Elegard Cup-Flower.
Natural Order. L o a s e / e . J uss. auu.mus.5. p .2 i,
SC Y P H A N T H U S . Calyx superus, profunde qumquepartitus,
persistens; laciniis®qualibus. Pétala 5, basi calycis inserta, brevissime
unguiculata, concava, mqualia, adscendentia. Squama 5, ibidem
insert®, cum petalis alternantes ; apice peltat®, lobat®, tricorn®.
Stamina numerosa, creberrima, perigyna ; decern exteriora antheris
destituta horumque bina squamis opposita; reliqua longiora, disposila
per fascioulos quinqué, petalis oppositos. Anthera biloculares,
erect®, longitudinaliter dehiscentes. Ovarium inferum, prismaticum.
siliqu®forme. Stylus 1, erectus, trigonus, simplex. Capsula prismatica
siliqumformis, limbo calycis coronata, 1-locularis, polysperma,
apice trivalvis. Semina ovalia, rugosa. .
He rb a i)0ÍMÍ)i/ís ; ramis retrorsum strigosis. Yo\\e. apposita, bipin-
natifida : superiora pinnatifida, hispido-hirta. Flores sessih, erecti,
solitarii. Pétala lutea.
S. elcgans, caule dichotonio volubili, foliis oppositis ; inferioribus
bipinnatifidis ; superioribus pinnatifidis ; laciniis obtusis ciliatis.
A im s forked at every joint, slender, s o o n becoming hard
and brown, twisting round each other, or round any sma,ll
branches within their reach, thickly clothed with small rigid
hairs, which bend downwards, and causes a roughness to
the touch. Leaves opposite, thickly clothed with short rigid
hairs, the margins fringed; lower ones bipinnatihd, becoming
smaller and less divided upwards : the upper ones
simply pinnatifid: segments lanceolate, bluntish,
Flowers yellow, sessile, solitary, cup-shaped ; when the
buds first appear they are terminal, but a young shoot is
soon produced, generally on each side, so that when ex-
■panded, they are mostly seated in a fork between two
branches. Ovarium resembling a pod of some cruciferous
plant, many-angled and many-furrowed, thickly clothed
with short rigid hairs, which bend upwards, 1-celled,
seeded. Calyx seated on the ovarium, deeply 5-parted, the
lacinia; spreading, or the points reflexed, obovately lanceolate,
bluntish, tapering to the base, clothed with short stiH
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