D. 6. 307. Dromedary, . . eye of (camelus dromedarius) ; two sections. 101
D. b. 308. Dromedary, . . eyejof; showing ciliary processes of hyaloid
membrane. . . . . 1 1 0
D . b. 309. Dromedary, . . eye of J. H. . . . .
D. b. 310. Dromedary, . . eye of. . . . . . . 1 1 0
D. b. 311. Alpaca, . eye of (camelus paco); a side view of the
-cavity. . . . . . 1 1 0
D . b. 312. Alpaca, . eye o f; ciliary processes and iris. 1 1 0
D. 6. 313. Llama, young, . eye of (camelusglama). J. H.
D. b. 328. Horse, . eye of; showing iris and ciliary processes. 1 1 0
D. b. 329. Horse, . eye of; showing tapetum, &c. J. S.
D. b. 330. Horse, . eye of . . . . . . 1 1 0
D. b. 337. Seal, . eye of. (phoca vitulina). 1 1 0
D . b. 338. Seal, . eye of. . . . . . . 1 1 0
D. b. 339. Seal, . eye of; front section. J. H.
PL 6 . 340. Seal, . . eye o f; lateral section. J. H.
D. b. 343. Porpoise, . eye o f; showing coats and humours. 1 1 0
D. b. 344. Porpoise, . eye of (delphinus phoccena). . 1 1 1
D. b. 345. Porpoise, . eye o f; showing ciliary processes, iris,
pupil, &e. J. H. --
D. b. 346. Porpoise, . eye of. . . . . . . 1 1 1
D. b. 347. Porpoise, . eye-lids of ; smooth and immoveable. 1 1 1
D. b. 348. Whale, . eye of (delphinus diodon). 1 1 1
D. b. 349. Whale, . eye of (balcena rostrata). 1 1 1
D. b. 351. Whale, . iris, ciliary processes, cornea of (baltena
rostrata). . . . 1 1 1
D. b. 352. Whale, . sclerotic coat of (balcena rostrata) ; back
part cribriform. J. H.
D . b. 353. Whale, . sclerotic coat of (balcena rostrata) ; showing
structure and thickness. J. H.
D . b. 360. Eagle, . eye of, showing sclerotic and cornea. 1 1 1
D. 6 . 361. Eagle, . eye of, showing pecten, hyaloid, lens, &c. 1 1 1
D . b. 362. Eagle, . eye of, showing iris, and processes. 1 1 2
D . b. 363. Owl, . eye of (strij: jlammea). . 1 1 2
D. b. 364. Owls, . lenses from the eyes of. J. S. ..
D. b. 365. Woodpecker, . eyes of (picus minor). 1 1 2
D. b. 366. Young pigeon, . eyes'bf (columba livia) ; in situ. 1 1 2
D. b. 367. Peacock, . eye of ( pavo cristatus) ; showing cornea,
iris, and ciliary processes. J. H.
D. b. 368. Diver, . eye of (colymbus immersus). 1 1 2
D. 6. 369. Cormorant, • . eye of (pelicanus carbo) • in three sections. 1 1 2
D. b. 370. Gannet, . eye of (anser bassanus) ; showing the membrana
nictitans and muscles. 112
D. b. 371—428. m
D. b. 371. Heron,
D. b. 372. Purple coot, .
D. b. 373. Cockatoo,
D. b. 374. Purple coot, .
D. b. 375. Cockatoo,
D. b. 376. Peregrine falcon,
D. b. 377. Peregrine falcon,
D . b. 378. Ostrich,
D. 6. 379. Ostrich, .
D. b. 380. Moor-buzzard,
D. b. 391. Tortoise,
D. b. 392. Chameleon, .
D. b. 393. Rattlesnake, .
D. h. 394. Rattlesnake, .
iris and ciliary processes of (ardea major).
J. S. . . . •
eye of (fulica purpurea) ; showing the
membrana nictitans. . . -
eye of ( psittacus sulphureous) ; showing
the membrananictitans.
eye of, showing its tunics, &c.
eye of; the tunics, &c. shown,
membrana nictitans of (falco peregrina).
eye of (falco peregrina). '
eye-lids of (struthio camelus).
eye of (struthio camelus). . •
eyes of (circus rufus) emptied of the
humours, and dried. J. H.
eye-lids, and great lachrymal gland of
(testudo mydas). J. H.
eye and eye-lids of (lacerta chameleon). 113
conjunctiva of (crotalus horridus) ^ d e tached.
. . . . . • 114
eye of, shown in three views. . . 114
D. b. 395. Boa-constrictor, . eye of, four sections. . .. . • 114
D. b. 396. Alligator, . internal parts of the eye of. J. H.
D. b. 397. Alligator, . external parts of the eye of. J. H.
D. b. 415. Sturgeon, . eye of (acipenser sturio) ; showing its
muscles. . . . . . 114
D. b. 416. Angel-shark, . eye of (squalus squatina) ; showing muscles
and pedicle. . . . 114
D. b. 417. Angel-shark, . eye of, showing muscles and pedicle detached.
. . . . 114
D. 6. 418. Dog-fish,' . eye of, showing attachment of muscles to
sclerotic. J. H.
D. b. 419. Dog-fish, . cornea and conjunctiva of (squalus caniculus).
. . . . • 114
D. b. 420. Dog-fish, . eye-lids of. J. H.
D. b. 421. Shark, . eye of, showing sclerotic, optic nerve,
iris, &C. . . 115
D. b. 422. Sturgeon, . eye of (acipenser sturio). . . . 115
D. 6. 423. Dog-fish, . sclerotic coat of (squalus caniculus). 115
D. b. 424. Shark, . sclerotic, and cornea of (squalus catulus). 115
D. b. 425. Shark, . choroid, iris, and ciliary processes of. . 115
D. b. 426. Ray, . cornea, iris, &c. of (raja batis). . 115
D. b. 427. Shark, . lens of. J. S. . . .
D. 6. 428. Dog-fish, . vitreous, humour, and lens of. 115