and amnion, enclosing the Presented by Dr. R. Shehlefotoentu.—s, Jar.eS .perfect and unopened. weFek. .c . 3T2h1e. foAentu s aabnodr tmioenm bberatwneese na ret hper essiexrvthe da. ndP rseesveenntethd by FD. rc.. 3C2.2 J. oAhnns ohnu.m—aJn. Hab.ortion at the end of the seventh week. The foetus and membranes are shown. Presented by
AnFd.r ecw. 3B23. . MAanz iaebroe,r tEiosnq .a—t tJh.e H s.eventh week. The decidua, icsh ocroionnn,e catnedd baym intiso fnu nairse : vtheery h ebaeda uisti flualr.g e Tanhde tlhitet leey efo detiuss
tcihnicnt lya nfdor msteedr n: uam p: otihnet aobf daodmheensi oisn laarpgpee a: rtsh teo lcimonbnse csth othrte, aton dg raopwp. areDntrl.y Cw. itJhoohunts ojoni.n—tsJ :. tHh.e fingers have commenced eigFh.t hc .w 3e2e4k.. ATn heh upmroagnr efsose tuosf adnedv eliotsp mmeenmt ibnr athnees exattr emthie
tiesF .i sc .W 3e2ll7 .s hAow bne.a utPifruels penretepda rbayti oDnr o. fR a. hSuhmehalnet ofone.tus w. Hit.h its chorion, amnion, umbilical chord, Sec. Presented by G.
R.F H. yc.d 3e,2 8E. sAq■ —huJm. aSn. abortion, a few weeks after impregbnaetairoinn.
g thTeh esrhea pies onfo tfhoee tucsa,v ibtyu to tfh teh ed eucteidruuas ;i si tv eisr yc lpoesrefde catt, iatl la tp athrtes ,s iadneds .t heT rhaed iacmlensi oonf tihs ea lcshoo rdiiosnti nmcatyly b feo rsmeeend .t o ePnrteer
senFte. dc .b 3y2 J9.. PTeheeb lmese, mEbsrqa.n—esJ .o fH a. n early foetus enclosed in a coagulum, and cast off as an abortion. Presented by Richard
GrFe.g oc.r y3, 3E0s. qA.— lJa.rHge., firm coagulum of blood discharged Tfrhoem mthiesc warorimagbe, wwaitsh btrhoeu gmhetm obnr abnye sa offa lal avnedr yf riegahrlty. foPertues
senFte. dc . b3y3 H2.e nHruym Haanf fifeoledt,u sE swqi.t—hoJu.t Hth. e membranes about theF .f ocu. r3t3h3 m. oAnnt hh.u mPanre asbeonrtetido nb yb eDtwre. eCn .t hOer tpheinrd — aJn.d Sf.ourth omfo tnhteh .b otTtlhee ; manedm bthraen feose tauns ds uthspee pnldaecde nbtya iatps pcehaor radt rtehsets t oopn tphoes itbioontt owmi.t h Trehsep ebcot dtyo aneadc hli mobthse rr,e twaihni cehx atchtelyy tohcec uspaimede whFe.n ci.n 3t3h4e. wAonm abb.o rtPiorne soefn tthede fboyu Drthr . mCo. nJtho.h nsTohne•— foJe.tHus. is suspended and enclosed in the amnion, which is attached to
tthhee cchhoorrido na nadn dth pelsaec emnetma bart atnhees .p oiInt t foofr mcos nan evcteiroyn bbeeatuwtiefeunl tphree pfaluraidtiso, nb. othT hines itdrea nasnpda roeuntc, yr enodf etrhse a lml peamrbtsr aonfe t,h ea nfoed tuosf
visFib. lce.. 33P5r. eAse nfoetetdu sb ya nJd. Pitese mbleems, bErasnqe. s bJe. tHw.een the fourth tahned pfrieftpha rmatoionnth, . anTd hteh ep lamceemntbar aisn sehso wwinth a tt hthee fboeatcuks pianrsti doef are severally exhibited in the anterior aspect. Presented by
R.F -G cr-e g3o4r0y. , TEhsiqs. —prJe.p Har.ation shows the state of the uterus acnhdil di.t s vTehssee blsl oiomdm-veedsisaetlesl yw aefrtee r fguilvlyin gin bjeirctthe dt ow ai tnhi nceo-mloounrethd wanadx ,u rainnda ryth bel audtdeerru sd iasntedn vdaegdi naan,d todrgieetdh.—er Jw. iSth. the rectum imFpr. ecg. n3a4ti1o.n .T hiIst iiss atnh ei nctaesree sotifn ga ns peedceimnteunlo uosf eoxltdr a-buetgegrianre- twwoemnatyn ,y weahros, haandd chaardr iebde eann f oarb da ogmrienaat l ptaurmt oouf rt hfaotr paebroioudt tauffmecotuerd iwni thth aen aubldcoerm aennd h sawd enlleinvegr ogfi voenne hoefr hmeru clehg su. neTashie
nFeasrst,h earn dth ahna dt hniso, inmomtheindgia tcea ns hbaer e gianth ecraeuds inregs pheecrti ndge ahther.
hisTtohrey .size of the tumour, as it appears in the preparation, is nrietiaornly. eqItu alile sto inth atht eo fs uab usttearnucse aotf tthhee fruigllh pt efraolildo poiaf np taurbtue,
tnheea ra ibtds oumteirnianle p eaxriteretems.i ty,I tasn fdo rhma dis ciorrnetgrauclaterd, aanddh eitssi otnhsi ckto
inmespsr evganraiatebdle u tienr udsi fnfeeraern ti tsp acrotns,n ebcetiinogn ewqiutha lt htoe wthoamt bo, fb aunt vInesryid teh tinh,e btuehminodr,, isw ah feoeret uths ea nfdal iltosp imane mtubbraen iess s:p rtheaed f oeovtuesr iits. oupf tpheer morodsitn ;a riyts s imzee amt btheers n ainreth a mll opnetrhf,e acnt,d apnladc wedi twh itthhe i tesx hceeapd
tiitos nf leosfh t hise ase yfiersm, tahned fhruemsho, uarss ifo fi tw hhaidc hb eheanv ep redsiesravpepde afrroedm, tbhrea nmeso mareen pt roefs benirtt h; tihne s tprloancge natlac oihs oalt.t acThheed dtoe ctihdeu aproys mteerimor
npiaornt , owf hthene fairrtsitf iocipaeln uedte, rau sl a; rgaen dq ufraonmti ttyh eo fc yaevliltoyw o ff lothcceu alemnt
pflauridt oefs tchaep etudm. oTr h; ei t riesa ol fu ttheer uuss umaal ys izbee, asnede nis autn cthoen nleocwteedr byF i.t sc .c a3v4i2ty. wAi thp rtehpaatr ainti ownh ischho twhien gf oetthuse wdaesv efolormpmede.n—t Jof. Sa.