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VERBÉNA pulchella.
Pretty Vervain.
Natural Order. V e e b e n a c e®. Brown p ro d r .l. p. 510.
V E R B E N A . Supra fol. 202.
V vulchella, caule adscendente ramoso : ramis erectis hirsuto-pubes-
'centibus, foliis 3-partito-pinnatifidis hirsutis; segments pinnata-
fido-incisis integerrimisve lineari-lanceolatis obtusiusculis, corymbo
terminal!: ante anthesin cap itate ; post anthesin spicato, calycibus
Stem herbaceous, or suffruticose a t the base, spreading,
very much b ran ch ed : branches opposite, erect,
slightly quadrangular, pubescent, with a few longish
spreading hairs scattered amongst th e short pubescence.
Leaves opposite, attenuated a t the base into a sort of
footstalk, triiid or pinnatifid, some of the lower ones
bipinnatifid, spreading, hairy, the hairs decumbent, oi
a dark glossy g re e n ; segments more or less divided, or
the upper ones entire, linearly lanceolate, bluntish,
furrowed on th e upper s id e : bottom ones on the lower
leaves pinnatifid. Plowers of a bright lilac, terminating
the branches in a close, spreading corymb when m
bloom; before flowering forming a close h e ad ; and
lengthening out to a long spike after bloom. Bractes
broadly lanceolate, taper-pointed, hollow a t the base.
Calyx very long, tubular, bluntly 5-angular and membranaceous
between the angles, 5-toothed, clothed with
a close short hoary pubescence; teeth subulate, u n equal,
upper ones shortest. Corolla funnel-form, tubular
: limb 5-cleft, th e segments u n e q u a l; the two upper
ones narrowest and longest, joined a good way up, ligu-
late, notched a t the e n d ; 3 lower ones nearly obcordate
with a deep notch in their ends; tube slender,
bearded in the mouth, where the stamens are inserted.
Stamens 4 : two inserted about the middle oi the tube :