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Hairy-leaved Alstroemeria.
Natural Order. A maRYLLIDEÆ. Brown prodr. F- 296.
A L S T ROE M E R IA . Perianthium snperom, petaloideum snb-
campanulatum, sexpartitum, irreguläre ; laciniis tluabus intenonbus
basi tubuloso-convolutis. Stamina 6, laciuiis inserta, demum declinata.
trifidum. trilocularis ; loculis polyspermis.-
Caulis erectus, scandens aut volubilis, foliatus. Flores umbellati.
Kth« synops. 1. p. 288.
A. hirtella, caule volubili glabro, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis
multinerviis supra in venis hirtis, urabellis mulnfloris, pedicellis
2-3-floris bracteatis Iaxis, perianthii laciniis exterioribus
naulo brevioribus.
A lstroem e ria hirte lla. Humb. Bonpl. et Kunth. nov g e n .p l 1 p. 284.
Kth. synops. l . p . 289. Spreng. syst. 2. p. 81. Swt. hort. brit.p. 409.
Roots perennial, tuberous, resembling small potatoes.
Stems several from the same plant, simple, twining, in our
plant four feet and a half in height, smooth and glossy,
more or less tinged with purple, a little compressed, or
slightly angular, the obsolete angles proceeding from the
footstalks of the leaves, being very slightly decurrent down
the stem. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate, ovately lanceolate,
taper-pointed, longitudinally many nerved of a
thin membranaceous texture, resupma^te, the footstalk being
twisted, so that the upper part of the leaf is downwards,
the nerves thickly clothed with numerous long twisted
white hairs, so as to give the appearance of being villous
between the nerves striated; the other side smooth, and
slightly glaucous. Petioles short, Hat, and thin, tinged
with dark purple, twisted. TJmhel terminal, many-flowered.
Involucre of 6 or 7 leaf-like unequffi leaflets,
the size of the others, all petiolate. Peduncles 2 or 3-flow-
ered, bracteate, loosely spreading, angular and furrowed.
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