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ORCHIS longicornu.
Long flat-spurred Orchis.
Natural Order. O r c h id e a . Brown prodr. 309.
Sect. I . M o n a n d r a . Anthera adnata subterminalis persistens.
Pollinis massa: e lobulis angulatis elastice cohserentibus ; basi affix».
Brown Hort. Kew, ed, 2. v. 5. p. 188.
O R CH IS . S u p ra fol. 65.
* Radice tuberosa indivisa.—f t Cahello diviso.
o. lonqicornu, labello lato trilobo : lobis la teralibus rotundatis ; medio
minore subretuso, perianthii laciniis conniventibus obtusis,
cornu adscendente elongato spatbulato compresso, bracteis acutis
ovario brevioribus. _
Orchis longicornu. Poiret itin. 2. p. 247. Desf. atl. 2. p. 317.
t. 246. Willden. sp. pl. ». 4. p. 19. Pers. syn. 2. p. 503. Lamarck
encycl. 4. p. 591. Botan. regist. 202.
Orchis longicornis. Smith prodr. flor, greec. v. 2. p. 212. turns
Botan. magaz. 1944.
Root composed of two oval fleshy tuhers, above which
are produced a few spreading fleshy fibres. Leaves several,
spreading, lanceolate, bluntish, but terminating in a short
point, keeled and striate at the back, and channelled on
the upper side, smooth, of a bright glossy palish green colour.
Stem from a span to nine inches in height, leafy at
the base, the leaves sheathing the stem, smooth, and more
or less purple. Flowers from 6 to 10, varying a little m
colour, very handsome. Bractes lanceolately linear, acute,
shorter than the ovarium, which it sheaths at the base, of a
thin texture, and of a pale purple colour. Ovarium twisted,
angular, purple. Perianthium of 5 leaflets, connivent,
and forming an arch, obtuse, lilac or pale purple ; the three
outer ones double the breadth of the inner ones, oblong,
concave inwards: the inner ones spatulately linear. La-
hellum large and spreading, three-lobed: the side lobes
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