Jhi J£2S
ÔROBUS Fischeri.
Fischers Bitter Vetch.
Natural Order. L e g u m i n o s æ . DC. prf i . 2. p. 93. .
Subordol. PAPILIONACEM.— TribuslY.VICIEM. SuprafoLWA.
O RO BU S . Calyx campanulatus, 5-fidus; lobis 2 siqierionbus
brevioribus. Corolla papilionacea. Stamina diadelpha. Stylus gracilis
linearis apice villosus. Legumen cylindraceum oblongum uniloculare
bivalve polyspermum. Semina hilo lineari.—Herbæ •
Stipulæ semisagittatoe. Petioli in setam brevem simplicem desmentes.
Polia abrupte pinnata paucijuga. Racemi axillares pedunculati.
DC. prodr. 2. p. 376.
§. 1. Foliis nnijugis, foliolis ovatis vel linearibus.
O Fischeri, caule tetragono subsimplici glabriusculo, foliis unijugis;
foliolis linearibus obtusiusculis mucronulatis longitudine venosis
subtus subsericeis, stipulis linearibus acutis subdentatis sericeo-ci-
liatis basi uniauriculatis, racemis pedunculatis multifloiis secundis,
leguminibus reticulato-venosis 6-7-spermis, semmibus subrotundis
Orobus atropurpureus. Fischer Mss. non Desf.fior. atl.
Perennial. Stems erect, simple, or branching towards
the base, 4-sided, slightly pubescent when young, but
becoming smooth by age. Leaves on short footstalks,
each bearing one pair of leaflets, th a t are linear, blu n tish,
bu t terminated by a short mucro, longitudma ly
veined with several small veins, underneath thinly clothed
with a silky pubescence, the upper side smooth, or
scarcely pubescent. Petioles short and broad, channelled
on foe upper side and convex on the lower, terminated
beyond foe leaves m an acute hnear poink Sh-
pules linear, taper-pointed, silky, and fringed with silky
hairs, bearing a sharp horizontal ear a t the base on one
side, and sometimes one or two sharp te e th besides.
Peduncles about foe length of the leaves, quadrangular,
furrowed, slightly pubescent. Raceme, many-flowered.
Flowers crowded, facing all to one side, dark purple.
Pedicles short, pubescent. Calyx short, campanulate, pubescent,
2-lipped : segments of the upper hp very short
and broad, bluntly rounded: those on the lower one
longer and more pointed, bu t scarcely acute. Vexil um
long and narrow, oblong, rounded a t the end with a
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