PIPTÂNTHUS nepalénsis.
Nepaul Piptanthus.
Natural Order. L e g u m in o s a . DC. prodr. 2. p. 93.
Subordo I. P A P I L I O N A C E M .— Tribus 1. So p h o r e a . Corolla
papilionacea. Stamina libera. Legumen continuum nec articulatum.
Cotyledones plan® foliacé®.—Tribus satis naluralis, accedens ad
Loteas mediaiitibus et Ammodendro et Astragalis chronopodiis, ad
Hedysareas mediante Adesmiâ, quibus sunt stamina libera et So-
phor® scotio secundâ quæ staminibus gaudet subcoalitis. DC. prodr.
2 .» . 94.
P IP T A N T H U S . Calyx campanulatus 5-fidus bilabiatus posticc
convexus deciduus ; basi attenuatiis persistens. Petala inæqualia,
vexillo lateribus subincurvis, alis apice involutis, carinà monopetali
obtusâ apice bifidi. Stamina 10, decidua. LeotmeH compressum lineare
stipitatum polyspermum.—Erulices. Folla trifoliolata. Stipul
® magna cordato-ovata, basi coadunata, caduca. Racemi terminales
; floribus bracteatis verticillatisJlavis, bracteis ovatis deciduis.
P . nepalensis, foliolis elliptico-lanceolatis utrinque attenuatis subse-
riceis, racemis terminalibus villosis, floribus ternato-verticillatis.
Baptisia nepalensis. Hooker exot.flor. 131. Spreng. syst. v. 4. pars. 2.
Tlmrmopsis napaulensis. DC. in ann. se. nat. 4. p. 98. Prodr. v. 2.
Tlm'rm%sis laburnifolia. D. Don prodr. flor. nepal. p . 239-240. Swt.
hort. brit. p. 107.
Thermia laburnifolia. Spreng. syst. v. 4. par. 2. p. 171.
A handsome, upright, branching, evergreen Shrub : bran-
ches bright green, nearly cylindrical, angular while young,
clothed with a silky pubescence. Leaves petiolate, ternate,
bright green, soft to the touch, clothed on both sides with a
thin silky pubescence: leaflets oblong or elliptically lanceolate,
acute, tapering to both ends, pennately veined, the
veins branched ; young leaves folded inwards a little, and
more pubescent. Petioles channelled on the upper side
and rounded on the lower, pubescent. Stipules very large,
connected at the base, cordately ovate, cuspidate, concave
below, the points sometimes a little reflexed, thickly
clothed with short soft villous hairs, deciduous, or soon
turning yellow and dropping off. Racemes terminating the
young branches, in our specimens many-flowered, the stem
between the whorls of flowers three-sided, densely villous.
Flowers pale yellow, three in each whorl, dying off rather
a deeper yellow. Bracte large, ovate, acute, undulate, concave
inwards, thickly clothed with a soft pubescence, one
at the base of each peduncle, and nearly equalling it in
length. Peduncles thickly clothed with short villous hairs.