¿03. 205
PULSATILLA vernalis.
Spring Pasque-flower.
Natural Order. R a n ü n c u la c e íe . D C .s y s t.l.p . \21.
Tribus I I . A N EM O N EM . iEstivatio calycis et corollée imbri-
cata ; pétala nulla aut 5-6 plana ; anthera; lineares extrorsap ; peri-
carpia monosperma indehiscentia caudata aut ecaudata, sicca aut
rarius carnosa ; semen intra pericarpium pendulum, embryone minimo
in fructu supero.—Cdu/cs herbacei nunquam scandentes; folia
nunc radicalia nunc caulina alterna; radices grumosce autfascicu-
latce. DC. syst. 1. p. 168.
P U L S A T IL L A . Involucrum tñíoViwm a flore distans. Calyx 5-6-
sepalus petaloideus, Gianduia stipitata; nectariferae ad basin sepa-
lorum. Pétala 0. Stamina numerosa. Cariopsides numerosa; monosperma
in caudam longam barbatamque elongata;.-—Folia radicalia
scepiùs pinnati-secta, segmentis multifidis, lobis linearibus cu-
neatisve ; flores scepiùs purpurei y. albi.
P . vernalis, foliis pinnati-sectis ; segmentis cuneato-lanceolatis tri-
fidis glabriusculis, flore erecto, involucro villosissimo, sepalis
6 rectis elliptico-oblongis. DC. syst. veg. 1. p. 189. Prodr. X.p. 16.
Pulsatilla vernalis. Mill. diet. n. 3. Willden. enum. 2. p. 581. Link
enum. 2. p. 88. Spreng, syst. 2. p. 664. Swt. hort. brit. p. 3,
Anemone vernalis. Linn. sp. 759. Fior. dan. t. 29- Willden. sp. pl. 2.
p. 1273. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 3. p. 337. Pers. syn. 2. p. 96.
A hardy perennial, tufted, herbaceous plant. Leaves
crowded in a close tuft, pinnate, pubescent, and fringed
when young, but becoming nearly smooth by age : leaflets
generally 2 pair besides the terminal one, trifid; segments
wedge-shaped or lanceolate, and generally toothed with
bluntish rounded teeth. Petioles densely clothed with
spreading villous white hairs. Scape thick, erect, thickly
clothed with long villous white hairs, which incline downwards.
Involucre of three sessile leaflets, connected at the
base ; leaflets palmately spreading, the segments narrowly
linear, acute, and densely clothed with long shaggy hairs,
of a yellowish tint. Sepals 6, the three outer ones narrowest,
elliptic, of a light blue on the outside, and white within:
inner ones obovate or oblong, bluntly rounded, lighter out-
J-a i k¡:rW.r-:;¡S27.