NOCCA latifolia.
Broad leaved Nocca.
Natural Order. C o m p o s it a ;. Adansonfam. 2. 103.
Subordo I I I . CakduACEAS.—TriOus IV . Echinopside®. Kth.
synops. 2. p. 364.
NOCCA. Flores capitato-congesti, bracteati. Involucrum mono-
pbyllum, tubulosum, uniflorum; limbo diviso. Flosculus solitarius,
tubulosus, liermapbroditus. Anthera: basi bidentat®. Aketda magis
miiuisvo compressa, coronata nrccolo minuto fimbriato aut laciniato.
Receptaculum alveolato-ciliatura.
N. latifolia, caule fruticosa, foliis sessilibus amplexicaulibus oblon-
gis acuminatis triplinerviis serrulatis integerrimisve supra basim
ampliatis supra scabris ; subtus mollissime pilosis, capitulis corimboso
Nocca latifolia. Cervantes Mss. in herb. Lamb. Swt. hort. brit. p. 219.
P aulii de la Llave et Joannis Lexarza Novorum vegctabilium de-
scriptiones in lucem prodeunt opera. Reip. Mexic. CIV. fase. l.yj.Sl.
A tall strong-groM’ing, upright, soft-wooded shrub: branches
furrowed or striate, thickly clothed with a short white pubescence,
the upper parts with long spreading villous hairs.
Leaves opposite, sessile, more or less clasping the stem at
the base, oblong or elliptical, taper-pointed, triplinerved, attenuated
towards the base, and entire; the upper part on
the large leaves serrulate, the small ones quite entire, the
upper side and margins rough, and clothed with short hairs,
underneath very soft, feeling like velvet, clothed with short
soft woolly hairs, strongly nerved, and reticulately veined.
Flowers white, numerous, fragrant, in terminal corymbosely
panicled heads. Bractes 6 to 8, surrounding the head of
flowers, leaflike, unequal in size, elliptically lanceolate, acute,
rough, clothed with short hairs, and fringed with hairs that
are tipped with smalltransparentglands. lieceptacle slightly
honey-combed, fringed with short hairs. Involucre oneleaved,
tubular, one-flowered, thickly clothed with long soft
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