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DIANTHUS Fischeri.
Fischers Pink.
‘^'^DIANTHU S. Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus basi squamis oppositis
imbricatis. Pelala 5 \orxgh
Capsula l-locu)aris. Semina compressa bmc convexa mdè cone
peltata. Embryo vis curvatus. DC. prodr. -
Sect. I I . C aryophyllum. Flores paniculati vel solitarii.
§. 2. Petalis jimbriatis.
D Fischeri, caule erecto paniculato-ramoso, floribus aggregato-co-
rvmbosis squamis calycinis ovatis cuspidato-acuminatis erecUs
tubo dupffi brevioribus, petalis multifidis fauce subpilosis, foliis
p. 62. Syst. veg.2. p. 316. DC.prodr.X. p.36b.
Perennial. A im about eighteen inches in height pani-
culately branching; hranches spreading nearly cyhndr|cal
S k M , an g » lM , and thinly clothed with a short rongh.sh
pubescence. Leaves opposite, ionceoiate, acute,
at the base, slightly glaucous, strongly 1-nerved, striate, the
margins very rough, serrulate with numerous minute cartilaginous
teeth. Flowers of a beautiful lilac, fragrant, crowded
in paniculated corymbs. Pedicles very short, enclosed
in the lanceolate taper-pointed bractes. Calyx tubulap striated
purple, terminated in 5 lanceolate taper-pointed teeth,
surrounded at the base by 4 ovate s h a r p , taper-pointed
scales, about half the length of the tube. Petals 5, spread-
in» • the unguis long, flat, strongly 2-nerved, narrowing to
the base; limb mnltifid, the segments again jagged, 3-nerved,
fauce slightly bearded, or thinly clothed with long white
hairs. Stamens 10, inserted in the receptacle, every other
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