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(ENOTHERA taraxacifolia.
Dandelion-leaved (Enothera.
Natural Order. Onagrari®. DC. prodr. 3. p. 35.
(E N O TH E R A . Supra fol. 5 et 133.
Sect. III. CEnotherium. Stigma quadrifidum. Anthene oblong
®. Eructas obovato-clavatus ssepè octo-costatus ; valvis obova-
tus. DC. prodr. 3. p. 49.
Qi. taraxacifolia, caule ramoso elongato procumbente, foliis alternis
interruptè pinnatifidis sinuato-dentatis apice integerrimis pubescentibus,
tubo floreque longissimo, petalis maximis obovatis integris
5-nerviis, antberis stigmatibusque corollá brevioribus, capsulis sessilibus
obovatis tetragono-alatis basi cylindrico-attenuatis pubescentibus.
Qínotbera taraxacifolia. Hortulanorum.
Qinotbera grandiflora. R u iz et Pav. f l . per. 5. t. 318. f . 6. nec aliorum.
Qínotbera acaulis (3 major. Seringe in DC. prodr. 3. p . 40.
Root perennial. Stems numerous, branching from the
base, trailing on the ground, and extended to a great
length,sometimes above 2 feet long, of a reddish purple
colour, thickly clothed with a short woolly pubescence,
and longer hairs intermixed. Leaves alternate, the lower
ones about a foot in length, becoming shorter and smaller
upwards, interruptedly pinnatifid, undulate, pubescent,
b u t m uch less so than in 05. acaulis ; the segments
very unequal in size, large and small irregularly in termixed,
lanceolate, or linear, some slightly toothed with
small teeth, others entire ; terminal one large and elongated,
more or less sinuate, or toothed downwards, then
becoming denticulate and ending in an entire acute
mint. Petioles flattened on the upper side and rounded
mlow, pubescent, more or less tinged with purple. Plowers
axillary, sessile, very large, w hite when first expanded,
afterwards changing to a delicate pink, or blush.
Calyx superior, tubular, the tube the longest in the genus,
those from the flowers a t the bottom of the stem
being nearly a foot in length, the upper ones becoming
gradually shorter, 4-sided, pubescent, of a red purple,
the angles green, inflated a little below the limb, and of
a lighter colour : limb 4 -cleft, the segments lanceolate,
tapering to a subulate point, generally connected above
the middle, bu t sometimes distinct, thickly clothed with
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