parent in many crypts, which givpela tcheesm, aan md ostttuleddd eadp pweiatrha nncuem :e rtohues inmteusctoinues iosu lto :n gth, ea npdy lnoarrirco wap, paenndd iocfe ns eaarrel yn euqmuearlo duism, eannsdi oonfs tthhero suagmhe
sptrreuvcitouursel ya st oth teh einirt eestnitnreasn c: e tihnetoy rtuhne tdougoedtehneur mso, afisv eto ofro rsmix, aconmd maroen p teurbheasp.s aT mheoyd ifaicrea tifoilnl eodf wpaitnhc rae aws.—hitJe. vHis.cid fluid ; it iAs .p by.r a5m43i.d aTl h; e itsst owmaalclsh aorfe a t whionl f;- fiash n a: rr(oawna rfhleischhya sp aluspsuags.e) ltehaed psy tloo rtuhse.- —duJo. ; there are no caecal appendages near
{gaAd.u sb . m5o5r0r.h uTah.e) tshteo mmaucshc ualanrd c odauto ids evneurmy thoifc ka ; cthode -ifnisnhe r: mmuemcubsr a; nteh eru gtuobues, lweahditien ga ntdo wthhee nd ufroedsehn, ucmov eisr esdo wniathrr ovwisc aids fnloutid t oc hpyemrme i;t tthhee ppyalsosraugse proofj eacntys bmya tate cri recxuclaerp tb othrde ers eimntio
the intestine.—J. H.
muAr.e xb . s5h5e1ll., fAou snodld tioegr ecthraebr a(sc athnceeyr abpeprneaarr diuns )th ceo pnrceepaaleradt iionn a, ionf tthhee csltaowmsa chha so fb eae cno dre-fmisohv emda rbkye dth 5e5 a0c—idtsh eo fe athrteh yst ommaattcehr Trehned eerainrtgh thoenm thsoef t saunrdfa cflee xoibfl et hteh osuhgehll unhcahs anbgeeend in shape. similarly actAe.d bo. n5 5b6y. thTeh es olsvteonmt agcahs traicn df luiindtse.s—tinJ.e sH .of a mackarel, s{tsocommabcehr iss coobmlobnrgu sa.)n df iclloendt rawcittehd rined t hew caexn taren—d tdhrei eidn te: sttihnee rsohuosr.t——Jth. eH p.yloric appendages remarkably long and nume{
mAug. ibl . c5e5p7h.a lTush)e Asto mviallcohu sa ngdl ainntdeusltainr als ctrauncatlu roef ali kme ulltehte. voef ntthriec ulouess ospuhcacgeunst u:r itahteu s sitno mbiardchs siusr rofournmdesd t hien ttoe rma inflaetsiohny dgiizxz aprrdo jleincetsd wfriotmh thitisc kc ahradrida cc uetxictrlee m: iaty h o: ltlhoew , dbuloindde naupmpe nis
faurren issihnegdu lwariltyh lnounmg earnodu sn aersreocwal. —apJp. eHnd. ages : the intestines theA s. tob.m 5a5c9h. iTs hsem satlolm—atchhe oinf tethstei nJeosh lno-ndgo—r^teh e: d(zueoudse fnaabl earp.)
peAnd. abg. e5s6 n5u. mTehreo ussto.—maJc. hH a.nd swimming bladder of a large gpiukse ,a n(de ssotxo mluacciuhs )a rfei lnleodt wtoi tbhe p dlaissttienrg oufis hpeadri sf r: omth ee aocehs oopthhear
dbeyn tlhye nira rsriozew s; atht etyh ef oprymlo ar uusn ;i fotrhme , inwteidseti ntaulb cea, nwalh iics h absuodut
tmweincesi othnes flreonmg tehn odf t toh ee nsdto. maTchhe, snwairmromwi,n ga nbdl aodfd uern iwfohrimch d iis
na enaarlryro twh et ulbeen gwthit ha nthde w oiedstohp ohaf gthues. —stoJm. Hac.h communicates by (esAox. bb.e l5o6n6e.. ) Tthhee esnttoirme accahn aal nfdro min ttehset inmeos utohf toa thgea ra-pniukse i s: tohnee sutnoimfoarcmh sitsr aoigphetn etudb eto, wshitohwou tth aen vyi ldloisstiitnyc tioofn t hoef cmavuictioeus s: meAm. bbr. a5n6e7..— TJh. eH preparationas the foregoing showingthe pfraormts oinn eth eenird n taot uthrael poltahceer, inis thster abiogdhyt a: nthde c cyoluinrdseri ocaf lt.h—e Jc.a nHa.l, NeAa.g hb,. 5{6s8a.l mTohfaer isot.o)m Tachhe coof atas agriell vareoryo tthroicukt afnrdo mm uLscouulgahr tlhikreo wtnh oisneto onfu ma ebroiruds’ s lognizgzitaurddi—nathl eru gmaeu—co-tuhse mcuetmiclber ains ed isis
tminucltl etb—uts envoetr als oc otehciac ko paennd i nhtoa rtdh ea sd uiond ethneu mst.—omJa. cSh. of the thyAm. abl.l u5s7)0 i.t Tish eo bsltoonmga, cmh oemf ab grarneoyulisn-gli okre ,w ahnitde tsruopuplti: ed(s awlmitho duoAd. ebn.a 5l 8a0p pTehned aignetess.—tinJa.l Hc.anal of a cuttle-fish inj ected : m{seaprkiae do fbfiyc itnhael isp.r)e sTehnec ec oomf tmweon csemmaelnl t golafn tdhuel aor esboopdhieasg ucso nis
issi daelsroed s htoo wben staol ibvea rsyu rgrloaunndds e;d ibtsy t ear mcliunsatteiro onf itnh et hsea msteo mglaacnh
ddiumlaern bsioodnise,s .i n tThhee srteo amrea cthw;o t hceo mfirpsatr tims ae nstpse, cioefs noef agrilzyz aerqdu—al rthecicekn tlayn dop emnuesdc, utlhairs, caanvdi tyl inceodn tawinitehd ath fei rcmla wcsu toicfl ec ra; bsw ahnedn Tshhreim spesc,o gnrdo ucnodm pinatrotm smenatl l cpoimecmesu nbiyc aittess mweitchh atnhiec afli rpsot wbeyr sa. tvheirsy csommaplal rtcmaneanlt , wlihkiec hth ies fisrusrt,r ohuansd ae ds tbroyn gth mickus fciurmla rw caolalst ;: tbhurto wthne inmtou cinonuusm mereamblber apnliec ael ilniikneg thiot sies inf itnhee athnidr ds sotfot,m aancdh aorfi sreusm—insatrtainiggh at,n ismhaolrst , : afrnodm a ibtso uatn ttherei otrh picakrtn eas ms uosfc uthlaer otuesboe
wphaayg tuos ,o paelonn agt tthhee saindues .o f Twhhei cphr oixt imruintys ofof rtwhaisr dsa nfaolr ospoemne
ingA t.o b t. h5a8t1 o. f Tthhee iinntke-sbtianga li sc asnhaolw onf ain c tuhtetl ep-rfeipsha—rattihoenc.—almJ. aHr:. {sepia loligo) the oesophagus is here longer than in the former