ARGEMONE grandiflora.
Large-fiowered Argemone.
N a tu ra l Order. PAVA-VEnACEm. DC. syst. 2. p.67.
A RG EM O N E . Sépala 2-3, concava, mucrone superata, pilis
aculeiformibus aspera, .aut Imvia. Pelala 4-6. Stumina " " “ « o sa .
Ovarium ovatum; stigmatibus 4-7 radiantibus persistentibus conoavis
liberis (nec super discum sessilibus) coronatum. Capsula ovaU, l-lo-
cularis, valvulis apice dehiscens, placentibus linearibus. Semina
sphmrica, scrobiculata.-Herb® annua, s u c c o flavescente donata, m
caule fo liis et calyce pilis rigidis subaculeata, aut PeduncuU
axillares solitarii, aut terminales paniculati, s ^ p e r erecti ■‘lecante
anthesin inflexo eernui. Vìovee fla v i aut albi. DC. syst. 2. p. 8.5, pa-
rum mutatis.
A. grandiflora, foliis sinuatis Imvibus dentato-spinulo.sis : nervis in-
erraibus, floribus panioulatis terminalibus polyandris, calycibus
Imvibus, capsula obtuse quadrangula siibinermi.
Annual. Stem branching, smooth, or a little pnckly at
the base, spotted, and the branches tinged with purple, between
3 and 4 feet high. Leaves sessile, sinuate or nearly
pinnatifid, smooth, the nerves and veins not spiny: lower
ones very similar to Acanthus mollis, above a toot lon^
and about half a foot broad, the segments oblong, distinctly
and horizontally spreading, sinuately toothed, the teeth and
points terminated with a weak spine: stem ones smaller
and less divided, very slightly glaucous, the segments more
acute, nerves purplish. Flowers very large, above 4 inches
across when expanded, of a pure white, in terminal panicles,
forked at every division of the stem, the Aowers ^n
pairs. Peduncles short, smooth. Calgx of 3 sepals, which
are smooth, ovate, convex, and terminated by a sharp horn
like point, deciduous, dropping off as soon as the liowei
expands. Petals 6, in our specimens, very broad and much
imbricate, narrow at the base, rounded at the margins, which
H 2