*F. b. 262. Three false passages of large size, in the prostatic
part of the urethra; they are situated in the inferior wall
of the canal, and take a direction obliquely backwards and
*F. b. 263. General enlargement of the prostate gland : the
lobes have attained a large size ; their increase, however, has
taken place in so uniform a manner, that the urethra, although
deepened and elongated, is not deflected from its natural
course. The posterior extremities of the lateral lobes project
into the cavity of the bladder, and lie in close contact with the
anterior surface of the third lobe, which is elongated in a
transverse direction, and projects forwards, so as to form a
septum behind the urethral orifice. The bladder is thickened
and the ureters dilated.
*F. b. 264. Chronic enlargement of the left and middle lobes
of the prostate : the entire surface of the latter is in a state
of ulceration ; the vesical mucous membrane, throughout its
whole extent, is in a sloughy state, and, almost completely detached
from the subjacent muscular coat, hangs down in
loose folds into the cavity.
*F. b. 265. Enlargement of the third lobe of the prostate :
its apex is ulcerated. The urethral orifice was so accurately
closed by it, that on one occasion, when retention of urine occurred,
a catheter could not by any manoeuvre be introduced ;
an attempt was in consequence made to force a passage, and
with complete success; the instrument passed through the
base of the lobe, and entered the bladder about half an inch
above it; the urine was in this way evacuated, and continued
to be drawn off through the artificial canal until the patient’s
death. The perforation is shown in the preparation; it is of
considerable size, and runs precisely in the mesial line. Bladder
thickened and contracted.
*F. b. 266. Enlargement of the left lateral and middle lobes
of the prostate : the urethra is curved towards the opposite
side. The mucous membrane of the bladder is superficially
ulcerated, and protruded in one situation between the muscular
fibres, so as to form a small pouch.
*F. b. 267. Slight enlargement of the left lobe of the prostate
gland; the urethra is curved, the convexity looking towards
the right side.
*F. b. 268. Slight enlargement of the third lobe of the prostate.
Two small sacculi exist in connection with the bladder.
*F. b. 269. Enlargement of all the lobes of the prostate,
but particularly the middle and right. The bladder is much
thickened, and its mucous membrane presents marks of chronic
*F. b. 270. Enlargement of the left and middle lobes of the
prostate, with ulceration of their surface, and of the interior
of the bladder generally.
■ *F. b. 271. Slight enlargement of all. the lobes of the prostate;
the corresponding part of the urethra is rough and
ulcerated, and this condition extends for a short distance into
the bladder.
*F. b. 272. Enlargement of the third lobe of the prostate ; it
forms a tumor as large as a walnut, and pyriform in shape,
the narrow extremity being the attached one ; it was consequently
very moveable, and acted the part of a valve with
respect to the urethral orifice, preventing the escape of the
urine, but allowing of the introduction of an instrument without
difficulty: the bladder is remarkably columnar.
#F. b. 273. Abscess in the right lateral lobe of the prostate,
which communicates with the neck of the bladder by an ulcerated
opening: the bladder and ureters exhibit the usual
marks of chronic disease.
*F. b. 274. Slight enlargement of the third lobe of the prostate
gland. The bladder is but little thickened; its inner
surface is fasciculated; ureters dilated.
#F. b. 275. Enlargement of the lateral lobes of the prostate,