A. b. 163. Stomach and oesophagus, effects of sulphuric acid on
A. b. 164. Stomach, effects of sulphuric acid on A. b. 165. Stomach, 31 effects of arsenic on 31 A. b. 166. Stomach, effects of sulphuric acid on 32 * A. b. 167. Stomach, effects of sulphuric acid on 82 *A . b. 168. Stomach, effects of sulphuric acid on 32 A. b. 169. Stomach, effects of arsenic on 33 A . b. 170. Stomach, dotted over with brown spots 84 A . b. 171. Stomach, effects of arsenic op oppendix, 532 A . b. 172. Stomach, ... effects of arsenic on ib. 533 A . b. 188. Stomach, which contained metallic bodies 34
A . b. 200. Gizzard of a curassow, transfixed by a nail 35
A . b. 201. Stomach of a greyhound, ulcers of 35 A . b. 202. Horse’s stomach, calculus from
A. b. 203. Cow’s stomach, hair balls from
A . b. 204. Guinea-pig’s stomach, calculus from
A . 6. 205. Monkey’s stomach, calculus from
A , b. 206. Cat’s stomach ... calculus from
A . c. 220. Small intestine, ulcers of 36 A . c. 221. Small intestine, ulcers of * 36 A . c. 222. Jejunum, ulcers of 36 A . c. 223. Small intestine, ulcers of 36 A . c. 224. Ileum, annular ulcers of 37 A . c. 225. Ileum, circular ulcers of 37 A . c. 226. Ileum, granular condition of 37 A . c. 227. Ileum, circular ulcers of 37 A . c. 228. Jejunum, tubercular deposits in 37 A . c. 229. Jejunum, tubercular deposits in 37 A . c. 230. Ileum, perforating ulcer of 40 A. c. 231. Peyer’s glands enlargement of 40 A . c. 232. Ileum, perforating ulcer of 40 A . c. 233. Peyer’s glands enlargement of 40 A. c. 234. Peyer’s glands enlarged and ulcerated 40 A . c. 235. Peyer’s glands enlargement of 40 A . c. 245. Jejunum, schirrus of 41 A. c. 249. Small intestine effects of arsenic on 41 A. c. 250. Jejunum, effects of sulphuric acid on 41 A . c. 251. Jejunum, rupture of 41 A . c. 252. Jejunum, perforations of 41 A . c. 253. Duodenum, iron spoon lodged in ... 42
A . c. 254. Ileum, •» rupture of ••• ••• 42
A. c. 255. Jejunum, circular ulcers o f ••• 43
A. c. 256. Jejunum, , perforating ulcers of 44
A. c. 257. Jejunum, sub-mucous tissue of, emphysematous 44
A. c. 258. Small intestine, adhesion of 44
A. c. 259. Jejunum, ... pedunculated tumors of 44
A. c. 263. Ileum, , stricture of - 44
A. c. 264. Ileum, stricture of ... ••• 44
A. c. 280. Cæcum, ... effects of dysentery on 45
A . c. 281. Coecum, effects of dysentery on 45
A . c. 282. Cæcum, ... effects of dysentery on 45
A . c. 283. Rectum* ulcerated from dysentery ... 45
A . c. 284 Colon, enormous dilatation of •>• 45
A . c. 285. Colon, dilatation of ... r f 46
A. c. 286. Colon, , sacculated condition of ... 46
A . c. 287. Colon, ... sloughy tumor connected to 46
A . c. 288. Colon, . perforating ulcer of — 47
A . c. 289. Colon, perforating ulcer of ••• 47
A. c. 290. Colon, , effects of dysentery on 47
A. c. 291. Colon, . effects of dysentery on 48
A . c. 292. Colon, .... narrowing of, the result of ulceration 48
A. ? 293. Colon, ft. effects of dysentery on 49
A . c. 294. Colon, ».. effects Of dysentery on 49
A. c. 295. Colon, ..., inner membrane of, coated with lymph 49
A . c. 296. Colon, , granular deposit on mile. memb. o f ... 49
A. c. 297. Colon, , effects of dysentery on 49
A . c. 298. Colon, . granular condition of mucous membrane of 49
A. c. 299. Colon, . effects of inflammation on 50
A. c. 300. Cæcum, mucous membrane of, very dark-coloured 50
A. c. 301. Colon, .... numerous cicatrices of 50
A. c. 302. Colon, . thickening of, &c. 50
A . c. 30a Colon, . effects of dysentery on 50
A . c. 304. Colon, . effects of dysentery on 50
A . c. 305. Colon, .. .• perforating ulcer of 51
A. c. 306. Colon, ... perforating ulcer of 51
A . c. 307. Colon, .. small ulcerations of 51
A. c. 308. Coecum and colon of a child, effects of dysentery on 51
A. c. 309. Colon, ,, ulcers of 51
A . c. 310. Colon, .. mucous membrane of, thickened & granular 51
*A . c. 311. Cæcum, uleer of 52
* A. c. 312. Colon, pedunculated tubercles in 52
*A . c. 313. Coecum and colon, effects of dysentery on ... 52