RJi.fy.RTwt’Ai Dm2827
PHLOX reflexa.
Reflexed-leaved Lychnidea.
Natural Order. P o l em o n ia c e a :. D. Don. obs. on Polem.p. 4.
P H LO X . Supra fol. 29 et 190.
P . reflexa, caule pubescente scabro maculato, foliis reflexis glabris
supra nitidis : inferioribus angusto-lanceolatis : superioribus cor-
datis acutis, floribus congesto-paniculatis : ramulis multifloris,
dentibus calycinis lanceolatis mucronatis patentibns, tubo coroll®
glabro curvato ; limbi laciniis rotundato-obovatis basi imbricatis.
Phlox reflexa. Hortulanorum.
Perennial. Stems erect, from two to three feet high,
bluntly quadrangular, clothed with a short rough pubescence,
of a pale green, spotted with dark purple. Leaves
opposite, nearly sessile, very much reflexed, very smooth,
and of a dark glossy green on the upper side, and pale underneath,
the nerves also smooth, but the margins a little
roughish : lower ones narrowly or linearly lanceolate, acute;
the upper ones short, broadly cordate, and taper-pointed:
upper ones sometimes opposite, and sometimes alternate.
Flowers in a close crowded panicle, very sweet-scented,
dark purple; the flowering branches many flowered, and
more or less divided. Bractes lanceolate, mucronate, rough
at the margins. Pedicles short, slender, roughly pubescent.
Calyx shortly tubular, smooth, 5-angular, 5-toothed, more
or less tinged with purple: teeth lanceolate, with membranaceous
margins, mucronate, keeled. Corolla smooth and
glossy: tube dark purple, curved, striate, smooth: limb
5-cleft, spreading: the lacinias roundly obovate, imbricate
at the base, the points distinct, dark purple, lighter at the
base, where each is marked with a dark purple spot, which
gives a radiate appearance. Stamens 5, inserted in different
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