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GÈUM Quéllyon.
Chile Avens.
Naturai Order. Ros ACE®. DC. prodr. 2. p.
Tribus V. DRYADEM. Calyx 5-fidus (rariùs 4-fidus aut pluri-
divisus), per sestivationem valvatus, sa'pè extùs bracteolas lobulosve
exteriores lobis alternos gerens. Petala tot quot cal. lobi yen et iis
alterna. Stamina numerosa, rariùs 5 et tunc lobis cal. opposita, apice
tubi calvcini expansi inserta. Carpella plurima, rariùs panca congesta
, toro inserta, inter se et à calyce libera, et latere prope apicem sty-
lifera. S tyli introrsùm sulco-notati in stigma obliquum expanse A/ie-
nia uniovulata omninò libera, exsucca aut baccata. Semen solitarium
erectum aut inversum, exalbuminosum. Eml»-yo rectus, cotyledones
plaiiiusculis.—Herbm aut frútices ; foliis srepim compositts, stipulis
2 lateraliter petiolo adnatis. DC. prodr. 2. p. 549. ,
G EUM . Calyx tubus concavus, limbus 5-fidus extùs 5-bracteo-
latus. Petala 5. Stamina plurima. CarpeZ/a exsucca caudata in
capitulum disposita. Stylo post anthesin articulate. Semen adscen-
dens.—Herbm, foliis varié pinnatisectis. DC. prodr. 2. p. 550.
Sect. I. C a r y o p h y l l a s t r u m . Flores adscendentes. Calyces
reflexi. Styli deflexi geniculati. Appendices plerumque stylo bre-
G . Quellyon, foliis caulinis superioribus trilobis ; inferioribus lyratis.
radicalibus lyrato-interrupte-pinnatis ; folíolo termmali maxirao
bullato-rugoso cordato-reniformi crenato : lateralibus inæqualibus
subrotundis dentatis, caule erecto, floribus erectis paniculato-ra-
Carvonhillata foliis alatis, flore ampio coccíneo, vulgo Qiiellgon.
 n ill. per. et chil. 1709-10-11. p . 736. t. 27.
Geum chiloense. Balbis ex DC. prodr.2. p. 55\.
Geum coccineum. Un d l. Bot. reg. 1088. excl. synon. Flor. groec.
Perennial, growing in a close crowded tuft, producing
many short branches from the base, th a t are thickly
clothed with leaves. Leaves clothed with numerous stiff
hairs on both sides, of a dark green colour on the up per
side and lighter underneath ; lower ones about a
foot in length, lyrate, and interruptedly pinnate ; te rminal
leaflet very large, rugged, or blistered, cordate,
or kidney-shaped, slightly 5 or 7-lobed, and notched
round the edges with numerous broad shallow notches,
s tr o n g ly nerved with numerous nerves underneath, th a t
branch all over the leaflet; side leaflets numerous, very
unequal in size, the different sorts intermixed, some of
them on short footstalks, others sessile, generally un equal
sided or oblique near th e base, more or less round