death arose from neglect in water.—J. H. not changing sufficiently often the
acuAl.e abt.a )6.2 2T. hTeh eo edsiogpehsatigvues cisa nvaelr yo fs hao rste aa-nmd ooupseen s( abpyh rao dviatla
vshualapre psaosmsaegweh iantt roe sae mgibzzleasr da no ra lsmtoomnadc h: , iwt hisi csht raosn tgo a snidz el iannedd twhiet hc aar dfiiarmc ecxuttriecmlei t:y ,i tasn md ulosncguiltaurd fiinbarel si na trhee tnraenigshvberosuer hnoeoadr ao fn tuhme bpeyrl oorfu lsa. teTrahle b ilninteds tainpep eanpdpaegaerss .*as— aJ .s tHra.ight tube, with
maAri.n bu.s )6. 2T3.h eTreh eis innot eesxtitnearilo rc aflneaslh yo fp aar t lourg t-rbuanitk (: ltuhmeb oriecsuos
ipnhtaesgtuins e itsh ilno,n sgt,r atihgeh t,s taonmda scmh osoatchc.—ulaJt.e dH .on the surface, the littAle. bd.i v6i2si4o.n Tinhteo insttoemstiancahl atunbde i notfe satnin eeasr t: ht-hweo rcman. al Tish elroen gis, lmaregroeur s nleitatrl e thsaec sh, eafodr mtheadn b yth teh ea nmuse,m abnrda nedsi viwdhedic hin taot tancuh
it Ato. bth. e6 3e0x. teTrihoer setnovmelaocphe ooff ath elo bbostdeyr .—(caJ.n cHer. garnmarus). Tarher epeo lcisahlceadr eaonuds fumrraoswseesd gubayr da lttheer npatyel oreulesv :a ttihoenisr saunrdfa cdees
pressions.—J. S,
a Acr.a bb. 6(3ca1n. cAer pmrceepnaarsa)t.i on Oton sthheo wl otwheer dsiugrefsatcivee thcea nhaal rdo,f pcuotitnitnsg ,t hleamte raolu lti.p s Fmroamy baeb oovbes e(rtvheed b: aac kp isehceel lo hf awvhinagle bboenene tchurto uagwha yt)h et hoee ssoapmhea gpuise cien too f twheh aslteobmonaec hi s wshhoicwhn isc otmriainng
ignutelasrti nine sahraispees, afrnodm s otmhee wphoast tecrairotirl aagnignloeu s oinf tethxetu rset.o mTachhe tahned arbudnosm hionrailz coanvtaitlyly p boasctekrwioarrldys, einn ltahreg imnge sai alilt tllien aet: tiht el epaovienst noef aerx tiht,e a nedx ttrheemnictye roufn tsh aatl ornegg iothne wuhnedreer tshuer faancues o ifs tphlea cteadil, atos demA.o nb.s t6ra3t2e.d Tinh itsh ep prereppaararatitoionn ebxyh iab sitlsip tohfe w whahloelbeo nien.t—esJti.n Hal. Ttuhbee twwiot hl onthge phleapteast icf oorrmgianng othf ea corpaeyn-fiinsgh o(fc atnhcee rm aosuttahc uasr)e. hTehled oaepsaorpth atgou se xapnods es tothmea cbhi lal rew ohpicehn eids— ptlhacee fdo rimnseird ea sctheenmds. from the mouth towards the dorsum of the animal, the latter
* The Baron Cuvier considered that the anterior fleshy portion should rather be looked upon as a trunk or proboscis, admitting of being protruded from the mouth.
ipsy alo lraicr caen tgrliea n: gtuhlea r mcauvciotyu sc omnetaminbirnagn ec allicnainrego tuhse poleasteosp haatg iutss raenndt .s toTmhaec hi nist eostfi an ahlo rcnayn,a bl riistt lset rteaxigtuhrt,e aonf da nn eaurnlyif otrrman sspizae
tchornonuigvhenotuets, : anthde umnuinctoeursr umpteemd brbayn ea onfy thter ainnstvesetrisnee sv iasl vsuolfste, avnilulosu as,s saunmde st htrhoew fno rmin too f nau mtrearnosuvse rlsoen gsiltiut dbinoauln dpelidc abe y: ttwhoe pprlaocjeec ntienagr tchaer tsiltaogminaocuhs ; bito idsi eosf. a yTehlleo wliivsehr ciosl osuhro, wannd i nc oints
sisAts. obf. 6a5 c2o. nTgehrei ess toofm fainceh tuobf eas . criScekee tA. . Tdh. e 1s1t3o5m.—acJh. iHs .remarkably
large, and divided into two compartments by a circuAla.
r bc.o n66tr0a.c tTiohne. —stJo.m Sa.ch and a portion of the intestine of a sceaati-ounr cohfi nte e(tehc,h cinaullse des cAhruisletonttules’)s. laTnhteer ne,x itsr asohrodwinna r; yt hceo mtepeltih
ashree lfli,v aen idn frnoumm tbheer c; etnhtereir opf otihnetisr jm uanyc tiboen isneteenr naolulyts itdhee tihne
tesAti.n eb .c o6m61m. eTnhcees —anJa.l He.xtremity of the intestine of the sea- suhrcehlli nb e(leocnhginin. ge stcoh uitl.. ) Tprhees etrhvicedk,n etsosg eotfh tehre w initthe stthinee p iosr tnioenar loyf uonpipfoosrmite thtoro uthgahto ouft ;t hteh em oopuetnhi.n g Tinh et hoev sahreiullm f oirs thsheo awnnu s diis
vidAe.d bi.n 6to6 2fi.v Te hpeo rsttioomnsa.—chJ o. fH a. five-armed star-fish, (asteria rounbee nosp)e dneintagc hseerdv ifnrogm b oththe bfoord my o: uitt hi sa innd t haen ufosr m: f roofm a bthaeg swidieths ooff tehaisc h baargm a: istsh osrttr upcotuurceh i sp rsooj etchtisn ianst o toth ea pcpoemamr emnecemmbernat
nouAs.. —b. J6. 6H3.. The stomach of a star-fish in situ (ast. rubens) : Tsuhrefa pcree,p ianr atthioen csehnotwres btheetw oepeenn itnhge oafr tmhes m; oitu tshh oown st hael sloo wtheer isnli gehact hp raorjmec—tiosene w.6h6i2c.h— tJh.e Hb.ag makes into the hollow space subAj.e cc.t , 6i8n5j.e cAte dp,o ratniodn eovfe rstemda ltlo isnhtoewst itnhee fvriolmli atnhde vhaulvmulasne
conAn. ivc.e n6t8e6s . —AJ .p Sie.ce of small intestine, dried, showing the divAe.r tci.c u6l8u7m. oAr ddiivgeitratli cpurloucme sos no tfh teh ei liiulemu mo.f— thJe. hHu.man subjies
citn,f laabteodu ta nodn ed irniecdh. —anJd. hHa.lf in projection—The preparation