tenor of section mathdee osef mthiec irccouclhalre ac,a nina lss uhcahs ab emena nbnlearc kaesn teod ,e xanpods ea tphaein ltaemd inbala scpki raallils raonudn dth ;e tshceal eceo. mTphaert smpeirnatl laabmovinea iht,a si sb ethene ssccaallaa owf htihceh voepsetnibsu bley ; ththea tf oaralomnegn trhoet ulnodwuemr siunrtfoa cthe ei st ytmhe
panum.—J. H.
secDti.o n hacs. 5b2e1en. mIna dthei st hprroeupgahra tthioen c eonf ttrhee o hf utmhea nv eesatrib, ual ev,e troti cal sthheo wse tmheic isrhcauplaer coaf ntahles caanvdi tcyo, cahnldea t.h—e Jo. pHen. ings into it from moDn.t h ofc .u 5te2r2o. gTehseta thioena,d s hoofw ainn gh tuhme amn efmoebtruasn oaubso uotr tchaer ttih- ird loab gliinqouue s acnodn dvietirotinc aolf cthanea slse marierc lualiadr coapneanl—s atth eth ihso arigzeo.n taTl hies porpeasqeurvee dm eemntbirrea,n es.o Tash e tor igshhto ewa r,v eornyl yd, iisst indcistslyec ttehde : siot fits, wcohniscihd eitr aibs lyp remseargvneidfi.e—d J.b yH .the spirits and convex glass in theD h. umacn. 5e2a3r.— Ac ompiaegdn iffireodm m thoed eslu opfe rtihoer coafn tahles atwndo cporcehplaea
of rvaetriyo nasc csuhorawtenl ya tf oDrm. ecd. .5:—20J.. HT.he model is made of wax, and ageD, . bornc . d5e3a0f. aTnhde dluemft be.a r Aofll at hceh iplda ratsb oouf t thtwe elovreg, ayne, aarss of fweecltll yt hnea teuxratel.r naTl haesr e thwea si ntneor noabl,s trwuecrteio tno i na papneya roafn cthe ep eexrtneartnioanl
pcaosusladg enso—t adnisdc otvheer manoys tt hcianrge fiunl , thaen da rmrainnugteem eexnatm oif
trhinet ho—ssoicru tlhae o sr izthee airn dm udsisctlreisb—utitohne ocfo tnhfeo rnmearvtieosn, oaft athlle dliaffbeyricnogm
fproarmtm thenet so rdoifn athrye ceoanrd itairoen sohfo twhens ei np atrhtes preMpoasrat tioofn t.h—e PrDes-e nc.t e5d4 3b. yT Th)irs. pCrheapralreast ioOnr psehno.w—sJ t.h He .semicircular canals T—htehree icso ncoh lmeaa—staonidd ptrhoec eossss; icaunlda thoef cthavei teya or f tohfe aty mmpoannkuemy. ims allsa.r—geJ, . lHik.e that in the ears of many of the lower aniEuDro.
pea)c. . T5h5e2 .l eTfth ee aerx tsehronwals athned .dinetfeicrnieanlc eya rosf oexf tae rnmaoll ep r(otalpa
jseucrtrionugn dcaerdt ilbayg ehsa.i rsT. herTeh eis ma emateurse hauodlei toinr ituhse eixntteemguums eisn tos,f gskreuallt, lwenhgetrhe, ita wndid ernusn sa tb iatsc jk uwnacrtdiosn twowitha rtdhse tbhoen eb.a sTeh eo fr igthhet
ezaorn taslh opwossi ttihoen porfo tmhein menetm sbermaniac irtycumlapra ncia. naTlsh,e a mnde mthber anhoe riis
painted yellow, and for its better exposition the cochlea has
beeDn. cut c.a w55a3y.. +T-Jh.e Hc.artilages composing the external ear of a
catD {. felisc .c a5t5u4s.) Tdihvei diendt eirnntaol theraeres opfie cae sc.at. In the upper part toyfm thpea pnruempa arareti odnis, ptlhaey ecdo—chalenad, sbeemloiwci rtchuel amr ecmanbaralsn,a tnydm lparagnei
andD .o ssiccu. l5a5 a6r.e Tswhoow dni.s—seJc.t ioHn.s, showing the semicircular cancoalcsh
loefa t hoef tehaer eoafr a i sb matat,n yin t icmonens elcatrigoenr wthiathn tthhee ccoacnhallesa.—. JT.Hhe. ingD a. deficc. i5en7c0y. Tofh teh eex hteerlinxa la neadr loobf ea.— gJu.i nHe.a pig {cavia) showmaDrk.
ablec .f o5r7 f1o. rmThineg c3o|c thulerna s,o ffr otmhe wehaern ocef iat igs utienrema edp itgu—r- rericDul.
a ted.c— J5.7 2H. .The internal ear of a squirrel {sciurus vulgaris). Tpahien tceadn arlesd a innd thceo cuhplepae ra rpe recpleaarraltyi osnh,o wannd. .i nT hteh ec alonwalesr tahree cochlea is shown, opposite the black ground in the centre ol
theD b. ocn. e5.7—3J. . THh.e internal ears of a rat. In the upper row, the motahlelre.u s,I ni nthcues m aidnddl es traopwe,s t haerey asrheo wplna,c edde ttaocgheethde rf,r owmit he athche sItna pthees plaoiwnteerd rwowhi,t et—het hcea innacluss yaenldlo wco—chalneda tahree mshaollweuns; rtehde. three canals are painted red, and the spires of the cochlea
yelDlo.w c.-— 5J8.4 .H T. he internal ear of a sheep. The canals and tchoec hlloewa earr ep asrhto, wthne i nm tehme burapnpae rt ypmaprta noi,f athned tphree poarsasitciounli— airne exhDib. ict.e d60, 0p. aiTnhteed m oef adtiufsfe areundti tcoorliourss .e—xtJe.r nHu.s of a seal {phoca vlaitguelsi,n ao)n. thTeh seirdee iosf at hmee hree ahdo, lseu, rrwoiutnhdoeudt apnrdo jeccotvinerge dc aorvteir
by Dh.a icr.s .6—01J.. THh.e cartilaginous walls of the meatus auditorius ecxovteerrneuds woift ha cseeraulm {ipnhooucsa fvoiltluiclilnesa.) . ITn hteh etu rbeec eins t nsatrartoew it, awnads neaDrl. yc .c l6o0s7e.d Tuphe b ym ceeartuums eanu.d—itJo.r iHus. externus of a porpoise. {edxetelprnhianlu soprhifoiccec enoaf ).w hIti cihs ais n asror oswm, anlle aarsl ys csatrracieglyh t totu bbee , dthise
coverable in the integuments : a bristle points it out.—J. H.