DIÁNTHUS gigánteus.
Gigantic Pink.
Natural Order. Caryophyllb®. Ju ss . g e n .2 9 9 .
Tribus I. SiLENEM. Sépala coalita in tubum cylindraceum apice
D IA N T H U S . Calyx tubulosus 5-dentatus basi squamis 2-4 oppositis
imbricatis. Petala 5 longè unguiculata. StaminaVi. S ty li 2.
Capsula 1 -locularis. Semina compressa hinc convexa inde concava,
peltata. JBmfiryo vix curvatus. DC. prodr. l .p . 355.
Sect. I. A r m e r i a s t r u m . Flores capitati vel corymbosi, sessiles
vel pedunculati. . • 7 r •
§. 3. Bracteis ovatis vel lanceolatis, calycibus vix striatis glabris.
D. giganteas, \mNi9, floribus sessilibus capitato-hemisphaencis nume-
rosis basi suffultis, bracteis foliaceis, squamis calycinis ovato-acu-
minatis adpressis dimidium tubi asquantibus, foliis linearibus longissimis,
basi longè connatis, caule tereti. D C .p ro d r .l.p .356. «.17.
Dianthus giganteas. D' Urv. enum. pl. archip. p. 45. Spreng. syst. 2.
p. 375.
Perennial, a little suffrutescent a t the base. Stem&x&ci,
3 to 4 feet high, smooth, cylindrical, much swollen at
the joints, of a bright green colour. Leaves very long,
broadly linear, acute, connected a great way up at the
base, and sheathing the stem, three-nerved from the
base, and striate, channelled on the upper side and keeled
below, smooth on both sides and a t the margins, of
a bright green colour. Plowet^s numerous, sessile, very
much crowded in a close hemispherical head, divided
into 3 or more sets. Bractes th a t surround the head, foliaceous
or leaf-like, broad a t the base, and tapering to
a slender point, the outer ones longer than the head:
inner ones shorter, less leafy, tapering to a long slender
Doint. Calyx long and tubular, striate with numerous
ongitndinal small lines, smooth, tinged with purple, 5-
tooth ed : the teeth erect, narrowly lanceolate, tapering
2Puh -TsR-ISZS.