ALLIU M neapolitanum.
Neapolitan Moly.
Natxiral Older. A s p h o v e l e æ . Brown p r o d r . 2 1 4 .
A L L IU M . Perianthium inferum 6-parlitum. Stamina 6. Stigma
sæpiusindivisum. Capsula supera trilocularis, trivalvis; loculis 1-vel
2-spennis, rarissime polyspermis. îlo re s spathacei umbellati, pedi-
celiati. G. Don. monog. alli. p. 3.
Divisio IX . Umbella capsulifera. Spat/ia bi-vel triloba, brevis,
marcescens. Stamina subulata, basi dilatata. Scapi nudi, centrales.
Folia lorata. Flores patentes, erecti, rarius campamlormis penduti.
(Mo lium) Don loc. c it.p.lG.
Sect. 5. Flores albi ; scapi triquetres, stigmata tnjida.
A neapolitanum, foliis lorato-lanceolatis carinatis, spathà univalvi
‘brevi amplexa, umbellà fastigialà multiflorà, periant ni laciniis ob-
longis obtusissimis, staminibus periantbii fere dimidio brevion-
biis” Don./oc. cii. p. 86. . w i u
Allium neapolitanum. Cyrill, pi. rar. neap. fase, l.p .1 3 . f. 4. WiUd.
enum. supp. 17. Link enum. 1. p. 316. Hornem. hafn. 1. p. 964.
Tenore Catalog, pi. hort. reg. neap. p. 4.
Allium album. B iv .c e n t.l.p .lG - Savt app. s a n t.m a g .\.p .G b 2 .t.l.
Redout, liliac. t. 306. Trevir. alli. n. 20.
Allium lacteum. Flor, grtsc. t. 325. Prodr. 4. p. 226.
Bulb oblong, proliferous. Leaves 2 or 3, sheathing the
scape lanceolately-linear, acute, channelled on the upper
side bluntly keeled underneath, striate, smooth and glossy.
Scape longer than the leaves, slightly 3-sided, smooth and
shining. Umbel many-flowered, drooping before expansion
and when expanded a little nodding. Spathe bursting
on one side, cordate, acute, thin and membranaceous
when the flowers are expanded. Flowers from 12 to 20
in our plants, loosely spreading. Pedicles smooth, long
and slender, a little thickened below the flower. Penan-
thium divided nearly to the base, into 6 leaflets which are
oblongly ovate, obtuse, toothed at the points, the 3 outer
ones rather the largest, of a pure white, with a strong nerve
down the middle of each. Stamens 6, inserted m the base
of the leaflets : filaments subulate, flat, dilated downwards,