movable pedicle projecting of the head, (see D. c. 706)f.r omTh teh eb luapcpke, r paonldis hanedte,r icoor npvaerxt lseunrsfa, cies sine efnro tnot pisre tsheen tc foarcneetas ,l iwkeh itchho,s ew ohne tnh ee xeaymesi noefd i nwsietcht sa. cAl es eocnt iwonh ihcahs itb esetna nmdas d:e tohfe opneed iocfl eth ies esyheosw, ann dto o bf eth heo plleodwi,
fcoorn gtaiivnisn gr eptainssaa, gceh otoro tihde, oapntdic a nbeurnvdea :n tchee ogfl obblea cokf tphieg moregnat n• aantidn gi s ftrroamve rtsheed e bnytr afnilcaem oefn ttsh, es uoppptiocs needr vtoe , bteo wnearrvdos utsh,e rcaodrineaD.—.
J. cH. .510. The cartilages of the external ear of the human subDj.e ct, dci. ss5e1c1t.e dA a pnrde pparerasteirovne ds hionw sipnigri ttsh.—e cJe. ruHm. inous follicles of Dth.e meca. t5u1s2 .a uTdhitios ripurse peaxrtaetrinouns sohfo wthse t hheu msiatuna teioarn. —anJd. cHo.urse ocfir tchuela nr ecravneas lsc oannnde cctoecdh wleiat.h thTeh eea vri; dtioagne ntheervr ew mitha yt hbee sesmeein
mareisciknegl, uinn dtheer wsphhicehn oa- mslaipx iollfa rbyl usep paacpee, rf riso mpl atcheed ,g aanndg tlhioenn coef tbaekeinn ge xiptos sceodu brsye tthher oruegmho vthael opft etrhieg oinidteeranna lc apntealr,i gwohidic phl ahtaes. aItp pilsi edn eoxnt tshheo wannt epraiossri nsugr faaccreo sosf tthhee fpoertarmouesn blaocneer,u wmh, etroe biet tehnete prso irntitoo dthuera h, iaintu st hFea lalqoupeiid; utchteu sju nFcatliloonp ioi,f thhaes nbeerevne walistho aexqhuiebdiutecdt. byT thhee nreemrvoev aisl oshf othwen ,l amafitnearw oafr dbso, nee sccoavpeinrign gf rtohme bbeotrwdeere no tfh eth me amlleeums barnadn ai ntycumsp, aannid, ctoou frisnidn ga na loenxgit thfreo mup ptheer nskeruvlel tmhraoyu bgeh atghaei nf isseseunr,a uGndliessre trhi.e nOamutes iodfe ctohred as ktyumll,p atnhie, ltaeacvhiinngg itthsee lffo troa mtheen g iuns tthaeto frisys: utrhee, asnudb saefqteure an ts sheoprat rcaotiuorns eo fa tit
sfruobmm athxiisll anreyr vgel,a nadn—d rtesn ednetrreadn ceev idinetnot ab yli att lbei tg aonf gblliuoen pina ptehre, acruel aar llc asnatailssf aacrteo rdiliys sdeecmteodn, starnadte dth. e Tsheev ecnotchh lpeaai,r aenndte sreinmgi cthire
meDat.u s aucd- i5to1r3i.u sI inn ttehmis upsr,e apraer aaltli odnis sthecet ebda saen do fs thhoew snk.—ullJ .iHs .presseidrev,
e dt,h we istehm thicei rocussleaor ucsa nlaablsy rairnet hlsa iddi sospeecnte, da. ndO tnh et hseh erlilg hotf tohfe t hceo ccholcehal eisa pisr eesxeprvoesded e, nwtihreil—st otnh et hcea nlaeflst, atrhee d espmiroanl sctraavtietdy without being cut into.— J. H.
theB h. ucm, 5an14 e. arA. Oglnaes sis caa scea scto, ninta imnientagl , eoigf htht ep creopcahrlaetai,o nsesm oif
cairrec uvliaerw sc anoaf lsth, et ycmanpaalnsu man,d acnodc hmleaas, todiids sceecltlesd. oTnh eth oet hderrys bones; and specimens of the ossicula in their connected and
detDac. hce. d5 1s5ta. teAs, p&recp.—araJ.t ioSn. of the human ear dri. ed, and, presaellr
vtehde pina rttusr poefn thtien eo, rggainv.i ng Tah ec ocmarptrielahgeenss iovfe tvhiee wex otef rnalaml oeasrt amree apturess eisr vreedn,d ienr esdi tdui—stitnhcet ,c baryt ilaa gbilnaocuks cpoaarttin ogf, tfhroem e xthteer noasl
saenodu sd ipreocrttiioonn ooff tiht,e wcahnicahl rceatna,i nbsy ittsh iws hdietme coonlsotrr.a tio1n h,e b lee nwgethll appanpir emciaayt,e da ls; oa, nbde tchlee aorlbyl iqseueen .a spBecyt olofo tkhien gm toem thbera onpap toysmite
smidaell eoufs t—het hper espeamraictiiorcnu, ltahr ec aonsaslisc—ulath—e tchoec thwleoa muanscdl etsh eo te tuhse- tachian tube may be all observed, in the positions which they
natDur. acl.l y5 1b6e.a rT thoi s eparcehp aortahteior.n— sJh.o Hw.s the membrana tympani itnh eth ceo mncoaivset sftoartem. ofI ti tss hoexwtse rtnhael vsausrcfuaclaer—ityth oef r iitnsg t eoxlt ubroe'n e iitns winhtiecrhn ailt sisu rifnaccaes. edT—haen tdh rtehee ocsosnicnuelcat iaorne porfe stheerv meda lmle uths etior nbayt utrwaol prleadcdeiss.h Tthhree iandtse rtniaeld maruosucnled oift. theT mhea lpleourtsi oi sm moallrikse ids sthheo wlanm, iennat esrpinirga ltihs e: caoncdh ltehae avniddi adnis ntreirbvuet iinsg d eitms ofinlasmtraetnetds boyn a black bristle at the place where it rises up from between
theD m acl le5u1s7 .a nTdh ein ocusssi.-c—ulJa. Hof. t he human ear. _In the superior pproespitaiorantsi o: ni,n t htheey ianrfee rpiolar,c tehde yto gareet hsehro iwnn t hseeipra nraatteulrya.l reJl-a tHiv.e maDd.e ce. v5i1d8e.n tS bhyow ths et hine ssetratipoend eouf sa mbluascckle borifs ttlhee. huTmhea nc oecahr,
leaD a.n cd. s5e1m9.i ciTrwcuol adr rcya nparelsp aarraet ipoanrst iaolfl yth lea ifdo eotaple ena,r-.- J. IHn .the tuhpep ecra,v tihtiee sm oefm thber alnaab ytyrimntpha nciu, t anodpe ons. sicIunl at haere l oswhoerw, nth—e aonsd
soeuotu esx lpaomsiunraee ooff ththeeir ccaanvaitlise, s.arnt^dJ .c Hoc.hlea are exhibrte wi tacDhe. dc . f5ro2m0. tTheh es ucrarnoaulns dainngd bcoonceh.l eaT ohfe rteh ea rheu tmwaon peraerp, adreatwioitnhso
:u tt heex shuipbeitriioonr ios fa tchaere cfuavl idtyis.s ecItnio nth oef looswseeor uosn lea,b ythrien tmh-,