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(ENOTHERA roseo-álba.
Rose and White (Enothera-
Natural Order. O n a g r a R IA . DC. prodr. 9. p. 95.
(E N O TH E R A . Supra fol. 5 et 133.
Sect I I O n a g r A. Stigma quadrifidum. Anthera oblongo-li-
nearesbasi ssepè emarginat®. Fructm oblongus cylindrico-tetrago-
nus, valvis linearibus. DC. prodr. 9. p. 46.
CE roseo-alha, canescens, foliis petiolatis ovato-oblongis obtusiuscu-
lis denticulatis, petalis roseo-albis crenatis medio rubro-macula-
tis capsulis elongatis cylindrico-tetragonis pubescentibus.
(Enothera roseo-alba. Bern, in sched. hort. Erford \6 2 4 .R e fie n h .
hort. bot. 1. p. 34. t. 47. ex DC. prodr. 3. p. 48. n. 29. Spreng.
syst. 2. V. 4. par. 2. p. 150.
Annual, erect, canescent, branching: branches erect,
clothed with a short canescent pubescence, as are the leaves,
ovariums, and calyx. Leaves petiolate, rather succulent,
ovately oblong, bluntish at the point, slightly toothed here
and there with very small teeth, or sometimes quite entire,
attenuated towards the base, pennately veined, the veins
rather inconspicuous. Petioles slightly winged, which
causes a slight channel on the upper side, convex below,
clothed with a short pubescence. Flowers axillary, the
leaf sometimes growing on the short pedicle at the bottom
of the ovarium, white tinged with blush, marked at the
base with rose colour. Ovarium unequal in length, those
on the lower part of the stem much longer than the upper
ones, shortly pedicellate, nearly cylindrical, bluntly four-
sided and four-furrowed. Calyx of 4 sepals connected
into a short tube at the base, the hmb divided into four,
that are sometimes connected by two’s at the point, sometimes
altogether, and others are all distinct ; sepals lanceolate,
acute, broadest at the base, concave on the upper side,
all reflexed or bending downwards when the flower is expanded,
tubular and 4-angular before expansion. Petals 4,