triquetrous, smooth, 3-furrowed. Style smooth, enclosed
by the stamens. Stigmas 3, very much dilated, each
2-lol)cd, and fringed, bright purple. Seeds smooth, globular.
The jiresent beautiful plant is one of the bulbs that was
brought from the Ca|)e by Mr. Syimot, and has now flowered
ive believe for the first time in this country. It constitutes
a very distinct genus, readily distinguished from all
to which it is nearest related, by its anthers, which twist
round the style, and its dilated two-lobed stigmas; like the
other Cape bulbs to which it is nearest related, it succeeds
best in a light dry sandy soil, composed of rather more
than one-third of rich light turfy loam, chopped up small,
but not sifted; this is to be mixed with full one-third of
fine sand, and the remaining jiart of light turfy peat, or
any other very light soil, the use of it being to keep the
loam o[)en ; the best loam is that of a reddish yellow colour,
which feels soft and greasy to the touch; but the
colour does not signify, if the substance is nearly the same;
the lighter and more sandy it is the better, as it will then
require less sand and peat to he mixed with it, and the small
roots and fibres amongst it is the best means of keeping it
light and hollow, those would be lost, if the mould was
sifted, and it would he apt to bake like a brick, so that the
shoots of the bulbs cannot push through it, and become rotten.
We never use a sieve ourselves, for sifting any sort of
mould whatever, not even for sowing the smallest seeds;
it can always be made fine enough with the hands ; and the
.seeds come up much better, and are not so apt to damp
when the mould is a little rough.
This plant requires the same care as the other Cape bulbs,
several of which we luive seen tried in the open borders last
Winter, only covered with a single mat; they were planted
from 4 to 6' inches deep, and all succeeded very well. Our
drawing was made from plants in the Nursery of Mr. Colvill;
it also flowered at Mr. Lee’s Nursery, at Hammersmith,
this Spring.
1. Spatha. 2. The tliiec Stamens inserteil in tlie tube o f the Perianthium
the anthers twisted. 3. Ovarium terminated by the Style and 3 cleft dilated’
Stigma, the segments o f whicli are 2-lobed. '