about half the length of the perianthium : anthers incumbent
: pollen pale yellow. Style smooth, tinged with red,
about the length of the stamens. Stigma slightly 3-lobed.
Germen trilocular. Seeds few, smooth, nearly globular.
Our drawing of this handsome and fragrant species was
made at the Nursery of Mr. Colvill, from a bulb sent him
by Professor Tenore, from the Royal Botanic Garden at
Naples, with many other curious bulbous rooted plants,
several of which are now coming into flower; we think
the present species as handsome a one as any in this extensive
genus, of which an excellent Monograph has lately
been published in the Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural
History Society of Edinburgh, from the pen of Mr. George
Don, who has recorded 139 species besides doubtful ones,
the greater part of which he examined and compared from
the living plants, which makes the work of much more
value, as it is impossible to decide on some of the numerous
synonyms by dried specimens, and some not very correct
figures; he has taken great pains to ascertain the synonyms
of other authors, of which he has brought together
an immense number; and as far as we have an opportunity
of deciding, they are carefully and correctly arranged;
altogether it contains above a hundred closely printed
The present plant being native of the South of Europe,
is rather more tender than some others; it therefore requires
a warm border, and to be planted about 6 inches
deep, to be out of the reach of frost; a light sandy soil
suits it best, and it increases freely by offsets at the root.
1. Perianthium spread open, to show the insertion o f the Stamens. 2. One o f
the largest leaflets, with the Stamen inserted in the base. 3« One o f the smaller
ones. 4. Germen, terminated by the Style and 3*lobed Stigma.