OPHRYS lutea.
Yellow-flowered Ophrys.
Nnlvral Order. ORCHIDEA:. Brown prodr. i. p. 19b.
Sect I Mo n a n d r a ;. Anthera adnata, subterminalis persis
P o S L S e lobulisangnlatiselasticc cobmrent.bus: basiaffixm.
dula pollinis cucullis distinctis indusse. Brown.
O lutea scapo folioso, foliis ovatis glabris utrinque lincatis, labello
Sprcng. syst. veg. S. p. 701. Mans. s. 3. p. 595. 1.12. j . 15.
Orchis myodes lutea lusitanica. Breyn. ccnt.lo.
Root of two oblong bulbs. Leaves sessile ovate, acute,
the Doint slightly hooked inward, longitudinally lined with
Lmerouslinis on each side, of a bright green, smooth, and
olossy. Scape leafy, smooth, cylindrical. Spike terminal.
Bractes broadly lanceolate, bluntish, concave, about the
length of the germen when m flower. Perianthium of
5 leaflets; the 3 outer onesovately oblong, blunt, concave
margins slightly revolute, the back one rounded and arched
over all of a yellowish green colour: 2 inner ones ligulate,
erect yellow. Labellum large, hollow at the mouth, trifld
Ae margins smooth, entire, but slightly uneven, of a b r^ht
Yellow the disk or centre of a dark velvet, with a lighter
obloim mark on each side, clothed with a short thick down,
side lobes broad, rounded; middle one obcordate Column
erect obtusely rounded. Pollen masses pedicled, inclosed
in a hood, each seated on a gland, yellow.
For the opportunity of giving a figure of this rare and
beautiful plant, we are obliged to H. B. Ker, Esq., m whose
S e c t io n it flowered this Spring; the bulb was given him
by W Atkinson, Esq. who received it from Gibraltar; and
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