foetus up to the fourth its situation is about the mceonnttrhe, o fin t hteh teu breig, hatn df ailtlso speiapna rtautiboen, Tfrhoem intdhiev itdruuael duiteedru os f ihsoe mmaorrkrheadg be yp rao dcuicrecdu lbary cao rnusptrtiucrtieo no.f tthhee uwtearlilnse w vheiscshe lesn acfltoesre dd eaththe efoesctaupse. d iInn jae clatirogne sthtrreoawmn firnotmo ntheea rlbyr ogkreenat seunrofaucgeh. toT hhea vter uceo nuttaeirnuesd itsh ee nfloeartugse d; tiots aw sailzlse uarpe wlinitehd mbyu cau tsh.—ickJ. of decidua; and its mouth is plugged a dFo. gc,. 3c7o3n. taAin ipnogr tiao nf uolfl yo nfeo romf etdh ef oecoturnsu. a Tofh eth em eumtebrurasn eosf ainn dt haenirn unlaatru rpalla cpelnactae sa.—re Js. uSc.cessfully injected and exhibited conFt.a icn.i n3g7 4a. laTrghee fuoeteturus.s oTfh ea mdootgh e(rK diinegd iCn htahrel easc'st obfr epeadr)
tpuarritt ioonf, tohne auctceoruuns t ionf wexhciecshs ivthe eo bfeoestiutys. wTash ee nwcalollsse odf— ththaet fpoelatcuesn—tat,h ein cthhoer iofonr,m a nodf tah eb aanmdn ieonnc airrcel ianlgl stehvee rbaolldyy d oemf othne
strFat.e cd.. 37P5.r eTsehnet efedm bayl et hoer gSaunrsg eoofn aG menoelrea l(.—TaJl.p aH E. uropea) lionn sgi.t u- ThTeh eu ruitnearruys ibsl ahdodrneer da, nadn dt hteh ek icdlniteoyriss iasr er emexahrikbaibteldy in Fth. ec .p 3re7p7a. raTthioen g. enital organs of a jackall (canis aureus) iwnh ipcahr tduireitdi oinn. theT hZroeoel ofgeictuasl eGsa rhdaedn ,b oefe nru epxtupreell eodf thalei vwe oamndb itnh es affieftthy , daanyd, wthhee nm sohteh ebre caapmpee awreeda kt,o mbeo adnoeind g fwroemll puanitnil, faonldlo wdiiendg ianp pae aferawn cheos urws.e re Onont icinesdp. ectTiohne apfetreirt odneeuatmh wthaes ionff ltahme epde lvuins,i vwerhsearlley ,t heb uitn temstoirnee s ewspeercei ainll ys omine sthpeo ts rgelguieodn rtoedg etsheerur mw, itmh ixlyedm pwhi,t ha ngdre ninis ho thfelarks ehs.e ldI na pathrte binyt ear iotrh ino,f itnhde iclaetfitn gc otrhneu polfa ceths e ouf teartutasc hthmeerne t wfreorem pwlahciecnht atlh em tahrrkese, alipvpinega rfeedt uesqeusa lhlyad t hbiecekn asnedp afrlaetsehdy ;. anTdh ael lo priafrictse ooff ththise croirgnhut lceofrtn ;u ainndt o inth eth uet ecrauvsi twy aosf nthoits s oco mrnuuc hla yd ilaa tesdin agsl et hfaett uosf , thoef tchloes es aamnde nsaiztue raals ctohnen eoctthieorns ,t ow tihthe uittse rurisn.g -lTikhee pstlrauccetnutrae ionf this cornai was somewhat different from that of the left : in
tohfe m gursecautlearr dpeavrte loofp mitesn et x; tebnutt, iint pparetcsheenste idt wthaes ssaom teh idne, gthreaet nhoaitrh inogf thbeu t ftehteu se xintesrindea.l sTerhoeusse mpaetmchbersa,n ef ewco nicne anluemd btehre, ascnadt teurpewd,a ridrrse, gwulearre, oofn lvya rtioo ubs es izfeosu nfrdo mo na ptheae tsoi dae shoifl litnhge ccoaurnsue , onfe xdte aitths waattsa cfhomunedn t int oc otnhnee cbtiroona dw iltihg atmhiesn ts.t ateT hoef tpuarret,s : dutwrion go ft hthee cothnitnrancetdio npsa tcohf etsh eh wado mgbiv ;e nth we arye nbtys wruepre
lpiettrlme ibtteetdte rt hthe ane sacna pien cohf loan gc,o nnasrirdoewra,b alen dq uraagngtietdy ; oafn vde hrdaid- tghreisreedb yf ltuhied cfaruosme othf et hwaotm inbf lianmtom tahteio pne orift ownheuicmh —thbee caonmiminagl adsie tdh. e tThhinenrein hga adn bde erunp ntuor eh aheamdo rorhcacguere din tboe ftohree ptheeri tosenpeaurma,
triaotino no fi s thslei t polapceenn itna .f roTnht eto c oshrnouw otfh eth ef eututesr.u s Tinh eth eth pinrnepinag
of the walls, together with the ruptured apertures, may be
seeTnh ea tt horneee jack alls,, littered previously to the death orefa rtehde irth emmo tuhper ,v ewrye rtee npduetr ltyo.— sJu c• kHl.e a small bitch which GmFu.) 'c w. i3t7h8 .a Tfheetu pso uacttha cohfe da ktoa ntghuer onoi p(pdlied. elpPhirse sgeingtaendt ebay,
PrFof.e cs.s o5r8 3K. irTbhye. —utJe.r uHs. of a rabbit. It affords an example tohfe a v daogiunbal.e uBtreirsutlse, s wpiothin tt wtoo thhoer tnws o ohpoernnisn, ga nsde ptoar athteel yo pinento
ingF .o cf .t h3e8 4b. laTdhdee ru tienrtuo st hoef av raagbibnait. —in Ja. sHta.te of impregnation. TThheer ev esasreel sf ivhea vfee tubeseens ifnil loedn ew ciothrn ure, da nidn jnecotnioe ni,n ttoh ed eomthoenr.
sptrroactees st hoef agletesrtaattiioonn . in Tshizoes ew ohfic thh eth eimy purnedgenragteod dcuorrinnug tahree lparreggen aatnedd ,v earrye ncoummperaorautsi,v ewlyh ivlsetr yth somsea llle aadnidn gfe wto. —thJa.t Hun. imtioFn..
c. T3h8e5 . fTethues euste raures oalfl aa rrraatn ign eadn aelaornlyg stthage e coofr nimuap r; egthneay
aarbeo umt otrhee nsuizme eorfo pues aso,n a orrnaen gsiedde atht asnh oornt tdhiset aontcheesr —frothme ye aacrhe
othFe.r ca. lo38n9g. thTeh etu ubteesr.u—s Jo. fS a. Guinea pig impregnated. The fetuses are arranged, like that of the rat, in the tubes of
the cornua.—J. H.