTuhsec pleoss tmeraiyor baen gelninugm efirlaatmede.n-—t oJ.f aH f.rog-fish : it ipso artreti-cfiulelat,t eadn dw iist hf uthrnei sohcecdi pwuti thw istihxo purto pthere ainntde rdviesntitniocnt mouf sa
cleAs..— aJ. . 2H2.8. The mouth of a sturgeon, (acipenser sturio.) Tmhaex ilalapee ratruer ec oovfe rtehde w mitho uttoho thisl essms aglul,m asn. d Tthweo claorntigl agfeineoleurss or Aci.r rai . a2re2 9s.h oTwhne hteaentghi nogf ab elnuemapth-f tihshe : ch(ciny.c—lopJ.t eHru.s lumpus.) Tphhaeryy naxre.— smJ. aHll . and pointed, and placed in the jaws and BoAth. aj .a w23s 5a.n Td hteh em vooumthe ro af rea rcoounggheern eede wl: it(hm ushrcoernta, sctoraniggehrt.), strong and serrated teeth.—J. H.
somAe. ap.l a2c3e6d. oTn hthe et jeaewths aonfd a m saenad iwbuollefs: ar(ea lnaarrghei cahnads c olunpiucsa,l); atunbde roctlheesr.s oTn hthe e pvhoamryenr xa npdr epsaelnattse fnourmm ebrorouasd shmemalils pchoenriiccaall teeth.—J. H.
gloAss.u as,.) 2t4h4e. Tohrgea tno nigs useh oorft a, ihnofllelxyibbulet t:a n(pdl ecuoronntiencuteosu sk ipwpioth- tshuep poosrsteeodu.s bSaeseis Co. na .w 1h5i9c.h— tJh.e Hla.minae of the branchiae are
* Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Tome 2, 1824 ; also Dublin Philosophical
Journal, No. 1.