the other two just within the mouth, the filaments extending
beyond the anthers, and terminated in a dark
club-shaped point, the anthers attached by their back.
Ovarium smooth and glossy. Style smooth, slender.
Stigma top-shaped, beaked on one side.
Our drawing of this pretty species, was taken from
specimens kindly sent to us by Messrs. C. J. and P .
Young, from their choice collection of hardy plants at
the Epsom Nursery; they inform us that the plant was
sent to them by a friend, who raised it from seed that
he had received from Buenos Ayres. It appears from
Sprengel’s description of V. dissecta to be nearly related
to that species, a native of Chile; but th a tis described
as an upright plant, besides other slight differences, and
from his short description it is not easy to determine the
plant he means; and as we have been informed that
there are numerous species of this tribe, natives of the
same country, we are inclined to believe the present to
be distinct from h is; it belongs to the same division of
the genus as V. Aubletia and V. Lamberti, and several
others of the most beautiful species, and will prove a
very ornamental plant, as its flowers are produced in
succession all tire Summer and till late in Autumn,
thriving well in a rich light soil of the flower-borders,
but will require a little covering in severe frost; or some
young plants may be grown in pots in the frames or
greenhouse, and be planted into the borders in Spring;
young cuttings, planted in a shady situation, will root
readily; and it may also be increased by seeds, which
should be sown in April or May.
Verbena was a name applied by the ancients to all
sacred leaves, and other sweet herbs used to adorn the
altars, and was also used for the herb vervain (Verbena
officinalis), a plant formerly, and very deservedly, much
noted in medicine. According to De Theis, it is an
alteration of ferfaen, the Celtic name of the plant.
1. The long tubular Calyx. 2. Tube o f the Corolla split open, shovring the insertion
o f the four Stamens. 3 Ovarium terminated by the Style and top-shaped