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IRIS caucásica.
Caucasean Iris.
Natural Order. I r i d e a . Brown prodr. 302.
IR IS . Supra fol. 68.
I . caucásica, imberbis, foliis circinato-falcatis condnplicatis scapo
subbifloro longioribus, perianthii laciniis exterioribus crista rugu-
losa notatis ; interioribus minutis lanceolatis reflexis, stigmatibus
obtusissimis retusis, ovarium teretiusculum.
Iris caucásica. Steven dec. pl. iber. ex Marsch. Bieb. taur. cauc. 1.
p. 33. Hoffm. comm. mosqu. V. 1. P. 1. p- 40. Rtem. et Schwt.
syst. 1. p. 480. Link enum. 1. p. 60. Spreng. syst. 1. p. 159. tw t.
hort. brit. p. 349. .
Statura I. pumilae. Radix bulbosus tunicatus. Flores magnitudine
I . persie» ochroleuci vel leucoph»! : tubo filiformi : petalis exterioribus
ovatis obtusis in medio crista rugosa luteá loco barb» : interioribus
minutis lanceolatis integerrimis trifidisve reflexo-patu-
lis; stigmatibus magnitudine fere petalorum majorum erectis;
laminis hyalinis obtusissimis retusis. D. Steven ex M. Bieb. loc,
Bulb tunicate, of the size and form of I .perrica, clothed
with thin membranaceous scales, and producing from the
base several large fleshy roots. leaves channelled, distichous
or fan-shaped, lanceolate, falcate, conduplicate,
taper-pointed, glaucous on the outside and green within,
longitudinally striated with white lines, also margined with
white. Scape shorter than the leaves, generally 2-flowered.
Spathe inflated, striate. Flowers straw-coloured: /«¿»e
slender: m te r segments ovate, obtuse, marked with a
rugged yellow crest, but not bearded: inner segments
small, lanceolate, acute, undulate, slender at the base, reflexed
or bent downwards. Stamens 3. Ovarium nearly
cylindrical. Stigmas 3, large, erect, about the size of the
largest segments, very broad at the end, transparent, bluntly
rounded and retuse.
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