PHLOX canadensis.
Blue Canadian Lychnidea.
Natural Order. PoLEMONiACEiE. D. Don obs. on Polemou. p.4.
PH LO X . Supra fol. 2» et 190.
P . canadensis, caulibus eroctis subpubescentibus, foliis inferioribus
ovatis : superioribus lato-lancoolatis oppositis alternisquc, ranui-
lis pubescentibus paucilloris compactis, calycibus aubulato-linear-
ibus, coroll® laciniis lato-obcordatis ; tubo subcurvato ailscon-
dento calyce sesquilongiore.
Plant growing in a thick tuft, producing a great many
branches: branches erect, glossy, green or tinged with purple,
more or less spotted. Leaves sessile, nearly smooth,
or very slightly pubescent, the margins slightly fringed, and
the nerves underneath clothed with short recurved hairs :
lower ones and those on the sterile shoots ovate, acute, attenuated
towards the base; those on the flower stems sometimes
opposite and sometimes alternate, broadly lanceolate
or oblong, broad at the base, upper ones gradually narrower
and more pointed. Flowe/rs blue, tinged with lilac, lightest
towards the base, in a terminal few-flowered panicle, the
stems of which are densely clothed with short hairs that
are terminated with minute glands. Pedicles short, thickening
towards the calyx. Calyx 5-cleft, densely clothed
with glandular hairs, the lacinite subulately linear, erect,
or a little spreading at the points. Corolla tubular, with a
5-cleft, spreading limb: tube slender, straight, or a little
curved and ascending, striated, about half as long again as
the calyx: lacinice of the limb broadly obcordate, about
half the length of P. divaricata, and much broader. Stamens
5, inserted in different parts of the tube, and included
: Jilaments very short: pollen bright yellow. Ova-