26S .
ESCHSCHÒLTZIA califórnica.
Mr. Menzies’ EschschoÜzia.
Natural Order. P a p a v BRACEA.
E SC H SC H Ò L T Z IA . Pedunculus in receptaculum tubulosum
obconicum apice expansum subsinuato-truncatum terminans. Calyx
calyptrata, monopliylla, ovato-conica membranacea indivisa è margine
interiore receptáculo inserta, junior petala fovens circumscissè
dehiscens, mox decidua. Petala 4 obovata receptaculum inserta.
Stamina cum petalis inserta, filamentis brevibus imo petalo subad-
natis, 6-8 ante petalum quodque ; antheris terminalibus linearibus
bilocularibus. Ovarium liberum elongatum, apice desinens in stigmata
4 elongata, 2 longiora, 2 subabortiva. Capsula siliqu®formis
cylindracea 10-costata 10-striata bivalvis, valvis ideò longitudinaliter
5-striatis. Placenta marginales 2, alià cum placentà alterius valv»
contiguà. Semina parva, globosa extùs reticulata, albuminosa. Embryo
rectus, radiculà ad hilum versà.—He rb a habitu Chelidonii,
Hypecoi, R ameria. Folia alterna multifida, Pedunculi oppositi-
fo lii aut axillares \-fiori. Flores flavi.
Eschscholtzia califórnica. Chamisso in Nees Hora physica berol.
p . 73. t. 15. DC.prodr. 3. p. 344. Lindi, bot. reg. 1168.
Root perennial, fleshy. Pla n t quite smooth, about a
foot high, much branched ; branches spreading, glaucous,
longitudinally striate with numerous transparent lines.
Leaves alternate and opposite, glaucous, bipinnatifid, the
segments mnltifid, flat, linear, obtuse, and terminated with
a rort of callous point; the upper ones not so much divided
as the lower ones. Petioles slightly winged, channelled on
the upper side, and slightly keeled" below. Peduncles axillary,
or opposite to a leaf, long, cylindrical, striate with
several transparent lines, and terminated below the flower
in a top-shaped, calyx-formed, tubular receptacle, that is
truncate, and shallowly sinuate round the edges. Calyx
1-leaved, calyptra-like, ovately conical, taper-pointed, parting
from the receptacle to which it was joined, and slipping
over the petals when the flowers begin to expand,