Scarlet-flowered tree Rhododendron.
Natural Order. E r i c e a . D. D oig pm d r .fl. nepal. p. 148.
ssepiùs campanulata v. basi tubulosa, maculato,
limbo 5-loba. subbilabiata; labio m penoreUiiore ^ ^ « 6 duplici
Stamina 5-10, s»piùs exserta. Antherw apice
hiantes. Capsute 5-loeularis, 5-valvis, ' r i f f simplex angulata.
laris. 10-valvis, septieido-deb.seens
Semina compressa, scobiformia, facelata s ulansempervirentes.
Yoli^ alterna, 'colore
dulà lutei terminata. Flores termmales, corymbosi, specie
varii. D .D o n . prodr. p. 152.
R arboreum, foliis lanceolatis acutis subtùs argenteis basi subacuti"
f l o X s confertis. pedunculis ealyeibusque l a -
campanulatis: laoiniis bilobis margine crispato-crenulatis. p
sulà 10-loculari ^omentosk. D . Don. prodr. p .lo 4 . ^
Rhododendron arboreum.
p. 292. Botan, regist. 890. Swt. hort. bnU p,264.
A handsome evergreen tree, in its native country about
the size of a middling-sized Cherry-tree 20 feet high or
more, clothed with a hard thick bark, which cracks irregularly,
and peels off: hranches smooth, erect, oi spread n
and ascendant, round, thick and succulent when young, but
becomin» hard by age. Leaves lanceolate or rarely elliptic,,
a S te sometimesMiy long, /
penninerved, the nerves branched, and connected a little
S f t h e margin; upper side of a light yellowish green,
but »lossy; underneath silvery white, obsoletely reticulate.
i i S I little thickened, very slightly reflexed. Petioles
flattened and furrowed on the upper
the lower rugged, and more or less clothed v \it% snort
woolly pubescfnce. Floivers of a bright scarlet m a close
nearly globular crowded corymb, from 15 to 20 m each.
Bractei scale-like, surrounding the corymb, numerous,
f a r ib ii round or roundly ovate, a Pomted, concave
inward and striate ; 1-nerved at the back, and clotbed 'v *
short silvery wool, t h e edges membranaceous
short, tomentose. Calyx short, and tomentose, the se^
■ i!r,' l