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Mullein-leaved Lobelia.
Natural Order. L o b e l i a c e æ . Juss.ann.mus.W. p . ï .
L O B E L IA . Calyx sæpissime ovario adnatus; limbo libero, quin-
quepartito. CoroZZa tubulosa; tubo integro aut dorso longitudinaliter
fisso; limbo 5-partito, subbilabiato. Stamina 5. Antheroe connata;.
Stiqma bilobum aut indivisum. Capsula semisupera, bi-ranus trilocularis,
apice loculicido-bivalvis. SemitM creberrima.—Herbæ, frútices
aut arbores, soepius lactescentia. Folia alterna, integra aut laciniata,
rarissime fistulosa. Flores terminales spicati, aut axillares solitarii,
pedicellis bibracteatis aut nudis. Corollæ alboe, coeruleoe aut rubræ.
Niúhetie soepius barbatæ. Kth. synops. 2. p. 339.
Sect. III. Herbaceoe, erectoe aut procumbentes; floi'ibus termmalibus
spicatis, rarius axillaribus solitariis; tubo corollæ dorso longitudinaliter
L Tupa, caule erecto 5-angulato, foliis oblongis acutis denticulatis
'subtus tomentoso-pubescentibus penninerviis reticulato-venosis sessilibus
decurrentibus, racemo terminali elongato, pedicellis bracteassubmquantibus,
floribus pubescentibus. d
Lobelia Tupa. Lmn. sp. p l .\3 \8 . Willden. s p .p l \ . p f i5 8 Pers
syn » 2 1 1 . Lam. encycl. bot. S. p, Rcem. et Schult. syst. ó.
p. 38.' Spreng. syst. 1. p. 710. Botan, magaz. 2550.
Rapuntium spicatum foliis acutis, vulgo Tupa. Feuill. peí u v .2 .p . 739.
t. 29.
Perennial, somewhat frutescent a t the base. Stems
hollow, simple, erect, these from which our drawing
was made, were 8 feet from the ground to the top, arid
would have been considerably higher, as they w ere still
lengthening out ; well clothed with leaves ; 5-angular,
the angles occasioned by the leaves being decurrent
down the stem, so th a t it has five flat sides between the
angles, thickly clothed with a short dense woolly pu bescence.
Leaves sessile, clasping the stem a little at
the base, and decurrent down it on each side ; oblong,
acute, denticulate or toothed a t the edges with numerous
very small short teeth, penninerved, and reticulately
veined, clothed with a thin woolly pubescence
on the under side, and the upper side with numerous
very short hairs : lower ones ovately oblong, the upper