VIOLA pubescens.
Downy Violet.
Natural Order. VIOLARLE. DC. prodr. 1. p. 287.
VIOLA. Supra fol. 69.
Sect. I I I . C hAM M LAN IUM . Siijfrno spli®roideo-capitatum,utnn-
que fasciculis pilorum onustuni, foraniiiinlo minuto sublaterali. Stylus
compresso-clavatus. Stamina oblonga approximata. Torus pla-
niusculus. Capsula s®pè trigona. Folia seminalia s®piùs subrotunda.
PcZaZa 2 lingue barbata. DC. p ro d r .l. p.SOO.
V. pubescens, caulibus simplicibus erectis v. subprocnmbentibus angulatis
superne villosis, foliis lato-cordatis acuminatis obtuse ser-
ratis pubescentibus, stipulis ovatis oblongisve subserratis, sepalis
lanceolatis acutis patentibns ; calcare brevissimo subsaccato, capsula
Viola pubescens. Nutt. gcn. amer. 1. p . 150. DC. prodr. l .p . 301.
Slot. hort. brit. p. 37.
Perennial. Stems several from the same root, not
branched, erect or sometimes procumbent, angular, smooth
on the lower part, the upper part clothed with spreading
villous hairs. Leaves broadly cordate, rather bluntly acuminate,
bluntly serrate, the teeth curved inwards, more or
less pubescent, strongly and numerously veined underneath,
the main ones springing from the base, and branching in
all directions. Petioles slightly winged, villosely pubescent.
Stipules broad, ovate or oblong, bluntish, the upper ones
acute, some entire, others slightly serrulate, pubescent.
Peduncles slender, furrowed, pubescent, with two small
bractes about the middle of each. Bractes one on each
side, ovate, obtuse, alternate or rarely opposite. Flowers
bright yellow, marked with dark stripes. Calyx of 5
spreading sepals, which are lanceolate, acute, pubescent,
with white membranaceous margins. Corolla of 5 petals,
iii I