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MUSCÀRI pállens.
Pale Muscari.
N a tu r a l Order. A s p h o d e l e æ . Brown prodr. 214.
MUSCARL Supra fol. 15.
M. paZZ««s, foliis linearibus acutis glaucis glaberrimis, racemo
stricto pyramidato, perianthiis congestis inflato-cylmdricis : fauce
MuLari pallens. Fiscli. catal. gorenk. 1812. p. 9. Lin k . enum. 1.
p. S3l . Spreng. syst. 2. p . 66. Swt. hort. b r it. p. 4Ì9.
Hyacinthus pallens. Marsch. Bieb. taur. cauc. 1. p. 2 8 3 .-3 . p. 273.
Root bulbous, readily increasing by its offsets. Leaves
several, quite smooth, glaucescent, linear, acute, channelled
on the inner side, striated at the back with numerous longitudinal
lines, at first erect, but as they lengthen out becom-
in» more or less bent by their weight. Scapes erect, smooth
and »lossy, more or less tinged with red or purple, particularly
on those with the bluest flowers, terminated with a short pyramidal
raceme of flowers, very much crowded or squeezed
together. Flowers nodding, very pale blue, or white tinged
with blue, exceedingly fragrant. Bractes scalelike
white, 2 or 3 at the base of the pedicle. Pedicles very
short white or pale blue. Perianthium tubular, nearly cylindrical,
but a little inflated, the mouth spreading widely
open, not nearly closed as in M. botryoides : slightly divided
into six short, broadish, rounded segments,,at the
mouth, that are a little reflexed. Stamens 6, inserted in the
tube ; filaments short, smooth, slender towards the point,
and inserted into the back of the anthers : aw/fters purple,
two-lobed. Ovarium three-sided, glaucescent. Style short,
smooth. Stigma a simple blunt point. r oe •
A very pretty spring-flowering bulb, native ot lauria
and Caucasus, and flowering in our borders in April and
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